Unify all heavens

Chapter 688: The official worship of Bi Ma is equal to the sky! (superior)

Earlier when Lingbao Tianzun ordered Li Qing to leave, Patriarch Hongyun said to him: "Little friend, I left something for you in that coffin. You might as well put it in the coffin during this hundred years." Check it out! But please remember, this thing is of great importance and must not be seen by anyone!"

Therefore, after Li Qing returned to the cave, he called the dark and purple-colored Netherworld Blood Coffin out of the void, pushed open the coffin lid, and jumped in.

At the same time, the Monkey King also broke into the Yin Division Hall, causing King Yama to "hurriedly" invite the other nine kings.

This netherworld underworld is governed by the ten underworld kings, King Guang of Qin, King Chujiang, King Song, King Weiguan, King Yama, King Pingping, King Taishan, King City, King Biancheng, and King Zhuanlun. When they gather together, they are The Yin Emperor of Hades, whose status is not inferior to that of the Jade Emperor!

At this time, the ten kings gathered together, and their magic power was almost as strong as that of the Jade Emperor!

But they were trembling in front of the Monkey King, until this mere immortal broke into the Yinsi Hall.

In fact, there are many beings in the underworld who can suppress the Monkey King without any harm, such as the top ten evil men!

They can each use their own strengths, each lead his own troops, each punishes his evil, and each repays his merits. No matter how capable the evil-doing ghosts are, even if they can go to heaven or enter the earth, they can't escape their hands.

The Monkey King at this moment is the body of the soul.

Without the instructions from the saint, the Monkey King would not even be able to enter the gate of hell, let alone break into the hall of the underworld.

Because of this, the ten Hades at this moment all dressed up and bowed in front of the Monkey King, who was sitting with his legs crossed in the hall of the underworld.

Even if each of them has the strength to suppress the Monkey King instantly.

At this moment, the Monkey King's face was full of anger and he said: "Old Sun, I am the born saint Sun Wukong from Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain. Why was I detained here! What kind of official position do you have? Can you take care of this matter? If you can't, then you can. Call the person in charge to come see me!"

The ten kings immediately bowed and replied: "Your Majesty, we are the tenth king of Hades, the emperor of the underworld."

The Monkey King immediately sneered and said: "You have ascended to the throne, and you have telepathic manifestations and the like, so why don't you know what's good? My old grandson has cultivated immortality, lived as long as heaven, ascended beyond the three realms, jumped out of the five elements, why do you care about people? Arrest me?"

The ten kings immediately hurriedly said: "The Immortal, please calm down. The Immortal, please calm down. There are many people with the same name and surname in the world, or maybe the conspiracy is wrong?"

The Monkey King immediately stood up, waved the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand, pointed it directly at the ten Hades, and sneered: "Don't try to bully me. As the saying goes: 'Officials make mistakes, officials make mistakes, and people come with mistakes.'" I don’t believe that the underworld dared to seduce my soul without your orders, so go get the Book of Life and Death and show it to me!”

When the ten kings heard this, they called the judge to bring him the book of life and death.

The judge did not dare to neglect, so he went to the secretary's room, took out five or six books of documents and ten types of books, and looked at them one by one.

Naked worms, caterpillars, feather worms, insects, scales, etc., none of them have the name of monkey king. After seeing the monkey genus, I realized that this monkey king looks like a human, but does not belong to a human name; like a naked insect, it does not live in a country; it looks like an animal, but is not governed by a unicorn; it looks like a bird, but is not governed by a phoenix.

There was another book, which the Monkey King personally reviewed until he turned it over to the soul number one thousand three hundred and fifty and wrote Sun Wukong's name.

It is written above that "Sun Wukong is a natural born stone monkey. He should live to be 342 years old and die a good death."

The Monkey King was startled when he saw this, then turned his eyes and sneered, saying: "Old Sun, I don't even remember how long my life span is, I just forget about my name! Get the pen!"

When the judge heard this, he hurriedly held up his pen and came forward with a heavy brush of ink. The Monkey King took the book and ticked off all the monkeys and other famous ones!

Then he threw the book away and laughed loudly: "The account is settled! The account is settled! From now on, Old Sun will no longer be under your control!"

After saying that, he burst out of the Yinsi Hall with a big smile.

The ten Hades, who were originally covered in cold sweat and bowed motionless, stood up together, looked at each other and laughed after the Monkey King left.

Only the uninformed judge was looking at the messy book of life and death drawn by the Monkey King on the ground with trepidation.

After a while, the laughter stopped.

King Qin Guang then smiled at the other nine kings and said, "Now that it's over, I'll sue him in heaven!"

The other nine kings all laughed and waved their hands and said, "Go on your own, go on your own!"

After saying that, before King Qin Guang could speak, they all disappeared out of thin air!

King Qin Guang immediately shook his head, turned to look at the judge, and said, "Give me that book!"

The judge hurriedly picked up the book of life and death on the ground, held it in both hands and handed it to him.

After King Guang of Qin got the book, he no longer delayed and immediately flew to the place where Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sat.

When he was young, he received instructions from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and went to heaven.

At the same time, in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Ao Guang also set off to fly towards the heaven.

There are some things that only participants and those in high positions know.

Therefore, when the four heavenly kings guarding the Nantian Gate had just released Ao Guang and saw Queen Qin Guang, their faces were filled with surprise.

However, they did not stop King Qin Guang like they blocked Ao Guang. Instead, they all stepped forward to pay their respects, and then allowed King Qin Guang to go to the Lingxiao Palace.

At this moment, the Jade Emperor was sitting in the Lingxiao Hall of Jinque Cloud Palace, gathering the civil and military immortals for the morning meeting. Suddenly, an immortal god said: "Your Majesty, outside the Tongming Hall, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, came in to listen to the edict issued by the Heavenly Lord. "

The Jade Emperor immediately conveyed the order and Xuan Aoguang came in.

When Ao Guang heard the words outside the palace, he neatly dressed himself with a solemn face and went to worship His Highness Lingxiao.

After he straightened up, the fairy boy took the inscription from his hand and presented it to the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor looked at it from the beginning and said:

"The lower realm of Water Yuan, the little dragon in the East Shengzhou and the East China Sea, I am reporting to the Holy Lord of the Great Heaven, Xuan Qiong Gao Shenjun: The recent cause is that the demon immortal Sun Wukong lives in the water curtain hole of the Flower and Fruit Mountain, and bullies the little dragon and forcibly sits in the water house. Harvest weapons, cast spells and show power; wear clothes and harness fierce power. Shock the water tribe and frighten the turtles away. The dragons of the South Sea are trembling in battle; the dragons of the West Sea are pitiful; the dragons of the North Sea shrink their heads and surrender!"

"My minister Ao Guangshu bowed down. He presented the precious iron rod, the golden crown with phoenix wings, and the chainmail and walking shoes as gifts. He still practiced martial arts and showed his magical powers, but the cloud was noisy! Noisy! 'Sure enough, it is invincible and very difficult to control. I will start the memorial now and look at the Holy Judge. I beg the heavenly soldiers to capture this evildoer. I will envoy Haiyue Qingning and go to Yuan Antai. I will serve you."

After the Jade Emperor read it, he immediately issued a decree: "When the Dragon God returns to the sea, I will send generals to capture him."

Ao Guang nodded and thanked.

But at this moment, there was another immortal voice below: "Your Majesty, King Qin Guang of the Underworld has come forward with a message from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the leader of the Netherworld."

After that, it was rumored that the Jade Girl took the letter from King Qin Guang, who was dressed in black robes, and presented it to the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor also looked at it from the beginning and said:

"The realm of the netherworld is the underworld of the earth. There are gods in the sky and ghosts on the earth, and the yin and yang wheel rotates; birds are born and animals die, and the male and female are repeated. The transformation of life and transformation, the pregnancy of a woman into a man, this natural number cannot be changed. Today, Sun Wukong, the demon monkey born in Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain, shows off his violence and refuses to obey orders. He uses magical powers to defeat the ghosts of the Nine Netherworlds. He relies on his power to frighten and injure the ten generations of loving kings. He makes a big fuss in Luo Sen and forcibly sells off his name. As a result, the monkeys are free from restraint, and the animals of macaques have long lives; they are extinguished in reincarnation, and no one has life or death. The poor monks show their appearance and blaspheme the power of heaven. Fuqi dispatches the divine soldiers to subdue this demon, regulate the yin and yang, and make the underworld eternally peaceful. I would like to memorialize .”

After the Jade Emperor finished viewing, he immediately issued a decree: "As Lord Ming returns to the underworld, I will send generals to capture him." King Qin Guang also thanked him and left.

Due to the needs of the plot, I drew on the original text of Journey to the West and made up for it with chapters later. .

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