Unify all heavens

Chapter 672 The Netherworld Stick!

"Junior brother has good eyesight!"

When Mother Wudang saw that Li Qing actually recognized the red needle in her hand, she praised her.

She didn't know that Wen Zhong had already sent her to the ends of the earth to snatch this treasure for Li Qing. She only knew that he recognized it with his own eyesight.

So a thumbs up.

When she finished speaking, the kind smile on Madonna Wudang's face became even stronger, and she joked: "Junior brother, look at it again!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand and threw away the red needle in her palm.

At that moment, I saw that the red needle grew longer when it faced the wind. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a red stick four inches wide and eight feet long.

Although no one paid attention to him when he landed, he stood firmly on the ground, his whole body covered in blood and red light, like a blood jade.

The two ends are engraved with cloud patterns, and ghosts and gods are drawn in the middle.

Not knowing what was so special about this stick, Li Qing just glanced at it casually, but could no longer look away. I just felt a sudden surge of anger in my heart, and I was indescribably irritable.

At the same time, a strange cold air emerged from the soles of his feet and spread throughout his body in an instant.

Then, the world in front of him suddenly turned blood red.

At this moment, when the Holy Mother Wudang saw the breathtaking red light in Li Qing's eyes, she waved her sleeves to cover up the weirdness of the stick with her great magical power.

When the weirdness of the stick was covered up by the Wudang Virgin, the changes in Li Qing's body slowly retreated and disappeared.

"Junior brother, how about this stick?"

After seeing that Li Qing's expression had returned to its original state, Wudang Holy Mother smiled and asked.

Li Qing took a deep breath, couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, sighing: "The stick is good, but it's a little weirder than me!"

The Incompetent Mother laughed immediately.

When the laughter stopped, she blinked at Li Qing and said: "This stick was specially made for you by the leader. Of course it is a bit weirder than you. If not, how could you have noticed it?" ?”

Li Qing was shocked when he heard this and said in astonishment: "The leader refined it for me?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang nodded slightly, then looked at the stick standing on the ground not far away, and said: "The four sky-supporting pillars each have their own abilities. If they are transformed into sticks, one stick will support the sky and one stick will move the sea. One stick can level the mountain, and one stick can defile the world. This stick can defile the world. It was refined in the underworld of the underworld, so it is called the Netherworld Stick that defiles the world!"

When Li Qing nodded after hearing the words, Our Lady of Wudang smiled again and said: "This stick has many magical powers. Listen to me, it was originally used to support the tortoise's feet of the God of Heaven. It has been blessed with boundless merits and virtues. It is not stained by the filthy reputation of the world, but is as clear as one wishes. It's chilly. The two ends are engraved with nine clouds, and the resentment of ghosts and gods is hidden in the middle. Shangqing personally went to Huangquan to forge, and ordered all the immortals to work hard. The twenty-eight nights add divine power, and the four heavenly kings imbue the immortal power. The body follows the four seasons and eight sections, and it will not fall. Reincarnation shakes the gods. Be as big or small as you want, alarm the gods and make the heavens tremble. Swing up the dim clouds and dark stars, and the gods and demons will be timid when they fall. Raise the stick over the head to send thousands of immortals, and when it falls to the ground, it will startle the old dragon in the sea. Youyou will be chilled into the darkness. In the capital, the blood light is like a sea flooding the underworld. The Lord of Hell in the ten palaces has nowhere to hide, and the ghost emperors from all directions are wailing. There is no such stick in the world, and there are no such soldiers in the sky. The filth has polluted the world, and the coldness has condensed, standing tall against the sky and the earth for hundreds of millions of years. Rough Like the five mountains as thin as a needle, it can shake the sky and shatter the thunder. It rushes into the sky and destroys the heavenly palace. It goes down to the earth and crushes the Senluo palace. It is stronger than all the innate soldiers and overwhelms the weapon in Laojun's furnace. No one knows in the world, but it is natural in the stick. It hides the true spirit. The stick beats gods and demons, and turns bones into human flesh. I know that this stick is unparalleled in the world, and I hope you can achieve Daluo by holding it!"

When the Holy Mother said this with a smile on her face, she looked into Li Qing's eyes and said: "The leader asked me to tell you that the spiritual power of this stick will not be revealed until you become a Great Luo Immortal."

When she finished speaking, she gently waved her sleeves and slapped the stick standing not far away in front of Li Qing.

Li Qing subconsciously raised his hand to catch the stick, and a strange chill suddenly surged through his body from his palm.

He couldn't help but shiver, and he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

"As expected of 'Shangqing went to the underworld to forge in person', even I, as a zombie, can barely block the weird chill in this filthy ghost stick."

As soon as he thought about this, he put the stick on the ground with a bang, then clasped his hands in his fists and thanked the Wudang Goddess: "Thank you, senior sister, for the gift of the magic weapon!"

The Holy Mother Wudang nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Since you have obtained the divine weapon, please hand over the True Monarch Xian Sheng Erlang to me so that I can explain to the leader!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard the words, then called out the Netherworld Blood Coffin, then pushed open the coffin lid, reached down and fished out the unconscious Erlang Zhenjun.

At this moment, Erlang Shen was no longer as majestic as before, his face was as white as paper and his bones were like wood, and his goose yellow fairy clothes were worn loosely on his body.

It seems that the whole person has lost more than one circle of weight, and even the aura on his body is restrained and physical, and he no longer has the majesty before.

When the Holy Mother Wudang saw this, she shook her head and smiled bitterly, pointed at Li Qing with her finger, shook her head and said: "You, you, you"

After finishing his words, he added: "Fortunately, I am here today. If it had been one more night, the Xiansheng Erlang Zhenjun would have had to be rescued by the Yuqing Saint himself!"

While speaking, she had already taken out a golden elixir from her sleeve, and then flicked the elixir onto Zhenjun Erlang's pale face with a flick of her finger.

This elixir was indeed magical. The moment it landed on Erlang Zhenjun's face, soft golden light bloomed and penetrated Zhenjun Erlang's body.

At the same time, his body was snatched away from Li Qing's hands by a powerful but gentle force, and he was supported by golden light and slowly came to the front of the Holy Mother of Wudang.

Mother Wudang slowly raised her hand, spread her fingers and gently landed on Erlang Shen's face, then raised her head and glared at Li Qing, and said angrily: "Why don't you take off that black robe quickly? Do you still want to Are you going to let this True Lord Erlang fight with you?"

Li Qing smiled coquettishly, and quickly recited the mantra in his mind to take off his black robe.

At that moment, the black mist on his body was like a pitch-black flame, shaking and rising from his body, and then formed the original black robe a few inches above his head.

Li Qing was just about to reach out to grab the black robe, but Madonna Wudang waved the black robe away. At the same time, she rolled her eyes at Li Qing and said angrily: "Keeping this black robe will only be a disaster, but in the future Maybe it will come in handy, I’ll keep it for you!”

After saying that, she stuffed the black robe into her arms.

Then the five fingers placed on Erlang Zhenjun's face suddenly pressed down hard, and he yelled in that old voice: "Xian Sheng Zhenjun Erlang, when will you wait until you wake up now?"

As she finished speaking, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from Erlang Zhenjun's body!

This breath was like a strong wind, causing the clothes on the Wudang Virgin to tremble.

Scrape the ground three feet at the same time, scraping up a layer of land within a hundred meters.

However, this momentum erupted quickly and disappeared just as quickly.

Like an epiphyllum, it only appears for a moment and then disappears without a trace.

Then I saw Erlang Zhenjun's eyelids shaking slightly.

This is an extra chapter for the alliance leader’s birthday. . .

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