Unify all heavens

Chapter 665 Li Qing’s deterrence!

When the three dragon kings finished speaking, Ao Guang shook his head and sighed.

"My dear brothers, you are here at the right time. Cun Xin is here with me. Not long ago, she came to my East China Sea Dragon Palace in tears. She said that there was an evil demon who actually kidnapped Yang Jian, the true king of Xian Sheng Erlang, and asked her to exchange for the divine pillar supporting the sky from the ends of the world. Otherwise, , just wait to collect the corpse for the True Lord!"

"Therefore, I beat the drum and the bell to summon all the virtuous brothers!"

When he finished speaking, Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, immediately opened his eyes wide and said in shock with a livid face: "What? This happened?"

After he finished speaking, he said urgently: "Where is Cun Xin now? I'll go see her!"

Ao Guang immediately smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, please wait a moment. I have already summoned the powerful Bull Demon King. He will surely arrive soon. By then, I will summon Cun Xin and let her explain the cause!"

When Ao Run heard this, he took a deep breath and sighed: "That's good!"

When he finished speaking, Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, frowned and said, "I saw that evil demon not long ago. He used his magical power to fight against the true Lord Xian Sheng Erlang. I knew he was a capable man, but I never thought that he would be able to capture the True Lord Xian Sheng Erlang!"

After saying that, he sighed.

At this time, I heard reports of soldiers and crabs outside the palace.

"The Strong Bull Demon King is visiting!"

"The Bone Demon King is visiting!"

When Ao Guang heard this, his eyes widened immediately and he hurriedly said: "Please!"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a familiar laugh.

Amid laughter, I saw the Bull Demon King walking into the palace with his head held high.

Behind him is Bai Jingjing, who is rich in yin energy and has a cold face.

When Ao Guang saw this, he forced out a smile and stepped forward to greet him along with the other three sea dragon kings.

In fact, not only Ao Guang was familiar with the Bull Demon King, but even the Dragon Kings of the other three seas were old friends with the Bull Demon King.

Therefore, the four dragon kings chatted with the Bull Demon King who came from afar.

Because the matter was urgent, they did not chat for a few words. Ao Guang went straight to the topic and said: "I have called my old friend here now because I have something important to entrust. We are weak and can only rely on our old friend to make the decision for us. !”

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he immediately opened his eyes, and patted his chest and said: "Old Dragon King, but let's talk about it, you and I have known each other for a long time, your affairs are my business, Old Niu! How can I entrust you to you?"

Ao Guang smiled, feeling extremely happy that he had found the Bull Demon King.

At the same time, he was also thinking secretly in his heart.

"Let's not talk about this Bull Demon King's backstage and strength. Let's just say that he has friends all over the three realms."

"Now I am entrusting this powerful Bull Demon King. If he defeats the evil demon Cun Xin talks about, everything will be over. We, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, will all thank him and hold a banquet for him.

"But if this powerful bull demon king can't defeat that evil devil, he will definitely feel aggrieved, and he will definitely call his friends to deal with the evil devil. At that time, it will be his private matter between the powerful bull devil king and that evil devil. With me, the Dragon King of the Four Seas It’s irrelevant!”

When he thought about it, the smile on Ao Guang's face became even bigger.

He was worried that if he revealed the fact that the evil demon had captured the True Monarch Xian Sheng Erlang, the powerful Bull Demon King would become timid and would not dare to fight with him. Therefore, when he spoke at this moment, there were tears streaming down his eyes, and he said sadly: "I don't know, my old friend, but I have a niece who originally lived a happy life with her husband. However, today there was an evil spirit who kidnapped my niece's husband. She even said: 'In exchange for the divine pillars supporting the sky from the ends of the earth, or else I will collect the body of my niece's husband!' We have low magic power, and although we are filled with hatred and anger, we are powerless!"

When he said this, he felt sad, raised his sleeves to cover the dragon's head, and started to cry with his shoulders hunched.

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he immediately became angry and shouted loudly: "What an evil demon. He didn't ask any questions before committing a crime. He even dared to kidnap the husband of my niece, the powerful Bull Demon King. Don't worry, Old Dragon King. This matter will be handed over to you." Give it to Lao Niu, I’ll go find that guy to settle the score!”

When he finished speaking, he beat his chest loudly again, and said with great courage: "Old Dragon King, tell me where that guy is hiding now? Old Niu, I will go and take his life immediately, and I will dig open the place." Check your belly to see if he has eaten the heart of a bear or the guts of a leopard!"

When he finished speaking, Bai Jingjing's eyes were rolling around, wondering what he was thinking.

In fact, when she heard Ao Guang finish what she said, she felt that it was a bit strange and strange.

If she remembered correctly, not long ago Li Qing had a battle with the Xian Sheng Erlang Zhenjun using his magical power to control the heavens and the earth, and according to what the Niu Demon King said, Li Qing even captured the Erlang Shen.

As far as she knew, the wife of the True Monarch Xian Sheng Erlang was the third princess of the West Sea.

When Bai Jingjing thought about this, she secretly thought in her heart: "Could it be that he is the evil demon in the mouth of the Old Dragon King of the East China Sea?"

When she thought of this, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she glanced at the Bull Demon King subconsciously.

If she remembered correctly, the Bull Demon King had been taken away by Li Qing more than three times with the magical power of Qiankun in his sleeves.

At the same time, I saw the Bull Demon King standing in front of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, spitting and talking big words.

"Four of you, please rest assured. Lao Niu and the four of you have also met several members of the guild. You all know what Lao Niu is capable of. I will leave that guy to Lao Niu. Just tell me. If you want him to be dealt with by Lao Niu, I will What a look!"

"Old Niu, I'm not exaggerating. Among the three realms, I, the powerful Bull Demon King, have never been afraid of anyone!"

"Don't say it's just a demon. Even if it's a group of demons, I won't take it seriously! My name as the powerful demon king is not in vain!"

The Dragon King of the Four Seas smiled and nodded in agreement while enduring the Bull Demon King's saliva.

Ao Guang would also praise the Bull Demon King from time to time, saying something like, "There is a name in the world called Hunshi, and a powerful name in the West is the Demon King", etc., and it came out of his mouth as if there was no money.

He only praised the Bull Demon King for being so confident that even if he met Taishang Laojun, he would dare to go up and break his bones.

After a while, the Bull Demon King was so thirsty that he patted his chest and laughed loudly with confidence: "Old Dragon King, tell me, where is the evil devil hiding? Old Niu, I will go there right away. I will tear him apart, cut off his head and limbs! Even if his soul returns to the underworld, I will go to the underworld to capture his soul, light a sky lantern and hang it in your crystal palace!"

When the other Dragon Kings of the Three Seas bowed to thank him, Ao Guang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Then I'll leave this matter to my old friend, who is now on my Huaguo Mountain above the East China Sea!"

"He's so brave!"

The Bull Demon King laughed loudly and said loudly: "You guys prepare a banquet for me, Old Niu. I'll be back soon!"

After saying that, he turned back to look at Bai Jingjing and laughed: "Sister, please come with me and see how I can capture that guy and bring him back to the sea!"

After that, he said goodbye to the Dragon King of the Four Seas, strode out of the Crystal Palace, and together with Bai Jingjing, swam out of the vast East China Sea and flew towards the Huaguo Mountain.

Little did he know that after he left, the other three dragon kings of the three seas looked at Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, with strange smiles on their faces.

And Ao Guang waved his hand and ordered the shrimp soldiers and crab generals to prepare for the banquet!

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