Unify all heavens

Chapter 696 Fighting the Monkey King again! (end)

"You thief, are these stolen nectar, dragon liver, phoenix gallbladder, and dragon liver phoenix gallbladder delicious?"

The moment this sentence reached the ears of the Monkey King, he rolled around on the spot and took out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from his ear. When he stood up, the stick had been transformed into the size of a bowl. in hand.

Then he looked up and saw Li Qing riding a cloud over the Yaochi looking down at him.

At that moment, the Monkey King's heart trembled, and he shouted angrily: "Who stole it? I came in by invitation, Old Sun!"

While saying these words, he was thinking in his heart: "Oh no, why did I get bumped into by this guy! This guy's cultivation level is higher than that of Lao Sun. If you fight with him, it won't take three rounds for Lao Sun to decide." If he catches me, this disaster will be greater than the sky; if this guy catches Lao Sun in front of the Jade Emperor, his life will definitely be hard to survive!"

Thinking of this, his eyes rolled around and he began to think of ways to escape.

At this moment, after Li Qing heard what the Monkey King said, he immediately sneered and said: "Invitation? How come I don't know that the Yaochi Holy Association has also invited you, the Monkey King?"

Having said this, he stretched out his hand and said, "Where is your invitation? Take it out and let me see it!"

When the Monkey King heard this, he rolled his eyes and sneered: "Old Sun is the Monkey King who was personally consecrated by the Jade Emperor. The Palace of Monkey King is not far from Pantaoyuan. Do you think any god in heaven has this honor? Build a mansion outside the flat peach garden! With such an honor, why can’t you invite me to invite you? Did you know that all the flat peaches at this event were cultivated by me, and I came here in advance to see if the flat peaches picked by the seven fairies are of the best quality? , whether it is infested with insects and whether it is ripe, lest all kinds of gods and gods come here later and eat the peaches and get upset! In the end, I will be blamed for it!"

The more he spoke, the more enthusiastic he became, as if he was really here to inspect the peach.

When he finished speaking, he waved his Ruyi Golden Cudgel, pointed it at Li Qing in the clouds, glared and said sternly: "But you, Old Sun, I have never heard that the Pantao Holy Association would invite a zombie! "

When he finished speaking, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and he sneered: "You must want to trick Lao Sun into showing you the invitation, so that you can turn it into a fake invitation and get through!"

When he said this, he added: "If you leave immediately, Lao Sun will treat you as if you have never been here for the sake of showing me the way to become a disciple! If you don't listen to the dissuasion, don't blame me. Old Sun En will avenge you and bring you before the Jade Emperor for questioning!"

"Pah, pah, pah—"

After Li Qing listened to the perfect monkey king's long speech, he couldn't help but clapped his hands and clapped his hands, saying with a smile: "You, the thief monkey, are quite smart. If someone else were here today, you would definitely be deceived by you! "

After saying this, he slowly set up the clouds and said at the same time: "Do you think I don't know that you secretly ate peaches in the peach garden, and then turned into peaches and slept on the branch? I heard that this Peach Holy Association did not invite you to Qi Tian Great Sage, are you so angry that you ordered the seven fairies to stay in Pantaoyuan?"

He shook his head and sneered: "Sun Wukong, I know five thousand years in advance and five thousand years in hindsight. There are really few things in this world that can escape my calculation."

After saying that, he raised his hand, narrowed his eyes and said: "Are you taking the initiative to enter my sleeve, or do you need me to take action personally? You must know that if I take action, there is no guarantee that you will not break your bones or muscles. !”

When the Monkey King heard that Li Qing knew all this, he became angry and swung his golden cudgel at Li Qing without saying a word!

At the same time, the seven fairies underwent the Monkey King's immobilization surgery and were freed only after Zhou Tian. Then they each carried a flower basket and hurriedly called back to the Queen Mother. However, seeing the Queen Mother's ugly face, they turned pale and said, "Sorry Queen Mother, the Great Sage Qitian used magic to trap us, so we are late."

The Queen Mother immediately asked: "How many flat peaches have you picked?"

When the Seven Fairies heard this, they sobbed softly and said: "There are only two baskets of small peaches and three baskets of medium peaches. At the back, there are not half of the big peaches. I think the great sage stole them. When I was about to ask, the great sage came out unexpectedly. , attacked and beat him up, and asked who was hosting the banquet. After we told him what happened at the previous meeting, he stopped us and disappeared without a trace. Only now can we wake up and come back. "

The Queen Mother was furious when she heard this. She slapped the table in front of her and said angrily with a livid face: "That Monkey is so brave!"

After saying this, he immediately drove to see the Jade Emperor and explained everything.

When she finished speaking, another immortal official from Qitian Mansion kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty, Sun Dasheng did not obey the deacon. He has been traveling since yesterday and has not returned yet, and his whereabouts are unknown."

The Jade Emperor added to his doubts, and was about to call Shunfeng Er's clairvoyant to come. At this moment, he saw the Barefoot Immortal coming here with an ugly face. He leaned over and played: "I was ordered by the Queen Mother to attend the meeting yesterday. I met the Monkey King Qitian by chance. Yan Long Live has a purpose, and he invites his ministers to go to Tongming Hall to perform a ceremony before going to the meeting. He also invites his ministers to accompany him to inform the gods and Buddhas of all places. The ministers act according to his words, but they do not want to fill the sky with gods and Buddhas from all directions. The emperors all went to the Tongming Hall, but after waiting for a long time, there was no sign of His Majesty. When I returned to the outside of the Tongming Hall, I found that the long-lived dragon chariot and phoenix chariot were not there, and I came here to wait in a hurry." The Jade Emperor pretended to be shocked and said: "This guy is pretending to convey the decree. I'm trying to coax Xian Qing, so hurry up and picket the Lingguan to search for this guy's whereabouts!"

The Lingguan immediately received the order, went out of the palace to visit, and found out all the details in a short time. When he came to the Lingxiao Palace, he echoed: "Your Majesty, the one who disturbed the Heavenly Palace is the Great Sage Qitian." He also told all the past events.

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he was furious. He slapped the table in front of him and issued an edict: "I will send the four heavenly kings to coordinate with King Li and Prince Nezha to point out the twenty-eight constellations, the nine obsidian star officials, the twelve yuan chens, and the five directions to uncover the truth. The four levels of merit, the east and west stars, the north and south gods, the five mountains and four mountains, and the universal stars, a total of 100,000 heavenly soldiers, are here to capture the monster monkey!"

But at this moment, I saw a golden-armored god walking out of the palace, bending down to worship the Jade Emperor, and said: "Your Majesty, Lord Subduing Demon Lord wants to see you!"

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he was slightly startled. In an instant, he remembered that Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord was the direct disciple of Master Tongtian, and he immediately announced the decree: "Xuan!"

At the same time, he turned his head and looked down at Sanqing, wanting to ask.

After all, earlier, the saints had set a timetable for the journey to the west, but there was no such thing as this moment.

But all these three saint clones nodded to him, and then Lingbao Tianzun explained the matter to him in detail.

After hearing what Lingbao Tianzun said, the Jade Emperor nodded gently.

At this moment, Li Qing also stepped in.

After he entered the main hall, the immortals, Buddhas, gods, and emperors on both sides all focused their attention on him. The gods who intercepted the teachings responded with smiles, while the gods who explained the teachings snorted.

After Li Qing walked to the center of the hall, he bowed and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I saw the Monkey King stealing wine and food at Yaochi, so I captured him!"

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