Unify all heavens

Chapter 662 The sea of ​​blood is long, and Yang Jian is taken away in the coffin

The four swords of Zhuxian, Killing the Immortal, Trapping the Immortal, and Absolute Immortal each have their own special powers, and Killing the Immortal represents ‘death’.

Death of death!

And from ancient times to the present, among the countless Huiyuan that have passed by, no one or one immortal has ever survived under the Immortal Killing Sword!

The second most deadly weapon in heaven, he never gets his reputation in vain!

And the number one ranking is the Zhuxian Sword Picture!

Therefore, although the sword shadow did not penetrate his body, Erlang Zhenjun's heart was already enveloped by the feeling of death.

He has grown up from a mortal boy to the present day, and has experienced countless big and small battles. It can be said that death is always with him.

But there has never been a time when Erlang Zhenjun was as scared as he was right now.

The strong sense of death made him despair of all thoughts in an instant!

Involuntarily, the speed of his swing of the three-pointed two-edged halberd gradually slowed down, and his eyes were already filled with looks of awe and fear.

And at this time,

The shadow of the first sword,

Finally it came to his chest.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and Zhenjun Erlang could slowly lower his head and look at his chest with dull eyes.

In his eyes, the sword shadow was getting closer and closer to his chest, getting closer and closer

The feeling of death is gradually getting stronger!


After Li Qing saw that the 'Ancestor Hongyun' had been wiped out in the boundless sword shadow, the feeling of frustration in his heart also slowly dissipated as the 'Ancestor Hongyun' was wiped out.

However, there was still a trace of regret in his heart.

Just because he never saw the original identity of the 'Ancestor Hongyun' from the beginning to the end. Fortunately, from the faintly rotating black lotus, he already had some guesses in his mind.

But I'm not sure yet.

Li Qing couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Journey to the west was already dangerous enough, but when he finally stood firm, he discovered that there was another force!

And this force has the power to subvert the Three Realms!

Although, in the eyes of those saints, this force is no different than a clown.

But in the era when saints did not appear, they still occupied the three realms in the future!

After thinking of this, Li Qing cast his gaze on Zhenjun Erlang high in the sky, with a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

As early as the Fengshen years, the Xian Sheng Erlang Zhenjun often killed Jie Jiao disciples.

Although he had not been a member of the Jie Sect for a long time, he no longer had any good impressions of the Western Sect and the followers of the Chan Sect.

Including Yuanshi Tianzun!

However, Li Qing also knew that he could not kill Zhenjun Erlang right now!

Because most of the members of the Chan Sect are not on the list of gods!

After so many years, who knows how many quasi-sages have emerged between them?

He was sure that the moment he killed Erlang Zhenjun, he himself was not far from being wiped out in ashes.

Therefore, even though he felt unhappy, when he saw that the boundless sword shadow was about to penetrate Erlang Zhenjun, he had no choice but to say: "Lid the coffin!"

The moment the word 'cover the coffin' came out of his mouth, the sword shadow that had penetrated the goose-yellow fairy clothes on the body of Zhenjun Erlang shattered with a 'click'!

Then I saw the endless shadows of the immortal swords, all of which were shattered at this moment.

In the Tianzun Hall in the majestic Nine Heavens, the Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun was already ready to take action, but when he saw Li Qing retracting his hand, he loosened the fingers in his hand.

At the same time, the smile on his lips became stronger and stronger, and he said to himself.

"It turns out that this evil person is a long-winded guy, but I didn't expect that he actually has a bit of courage and a bit of sense!"

"If the True Lord Xian Sheng Erlang is sent to reincarnation today, not only will all his previous efforts be wasted, but he will also be in danger of losing his soul!"


"There's still a chance!"

"There is still a chance!!"

After saying that, he looked to the west, his smile turned cold, and said: "Let's see how many Buddhas and Arhats will die in your Western religion when the Mara's strength returns to its peak in a thousand years!"

After saying this, he slowly lowered his head, looking at where he was looking, and sneered: "And you, too, only have a thousand years of happiness. God will punish you sometimes, so take it as retribution!"

After he finished speaking, he looked through the heaven and landed on Li Qing again.

The sneer at the corner of his mouth also dissipated at this time, and a happy look appeared on his face again.

Today, his disciple brought him a great surprise.

The dissatisfaction with Li Qing in his heart also dissipated with the wind in this surprise!

After the endless shadow of the Immortal Killing Sword dispersed, the Erlang Zhenjun was still stunned on the spot, as if he had not recovered from the feeling of death just now.

He was stunned at this moment, but Li Qing was not.

After he took a deep look at Erlang Zhenjun, he still didn't want to let him go, so he suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "Open the coffin!"

As soon as the words fell, the world suddenly became silent again!

Immediately afterwards, those previous rumbling sounds, like grinding millstones, appeared again.

In the Tianzun Hall, the Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise: "What else is this kid planning to do?"

When he said this, Li Qing also gave a cold expressionless expression.

"The sea of ​​blood is long! Stop it!"

As soon as the word "receive" fell, a waterfall-like sea of ​​blood a hundred feet wide was seen, flowing backwards from bottom to top and rushing into the sky, directly sucking in the True Lord Erlang who had not yet recovered.

Only then did Erlang Zhenjun come back to his senses.

But by this time, it was already too late.

As a result, he was seen twisting and struggling, and as the sea of ​​blood returned to the coffin, he was suppressed by Li Qing in the Netherworld's Brutal Blood Coffin.

After seeing Lord Erlang being dragged into the Netherworld's Brutal Blood Coffin by the sea of ​​blood, the gloom in Li Qing's heart dissipated a lot.

He let out a long sigh of relief, then turned over and fell to the ground.

Then he took a few steps to walk to the Netherworld Blood Coffin on the ground and said, ‘Lid the coffin! ’

When he finished speaking, the thick, dark coffin lid rumbled back.

At the same time, Li Qing waved his hand fiercely, sending the Netherworld Blood Coffin back into the void. He rose into the sky and flew towards Dongsheng Divine Continent.

Although there is a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles from Beiju Luzhou to Dongsheng Shenzhou, after Li Qing made the move, the distance was only a matter of a few moments.

When he arrived at Dongsheng Shenzhou, he flew straight to the Guanjiang estuary and floated above the Guanjiang estuary, shouting loudly downwards.

"Third Princess of the West Sea, listen, your husband Yang Jian has been captured by me and is soaked in a sea of ​​blood. If you want to save him, you will come to Huaguo Mountain not far from Baolai to exchange with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of 'Ao', and then he saw a hundred-foot-long green dragon breaking through the roof of the house below, rushing towards him in an instant, and an angry female voice sounded.

"Let go of my husband! Spare your life!"

When the words fell, the green dragon had already used its long body to circle Li Qing in the center, and the ferocious dragon head slowly hung down, looking at Li Qing with eyes full of shock and anger.

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