Unify all heavens

Chapter 637 Ten Thousand Demons Gather across the Sea at Corpse Mountain (Part 1)

The moment the Bull Demon King opened his mouth, he felt bad.

But before he could speak, the Demon King revealed all of this.

At that moment, he saw Li Qing's face darken at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Then Li Qing narrowed his eyes unconsciously, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and let out a gnashing teeth sneer.

The Bull Demon King was frightened for a moment and his neck went cold. It would have been fine if he had not seen Li Qing's Netherworld Blood Coffin. After all, even if Li Qing was proficient in Zhenyuan Immortal's sleeves, he still had some courage to fight with Li Qing. A battle.

But ever since he saw Li Qing's dark and brutal blood coffin, all his courage had disappeared.

Just seeing Li Qing sneer at this moment made him feel a little embarrassed.

Others don't know the power of Netherworld's Blood Coffin, how can he not know it?

Not to mention the boundless blood energy, the immortal sword energy that Master Tongtian put into the coffin was enough to make him die dozens of times in an instant.

As soon as he thought about this, the Bull Demon King's forehead was instantly covered with dense beads of sweat.

He had offended Li Qing in the Bishui Pond earlier, and then Li Qing took him under his sleeve without much fighting. Now, the relationship between senior fellow apprentices had just eased a bit, but it was ruined by the Jiao Demon King's words. .

At that moment, the Bull Demon King glared at the Jiao Demon King fiercely, and hurriedly walked to Li Qing's side, with a smile on his face as he was about to explain.

"Good junior brother, just listen to what senior brother has to say slowly."

As soon as the Bull Demon King opened his mouth, he saw Li Qing in front of him suddenly become very far away, and then he saw the world in front of him turned upside down in an instant.

"What's in the sleeve?!"

The Bull Demon King's expression immediately changed and he was about to use his escape technique to escape.

But just as he jumped up, the world in front of him turned upside down again. At that moment, the Bull Demon King lost his direction and didn't know where to fly.

And at the moment when he hesitated, the sea of ​​clouds under his feet instantly turned into a vast ground made of purple cloth.

After the Bull Demon King looked around and saw where he was, a bitter smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but cursed angrily: "The old bastard's sleeves really are not in vain. No matter how powerful he is and how many methods he has, as long as In order to become Da Luo, I can only obediently slip into his sleeves!"

While he was speaking, the Dragon Demon King and the Peng Demon King standing on both sides of Li Qing all looked at each other, their eyes widened to the limit, with disbelief on their faces!

Earlier, when they heard that the famous Bull Demon King could not survive two rounds in the hands of a zombie, they were still laughing, thinking that the legend was that three people became a tiger.

But what happened in front of them at this moment confirmed the truth of this legend.

The powerful Bull Demon King, who was famous in the four major provinces, could not survive a single round in the hands of Li Qing in front of him.

At that moment, they saw the expressions on the faces of Demon King Jiao and Demon King Peng, looking straight at Li Qing with incredible eyes.

Before, they had only seen Li Qing gently wave his sleeves when the Bull Demon King finished speaking, and the Bull Demon King's expression changed drastically and he took the initiative to fly into Li Qing's sleeves.

This scene made them both feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and their whole bodies became cold.

Although the two of them are not as famous as the Bull Demon King, their strength is almost the same. If they want to decide the winner, they may fight for tens of thousands of rounds, and that is when all means are used.

But the scene in front of them almost told them clearly that since Li Qing could easily take away the Bull Demon King, he could also take away the two of them with a wave of his sleeves.

At this moment, Demon King Jiao and Demon King Peng looked at each other again, and at the same time, they placed Li Qing in the list of beings that should not be offended.

Also present in this column are the clones of several saints, as well as the mighty powers of various parties from the prehistoric period!

Just when they thought of this, Li Qing beside them smiled and said: "Don't let that kind-hearted bull head spoil our interest. Where did we just talk about it?"

After hearing Li Qing's voice, Demon King Jiao and Demon King Peng trembled, and then they forced out a few smiles, and said in unison with fear: "Let's talk about the Ten Thousand Demons List!"

When they finished speaking, they looked at each other subconsciously.

Li Qing nodded lightly and asked with a smile: "I hope you two brothers can tell me what kind of divine object this Ten Thousand Demons List is?"

After Demon King Jiao glanced at Demon King Peng who remained silent, he swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva and explained with a forced smile: "This Ten Thousand Demons List was established by the demon master Kunpeng in the ends of the earth. There are four major monsters on the list. The blood of the demon kings with all the fairyland strength in the state, so if something big happens, you only need to write a post on the list, and all the demon kings in the four major states will know about it!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard the words and said in admiration: "The demon master is a good trick! In this way, if someone targets the demon clan, all it takes is a demon king to write a post on the Ten Thousand Demons List, and the four major states can be notified instantly. All demon kings!”

When he finished speaking, Demon King Peng smiled and said: "That's true. That's what my grandfather was thinking at the beginning. After all, the demon clan today is no longer what it was like at the beginning of the world."

When Li Qing nodded slowly, the Peng Demon King and the Jiao Demon King looked at each other, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and said with a stiff smile: "I am busy with worldly affairs, and I only came here to get to know and pay respects to your brother. Now I wish to Having accomplished this, we will say goodbye. If brother needs us in the future, all he needs to do is send a message and we will be in front of him in an instant even if we are thousands of miles away!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

But just when they turned around, they heard Li Qing smile and say: "You two brothers don't need to leave in a hurry. Didn't you just say that you can arrive in an instant even if you are thousands of miles away? With this method , it doesn’t matter if we go back a little later, why don’t we take a look at this 800-mile mountain of corpses and ghost hills, brother?”

When the Jiao Demon King and the Peng Demon King heard this, their hearts trembled, and they immediately wanted to give themselves a slap in the face.

They have long been used to showing off, but they don't want to be unable to leave at will because of this.

When Li Qing saw that they didn't reply, he frowned and asked in a slightly cold voice: "What? Are you two brothers not going to give me this face?"

Upon hearing the coldness in Li Qing's words, the Jiao Demon King and Peng Demon King who had already turned around trembled, turned around hurriedly, faced Li Qing and smiled a few times: "Brother, I have misunderstood, brother has misunderstood, actually. It’s because I’m afraid of disturbing my brother!”

Li Qing smiled and waved his hands and said: "No problem, no problem, my mountain is deserted and extremely clean!"

When he finished speaking, he turned around, raised his hand and pointed towards the ground, saying: "Look, there is my eight-hundred-mile corpse mountain and ghost ridge!"

When the Peng Demon King looked seriously in the direction pointed by Li Qing, the Jiao Demon King beside him rolled his eyes and said secretly: "You must not stay here for a long time. The zombies are all extremely violent. If I accidentally If you offend him with words, it will be bad if he takes you away!"

When he thought of this, he instantly used his magical power and disappeared in an instant.

By the time Li Qing realized something was wrong, the Demon Dragon King had already flown thousands of miles away!

"This unethical loach, I will definitely settle the score with him in the future!"

Peng Demon King secretly thought in his heart, but on the surface he was looking at Li Qing, wondering how Li Qing would deal with it. If Li Qing had nothing to do with Jiao Demon King, he would leave like this.

In terms of speed, he is a few points faster than that loach!

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