Unify all heavens

Chapter 655 Li Qing shows the way to Fangcun Mountain

Li Qing hurriedly turned aside to avoid the monkey's bow, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This monkey has an extraordinary destiny, and not everyone can be worshiped by him.

Don't you think that in the future, even Zhen Yuanzi will only be able to be friends with him as brothers with different surnames?

After thinking about this in his mind, he also raised his hand to support the Monkey King and said with a smile: "Monkey King, get up quickly. Not to mention that I don't know the method of immortality and avoiding reincarnation. I just say that I am not qualified to accept you as a disciple." , you are a divine monkey born and raised, and only a truly divine person is qualified to be your master!"

Hearing this, the Monkey King raised his head and said with disbelief: "Immortal, please don't deceive me. If you don't know the method of immortality, how can you live until now? It has been a thousand years since you appeared on the Flower and Fruit Mountain! If not, With the law of immortality, how can you live till now?”

After hearing this, Li Qing raised the corner of his mouth and said with a faint smile: "Because I am born with endless lifespan and will not fall into reincarnation. Even if I enter the netherworld personally, the King of Hell will respectfully send me out!"

The Monkey King immediately opened his eyes in shock.

Li Qing chuckled when he saw this, helped him up, and said: "Since you have found me, you are destined to have a glass of water and wine, and I will send you away and teach you how to find someone who is truly capable." Come be your master!”

After saying that, he took the monkey king's hand and returned to the cave. Then he clapped his hands to call out a fierce ghost and ordered: "Bring me the bottle of wine that I have collected, and I will have a drink with this monkey king!"

The female ghost with empty eyes, only two black holes, nodded expressionlessly, then disappeared into a puff of smoke.

When she returned a moment later, she already held a bottle as transparent as glass in her arms.

Then another ghost who looked like an old woman appeared out of thin air and handed wine bottles to the Monkey King and Li Qing.

Li Qing held the wine bottle and let the female ghost pour the wine into it. He looked at the Monkey King and said with a smile: "Try it, my wine is extraordinary, even the jade liquid in the palace that day is much worse! "

When the Monkey King heard the words, a trace of envy flashed in his bright eyes, and he thought to himself: "If I learn the skills in the future, I will definitely come here to make friends with this immortal. When he goes to heaven one day, I will ask him to take me with him!" Let’s try some of Tiangong’s drinks!”

With these thoughts in his mind, he poured the almost overflowing wine bottle directly into his mouth.

The moment the drink entered his mouth, two rays of golden light bloomed in his eyes, penetrating straight through the cave and shining in an unknown direction.

At the same time, the monkey king also felt as if his internal organs were being burned by fire. He was so hot that he rolled all over the floor and screamed miserably: "It hurts me!"

I don't know how many times it rolled on the ground, and every time he rolled, the aura outside his body became stronger.

After a while, this aura was the same as that of a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

Seeing this, Li Qing admired the Monkey King's physique and talent even more!

No wonder he only studied martial arts with Patriarch Subhuti for more than ten years before he could go to heaven and sea and become a famous demon saint in the three realms!

At the same time, Li Qing also felt a warning in his heart. In five or six hundred years, he would become a disaster for the Monkey King on his way westward, and the Monkey King would have to fight with him.

I hope I won’t lose to him then, otherwise the leader will definitely take care of me!

He was thinking about this in his mind, but on the surface he smiled and said, "How about my drink?"

The Monkey King had already sat up and said strangely: "It's strange. I felt like there was a fire in my belly before, but now I feel like I have endless strength all over my body!"

Li Qing immediately laughed and said: "This is natural. I caught the Hundred-Eyed Demon King and stuffed it into the bottle. He has been soaking in this wine for hundreds of years, so this wine is naturally extraordinary!"

When he finished speaking, he stepped down from his seat, pulled up the Monkey King, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you out of here!"

As he spoke, he took the Monkey King and flew directly out of the cave, flew over the corpse mountain, and then landed on the ground. He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Fangcun Mountain, and said with a smile: "You go in that direction. Okay, go through mountains and rivers, and it won’t take long to find someone who can be your master!”

The Monkey King immediately turned around, bowed deeply to Li Qing, and said gratefully: "Thank you, immortal, for your guidance! I'll go too!"

After that, he said goodbye to Li Qing and walked straight in the direction Li Qing pointed.

At this moment, Li Qing also took a deep look at the Monkey King, returned to the cave with a sullen face, and continued to remain in seclusion.

And the monkey king walked forward all the way, as Li Qing warned, crossing mountains and crossing rivers, and continued walking for more than half a month.

On this day, he suddenly saw a beautiful high mountain with deep forest foothills. He couldn't help but climb up and look into the distance.

Then I saw thousands of peaks opening their halberds and thousands of people opening their screens in front of them.

It can be said that the sun reflects the mist and the light locks the green, and the rain collects the cold dark color with green.

There are also dead vines wrapped around old trees, and the ancient journey across the border is secluded.

Duan was a paradise in a fairyland, which made him dumbfounded and unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.

At this moment, I heard a song coming from the mountain.

"Watching the chess players playing, cutting down the trees, walking slowly at the valley entrance by the clouds, selling firewood and drinking wine, laughing wildly to express my love. The autumn is high in the sky, I sleep on the pine roots against the moon, and I sleep at dawn. Recognize the old forest, climb the cliffs and ridges, hold an ax to break Withered vines. Harvested into a load, three liters of rice can be easily sold in the market. There is no competition among the seeds, the current price is average, no scheming, no honor or disgrace, tranquility and longevity. Where we meet, it is either an immortal or a Tao, sit quietly and talk about Huang court."

After hearing this, the monkey king was overjoyed and hurriedly jumped down from a high place and jumped in the forest. In the blink of an eye, we came to a path paved with stones.

Immediately, I saw a rosy-faced woodcutter not far away, chopping firewood with an ax.

The woodcutter wears a bamboo hat on his head, which is the first time the new bamboo shoots have taken off the bamboo hat. The cloth on the body is made of cotton yarn. The sash around the waist is made of silk spun from the mouth of an old silkworm. Stepping on straw sandals feels like the dry sand rubbing against your feet. He holds a steel ax in his hand and holds a fire and hemp rope.

The Monkey King saw that he was dressed very unusually, not like an ordinary person. Then he hurriedly ran forward and jumped a certain distance, and came to the woodcutter. Then he saluted and said: "Old god! Disciple, take action."

When the woodcutter heard this, he panicked and even lost his axe. He waved his hands and said: "Don't dare, I don't have enough food and clothing. How dare I be called a 'god'!"

The Monkey King immediately said in shock: "You are not a god, how can you say the words of a god?"

This time, the woodcutter was shocked and said in astonishment: "What fairy words did I say?"

The Monkey King smiled and replied: "You just said, 'When we meet, we are either immortals or Taoists. Sit quietly and talk about Huang Ting.' Huang Ting is a moral mantra. If you are not an immortal, why would you do this?'"

Only then did the woodcutter understand the reason, and he immediately shook his head and said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, the name of the word Man Ting Fang was taught to me by an immortal. The immortal lived next to me. He saw that I was working hard at home and had daily worries. Teach me to recite these words when I encounter troubles. One is to relax my mind, and the other is to relieve my troubles. I was just a little worried, so I recited it. But I don’t want you to hear it."

After that he smiled again.

(Thank you to the book friends on QQ Reading for the reward. I can’t see the name here, so I’ll thank you all!)

Thanks to book friend Shen Tu for his 1,700 starting coin reward, Pervert K’s 100 starting coin reward, and thank you to alliance leader Qing Moli for three times a million rewards! And a thousand rewards from Elder Mo Luoliang!

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