Unify all heavens

Chapter 640: Ten Thousand Monsters Gather across the Sea at Corpse Mountain (End)


Like a volcano erupting!

It’s like a landslide and tsunami!

At this moment, the Peng Demon King suddenly disappeared from the cave and appeared above the corpse mountain. This extremely strong and terrifying hatred soared into the sky!

Originally due to the gloomy ghostly aura on the corpse mountain, the sea of ​​clouds and clouds in the sky that were enveloped by the gloomy energy was directly broken through by the boundless hatred from Demon King Peng at this time.

It was like a terrifying giant beast from ancient times released its aura, causing the tens of thousands of demon kings thousands of miles away to stare in shock with their eyes wide open.

At this moment, in this boundless hatred that almost enveloped the entire world, the originally clamoring demon kings from the four major states seemed to have all turned into figures floating in the sky. The stone statues were either frightened or in shock for a long time, unable to extricate themselves. They all remained motionless and did not dare to make even a single sound.


The wind howls!

The blow caused ripples in the sea of ​​clouds above the heads of many demon kings, and the robe on Demon King Peng's body also made a 'swish' sound.

Although Demon King Peng is only in the Golden Immortal Realm at the moment, he already has a hint of the aura of becoming the Seven Great Saints of the Demon Clan in the future!

I saw his pair of pale golden, eagle-like eyes, staring at the thousands of demon kings thousands of miles away.

Although the soft down on the golden feathers on his head was swaying in the strong wind, his figure remained towering and motionless!

The mere two-foot-tall body exuded an aura as overwhelming as Mount Tai, which suppressed the thousands of demon kings thousands of miles away so that they didn't even dare to breathe!

If only these demon kings had come to rest earlier, he would not have to swallow the blood-streaked meat slices whole, and he would not have the churning stomach now!

The roar of gnashing teeth in the cave did not release half of the frustration and anger in Demon King Peng's heart, so as the biting wind took away time, the frustration and anger in his heart also surged up like a volcano. .

After a few breaths, Demon King Peng's golden eyes were already filled with a hint of blood!

He is a descendant of the demon master Kunpeng. He has been in the immortal world for tens of millions of years, and no one dares to provoke him!

But ever since he accepted the invitation from the Hunshiniu Bull Demon King and met Li Qing, he felt extremely aggrieved every moment!

In terms of background, he is a descendant of the demon master Kunpeng.

But Li Qing was not only a registered disciple of Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, but also a direct disciple of the Sage Tongtian of the Shangqing Dynasty!

Just because there are two extraordinary figures behind Li Qing who are already famous in the world, Li Qing has become a being that he does not dare to provoke!

Since Kunpeng has grown older, he is no longer the demon king of Peng who was just born and fearless!

There are so many things he needs to consider!

Because he was afraid that if he was not careful, Kunpeng's life would be involved!

Regardless of the background, let’s talk about strength.

He can fight to a draw with the Bull Demon King!

But the Bull Demon King couldn't resist even one round in Li Qing's hands!

Therefore, the Peng Demon King has been enduring it!

The devil doesn't know!

Li Qing doesn’t know either!

Demon King Peng was in the cave, his hands clenched tightly in his sleeves!

If he stays in the cave any longer, Demon King Peng doesn't know how long he can endure it!

And that plate of blood-streaked meat was the straw that broke the camel's back!

The moment Demon King Peng swallowed the plate of meat whole, he almost couldn't suppress his rage!

God has mercy!

When he was most furious, a screaming demon king appeared outside the cave!

At this thought, the robe on Demon King Peng shook even more fiercely. At the same moment, the corners of his mouth spread to both sides, and the entire furry Peng face showed an extremely ferocious look!

"I can't afford to offend Li Qing, so why can't I afford to offend you?"

While he screamed out these words in his heart to vent his emotions, he also gritted his teeth and said: "Today! You guys! Don't even think about surviving another one!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a high-pitched and loud cry of a roc resounded throughout the thirty-ninth level of the majestic heavenly palace and the eighteenth level of the underworld!

There is a scholar in the world who once wrote a poem.

"There is a bird, and its name is Peng!"

"The back is like Mount Tai, and the wings are like clouds hanging from the sky."

"Take the sheep's horn and climb up ninety thousand miles, cut off the clouds and carry the blue sky!"

In addition, there is also a sentence that has been spread among the world from unknown time.

"The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles away!"

this moment!

Just like what the scholar said, the Peng Demon King could soar into the sky in an instant, and his back could carry Mount Tai! Its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky!

Spread your wings to cover the sky and the sun, the moon and the stars!

How could it be such a shock?

The thousands of demon kings thousands of miles away, under those wings that are like clouds hanging from the sky, are like ants!

At this moment, Demon King Peng spoke again!

"You guys, why don't you enter my belly and return to reincarnation?"

As these words rang out, the heaven and earth trembled, and the gods and demons were frightened!

Then there was a vast suction force that came from the sky and entered the earth, suddenly appearing on the heads of these thousands of demon kings!

In an instant, these demon kings rose up through the air and soared into the sky, blocked by all their cultivation. You pull my hair, I pull your clothes. He screamed strangely and disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

Although he swallowed these thousands of demon kings into his belly, the anger and grievance of Demon King Peng did not disappear.

And at this moment, there was only a sneer accompanied by the roaring wind.

"What a roc! What a magical power!"

As these words rang out, a figure that also covered the sky and sun was seen flying from tens of thousands of miles away.

When this figure was about to approach the Peng Demon King, he laughed wildly and said: "That Peng bird, if you see the ancestor coming, why don't you quickly dissipate your magical power and bow down to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a roc bird that was even bigger than the Reng Demon King falling from the sky!

When it flapped its wings, even the sky-shielding body of the Peng Demon King fell back a few miles without any resistance!

In an instant, the Peng Demon King suddenly narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice: "Gold-winged Dapeng!"

When he finished speaking, he saw the roc, which was much larger than him, disappear in an instant.

At the same time, a nine-foot-tall young man with the head of a bird and the body of a bird, and wearing gorgeous clothes, rose from the clouds, stood quietly in the void, and laughed loudly: "I was born of a phoenix, and you were born of a Kunpeng. Kunpeng was born from the Northern Underworld, and the phoenix was formed by the intersection of heaven and earth. The phoenix is ​​still in front of Kunpeng. Why don't you worship your ancestors when you see them coming today?"

At his words, Peng Demon King dispersed his magical power, transformed into a two-foot-long human body and came to the golden-winged Dapeng. He sneered expressionlessly: "You and I are both Peng, who is the ancestor and who is the younger generation?" I don’t know yet, but since you are making such arrogant words, I will fight you to determine your seniority, so that in the future, in addition to the nephew of the Western Buddha, you will have one more ancestor from the North Ming Dynasty!”

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