Unify all heavens

Chapter 670: To save Yang Jian, 50,000 heavenly soldiers came down to earth! (Down)

"Uncle Master has now taken away the young general Erlang and really let out a strong sigh of relief for me. The young general Erlang had already surrendered to Xiqi and made great contributions to Xiqi!"

"But these achievements were obtained at the cost of the lives of my disciples!"

"Therefore, when the four heavenly kings, General Shishu, informed us about the suppression of the young general Erlang, many of the Heavenly Lords looked up to the sky and laughed several times! They all clamored to come and drink with Master Shishu for three days!"

After hearing the message between Wen Zhong and Li Qing, his face couldn't help but reveal a look of joy, but he roared angrily: "What a demon, but he does have some abilities!"

When this roar came out from the surging thunder that enveloped the two of them, the heavenly soldiers and generals who were shouting above the clouds and mist all stopped shouting in unison, and instead started talking to each other in low voices.

"From what Lei Zun said, could it be that the battle with that evil demon was a draw?"

"It's absolutely impossible. What kind of person is Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun, and he can defeat that mere devil?"

After the Heavenly Soldiers started discussing, the Heavenly General beside them all scolded them with a cold face.

"Don't say too much, just keep watching. I don't know whether it will succeed or not yet!"

When the heavenly soldiers and generals finally calmed down, Wen Zhongze and Li Qing continued to talk.

I saw Wen Zhong bowing his hands to Li Qing with a smile on his face and saying: "It's almost time, and this disciple should be defeated. I hope my uncle will continue to shout like this. That young general Erlang only needs to stay in his uncle's hands for a while." In the future, there will be no truly great supernatural beings coming down from heaven. So don’t worry, Master. What’s more, the first reason for this matter is to save the face of the Chan Cult, and the second is to buy time for the Incompetent Mother Master.”

"When Uncle Wudang heard that Uncle Shi was going to exchange the Heaven Support Pillar for Erlang, he had already changed his makeup and went to the ends of the earth to get the Heaven Support Pillar for Uncle Master! He wanted to give this pillar to Uncle Master to serve as a A meeting gift!"

"As for the elders of Young General Erlang, uncle, there is no need to worry about them coming here. The leader has already sent other elders in the sect to find trouble for them, so they have no time to come here at the moment!"

When he said this, he carefully put his head in front of Li Qing and reminded softly: "From what the leader said, the disciple seems to want to use this matter to arrange a position for my uncle in the heaven!"

"So, when my uncle gets the chance to support the Tianzhu, he will give it up as soon as he is informed by his disciples!"

When Li Qing heard this, he chuckled and said: "I know, you can rest assured and go to heaven. However, you will leave your male and female whips in my custody for a few days. After this matter is over, I will return them to you." ! I will definitely have a few drinks with you at that time, and thank you for dispelling the thunder tribulation that day!"


Wen Zhong immediately laughed and nodded heavily, and handed the weapon in his hand to Li Qing. Then Mo Qilin lightly patted his crotch, and with a scream, the lightning flew backwards, broke through the clouds and mist, and hit the military tent of Li Jing, the King of Towers.

At the previous moment, the tower king Li Jing in the military tent was discussing tactics with the four kings.

Although he was very confident in Wen Zhong's methods, as a general, he had to consider a lot.

Therefore, although Wen Zhong was not defeated, Li Jing had already begun to think about the next thing.

And when they were discussing whether they should send all twenty-eight stars to fight if Wen Zhong was defeated, they heard a sudden roar above their heads.

Then Wen Zhong, who looked as if he had been smoked, hit the long table in front of Li Jing with a bang.

On the spot, the long table was smashed to pieces by the burly Wen Zhong.

When Li Jing, the King of Tota, was stunned and stunned on the spot, the four heavenly kings not far away all secretly praised in their hearts: "What a master Wen, he is indeed cunning and cunning. This time he directly hit Li Jing's army tent." , which can not only show defeat at the hands of Master Li Qing, but also take the opportunity to avoid Li Jing from having to fight in person!"

And when they thought of this, they saw Li Jing, the King of Tota, swallowing his saliva, staring with eyes wide open, and saying with disbelief: "Lei Zun, even you were defeated by that devil?"

Wen Zhong, who was about to stand up, had a gloomy expression on his face after hearing these words.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang, and a thunder suddenly struck at Li Jing's feet.

The sea of ​​clouds they were stepping on had already been turned into a piece of ground by the magical power that pointed to the ground as steel, so when the thunder struck the ground, it actually set off a few sparks. The Tota King was so startled that he took a few steps back, then twitched his eyes as he looked at the ground that was blackened by thunder and smoking.

At this time, Wen Zhongtie's face was livid, and he stared at Li Jing fiercely with his three eyes full of anger. When he saw that Li Jing was silent again, he snorted coldly, turned around and left the military tent angrily.

After Wen Zhong left, Li Jing, who had been expressionless and tense, relaxed, then took out a breath of turbid air, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Mo Liqing looked at his three brothers, and then said: "King Li Tian, ​​​​then I will go and notify the 28th Su!"

When Li Jing heard this, he waved his hands feebly and said with a bitter smile: "Lei Zun has been defeated, how can Twenty-Eight Sustained defeat the evil demon?"

Just when he finished saying this, he heard the voice of a heavenly soldier coming from outside the tent.

"According to several heavenly kings, the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord was defeated by the evil demon, and the evil demon is chasing Mo Qilin from the lower world to the sky!"


After Li Jing responded loudly, he gritted his teeth and said: "What a demon, how dare you go to heaven!" After saying this, he looked at the four heavenly kings and said in a deep voice: "Let the four of you inform the twenty-eight stars, while Li will be here Let’s think about it again in the tent, how to help Zhenjun Erlang out of trouble!”

The four heavenly kings immediately looked at each other, and then Mo Liqing took the lead and bowed their hands to Li Jing and said, "In that case, we will take our leave!"

After that, the four of them went out of the tent together and hurried to inform the twenty-eight-year-old.

At the same time, Li Qing had already rushed forward holding a three-pointed two-edged halberd.

The ten thousand heavenly soldiers and generals in the front row were actually beaten and fled by him wielding a three-pointed two-edged halberd as if they were entering an uninhabited land.

Erlang Zhenjun's three-pointed two-edged halberd weighed 25,000 kilograms. After being wielded by Li Qing, none of the ten thousand heavenly soldiers and generals dared to approach, and they all retreated with frightened expressions.

After Li Qing saw this, he pressed inward.

Soon the number of heavenly soldiers and generals frightened by him increased from 10,000 to 20,000, or even 30,000!

They all retreated to the tents of the various gods.

At the same time, a loud shout was heard from behind the huge crowd of heavenly soldiers and generals.

"That devil, don't be so arrogant, just let me wait for you!"

As the loud shout rang out, Li Qing subconsciously raised his head and looked into the sea of ​​clouds.

At the moment, only twenty-eight gods with powerful auras were seen, approaching him quickly with angry expressions on their faces.

When Li Qing saw this, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "Twenty-eight nights!"

First of all, I would like to congratulate the alliance leader Qing Moli on her happy birthday and send her a poem. Be elegant and elegant by nature, and live in good health; be happy with the companionship of a close friend in life, and be happy and happy on your birthday;

Then I will add more updates today.

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