Unify all heavens

Chapter 676 The Monkey King pays his respects to Subhuti, and Li Qing visits Ma Tianjun

At this time, spring returns to summer solstice, and the weather is just right.

In a pavilion on the mountainside of Fangcun, many of Subhuti's disciples were gathering in groups after listening to a lecture not long ago, talking about the techniques they learned in class today.

Sun Wukong squatted on a stone pier, scratching his hands and listening to the discussions of those disciples.

At this moment, a young Taoist with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes looked at Sun Wukong with a smile and said: "Speaking of which, Junior Brother Wukong, I don’t know in which life you cultivated the fate method. Master whispered to you the day before yesterday and passed it on to you. Do you know how to avoid the three disasters and transform?"

When the Monkey King heard this, he smiled and said: "To be fair to my brothers, on the one hand, it was taught by my master, and on the other hand, it was me who worked hard day and night, and all those changes have been mastered."

The Taoist immediately smiled and said: "In that case, why not take advantage of this good opportunity to try a few changes and let me see for a long time!"

The Monkey King did not refuse upon hearing this. He straightened up and said, "Brothers, please come up with a question, and I will change it!"

When the young Taoist heard this, he started thinking hard. But at this moment, he saw the pine tree outside the pavilion, and immediately clapped his hands and said with a smile: "How about this, you become a pine tree!"

The Monkey King nodded when he heard the words, then held his hand and transformed into a green pine tree in the pavilion.

The real thing is: the gloomy smoke spreads throughout the four seasons, and the lofty clouds go straight up to show off their virginity. There is no demonic monkey at all, just frost-resistant and snow-resistant branches.

When everyone saw this, their eyes lit up and they all clapped and applauded.

Unknowingly, their voices alerted Patriarch Subhuti who happened to be passing by. This made the Patriarch frown and walk quickly from a distance.

After a while, he was walking outside the pavilion, stopped and asked: "Who is making such noise here!"

When everyone heard the call, they stood up in a hurry, straightened their clothes and moved forward. At the same time, the Monkey King also showed his true nature and said: "Your Majesty, we will speak here, and there will be no noise from outsiders."

Subhuti sneered when he heard the words, and then shouted angrily: "You are shouting and screaming, you are not like a practitioner! When a practitioner opens his mouth, his spirit is scattered, and his tongue moves, right and wrong. How can you shout here?"

When everyone saw that their ancestor was angry, they quickly bowed down. The young Taoist with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes said at this moment: "I dare not hide it from Master. Just now, Sun Wukong changed for us to see. I taught him to transform into a pine tree, and it turned out to be a pine tree. The disciples all I want to praise you and applaud you, so I raised my voice to frighten my respected master, hoping to forgive my sin."

When Subhuti heard this, his face turned cold, he waved his hands and said, "Just wait and leave!"

When Hua Luo saw that Sun Wukong was also about to leave with everyone, he shouted again: "Wukong, come here!"

After hearing this, the monkey king obediently came to Subhuti.

Subhuti immediately sneered and said: "I ask you, what kind of spirit do you want to change into a pine tree? Can you show off this magical power in front of others? If you see others have it, don't ask them? If others see you have it, they will definitely ask you. If you If you are afraid of disaster, you must tell him; if you don't tell him, you will be harmed. Your life is not guaranteed."

After hearing Subhuti's words, the Monkey King hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "I just hope Master will forgive me!"

Subhuti shook his head slowly and said coldly: "I don't blame you, but just go ahead!"

The Monkey King was shocked when he heard this, and said with red eyes: "Master, where should I go?"

Subhuti slowly raised his head, without looking at him, and looked at the clear sky, saying: "Wherever you come from, go back to where you came from!"

The Monkey King suddenly woke up after hearing this, and said in panic: "I came from the Water Curtain Cave in Guolai Guohuaguo Mountain from Dongsheng Shenzhou."

When Subhuti heard this, he waved his hands and said, "Then you go back to Huaguo Mountain!"

The Monkey King immediately knelt on the ground and choked with sobs: "I'm telling you, Master, I've been away from home for twenty years. Although I'm looking back on my children and grandchildren in the past, I still remember that Master's kindness has not been repaid, so I don't dare to go!"

Subhuti sneered, looked down at him, and said, "Where is the kindness? You just don't cause trouble and don't lead me!"

When the Monkey King heard this, he knew that Subhuti was determined to drive him away, so he had to bow to the ground and say goodbye.

But when he stood up and was about to leave, he heard Subhuti say in a cold voice: "If you go, you are bound to be bad. No matter how much you cause trouble and do evil, you are not allowed to say that you are my disciple. If you say even half a word, I will know it." , I will peel off the skin and file the bones of this hozen, banish your spirit to a secluded place, and teach you that you will never be able to stand up again!"

The Monkey King nodded heavily and said in a low mood: "I will never dare to mention the word master, just say that I know how to do it myself."

After that, he lifted himself up into the clouds and returned to Huaguo Mountain.

At the same time, Li Qing, led by his adjutant, had arrived at the Royal Horse Prison in a cloud.

Because Li Qing's spiritual image has been spread throughout the three realms, it is taught to the immortals and gods to remember it.

Therefore, before he stopped, the little fairy in front of the Royal Horse Prison hurriedly ran back and shouted: "Master Ma, Master Ma, the newly named Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord is here!"

When Ma Tianjun, who was looking at the immortal records in the Royal Horse Prison, heard this, he was surprised and said: "Suppressing the Demon Lord? What is he doing here?"

After saying that, he stood up and said: "You go to greet him first, I will be there later!"

After hearing this, the little immortal hurriedly ran out of the Royal Horse Prison.

When he came to the door, he happened to see Li Qing dispersing the clouds under his feet and walking towards him.

"Meet the Demon-Suppressing Lord!!!"

The little immortal immediately shouted and knelt at Li Qing's feet.

Li Qing had long been used to strange things, and he waved his hand casually and said: "Get up, let me ask you, is Ma Tianjun here?"

The little immortal immediately stood up, nodded and bowed and said: "You are there, Tianjun, please wait a moment, Lord Ma will be here soon!"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, a hearty laugh came from the door.

"I've heard about the name of the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord for a long time, but I just got to meet him today! Sure enough, it's better to meet him than to be famous, hahahaha!"

As the laughter subsided, a middle-aged general with a height of two feet and a majestic face walked out of the door and asked with a smile: "Why is Li Tianjun so free today to come to the Royal Horse Prison?"

Li Qing also clasped his fists and said with a smile: "I have heard about the reputation of Emperor Huaguang for a long time when I was in the lower realm, but unfortunately I have never been able to see him. I finally had some free time today, so I hurriedly came here to pay homage to the Emperor!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit told him earlier that these immortals with the highest cultivation level in the heavens do not belong to the Jiejiao religion, do not belong to the Chan religion, and do not listen to Western religions. They are the fourth force in the heavens, and they truly belong only to the heavens. of gods!

Among these gods was the Ma Tianjun in front of him.

Ma Tianjun has a high status in heaven, and his cultivation is also top-notch!

The Holy Mother of Jin Ling also said that if there was a real fight, ten Xian Sheng Erlang Zhenjun would not be able to defeat one Ma Tianjun!

Before Ma Tianjun became a god, he once made a big fuss in the underworld to save his mother. Even the ten gods of hell did not dare to compete with him, so he had to report it to heaven. Then the Jade Emperor saw that he was powerful, so he absolved his mother of his sins, summoned him to heaven, and made him a military marshal of the Ministry of Fire!

Unlike Marshal Tianpeng, he is the disciple of Taishang Laojun. He was named Marshal Tianpeng by the Jade Emperor because of his strong backing.

He truly relied on his strength to become the Marshal of the Ministry of Fire!

Then for some unknown reason, he descended to heaven and made a big fuss in the three realms. The real gods in heaven took action one by one and were defeated by him.

The Jade Emperor had no choice but to ask Emperor Zhenwu to surrender to him.

Because of his unparalleled fighting prowess, the Jade Emperor cherished his talent, so he did not punish him. Instead, he was granted the title of Huaguang Heavenly King, and later the Huaguang Emperor. At the same time, the Zhenwu Emperor took him away from the Jade Emperor and ordered him to die. He became one of the thirty-six heavenly generals and was awarded the title of Five-Hand Great Emperor!

This shows how powerful this Ma Tianjun is!

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