Unify all heavens

Chapter 631 The Stone Monkey in Huaguo Mountain Becomes King (End)


After King Yama saw the Bull Demon King who was pushing his limits, he immediately pulled the corner of his mouth with a smile.

Then he looked like he was dead and said calmly: "You'd better swallow me!"

The Bull Demon King immediately sneered, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you are so boring, I'll go ask King Bian Cheng!"

After saying that, he turned around and disappeared.

At the same time, in the Water Curtain Cave on the Huaguo Mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou, the stone monkey squatted in the cave, looked up at the regular script characters on the stone tablet, and recited happily: "The blessed land of Huaguo Mountain, the water curtain cave and the heaven? "

After saying this, he turned over the pages several times and said with great joy: "Great good fortune, great good fortune!"

After that, he turned around and left the Water Curtain Cave, crossed the waterfall and jumped out again.

When the monkeys on the cliff saw him coming out, they immediately surrounded him and said, "How is it inside? How deep is the water?"

The stone monkey waved his hand and said with a smile: "There is no water, there is an iron bridge inside, and on the other side of the bridge is a property made in heaven!"

When the monkeys heard this, they all asked in confusion: "What property?"

The stone monkey smiled and said: "You don't know, this water is the river under the bridge rushing through the stone bridge, hanging upside down to cover the door. There are flowers and trees beside the bridge, and opposite is a stone house. There are stone nests, stone Stove, stone bowl, stone basin, stone bed, stone bench. Isn't this a good possession? There is also a stone tablet in the middle of the cave, with the inscription 'Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave Cave in the Sky.' Ten words, really. This is our place to stay. And it is very spacious inside, which can accommodate thousands of people including us, old and young. We can all go in and live there, so as not to suffer the anger of God."

He was so happy that he sang: "There is a place to hide when the wind blows here, and it is easy to stay safe when it rains. There is no fear of frost and snow, and the thunder will never be heard. The haze always shines, and the auspiciousness is evaporated. The pines and bamboos are beautiful every year, and the strange flowers are blooming. New every day.”

All the monkeys felt as if they were on the same scene. They pulled him one after another, scratching their ears and cheeks anxiously and saying, "You should go first and take us in!"

When the stone monkey heard this, he immediately walked to the edge of the cliff, crouched down again with his eyes closed, and jumped towards the waterfall.

Those monkeys who were brave enough jumped in with the stone monkey. The timid ones stretched their heads and necks one by one, scratched their ears and cheeks, shouted and jumped on the spot, until they were the only ones left on the cliff, they could only suppress the fear in their hearts, close their eyes and grit their teeth and jump forward.

After the group of monkeys entered the Shuilian Cave, they touched here and there. Some clever ones crawled across the stone bridge and came to the place that was as empty as a house. They grabbed pots and bowls, occupied the bed, and moved them here and there. There is no rest in the past.

The stone monkey didn't bother them, just looked at them with a smile, sat alone on a stone pillar ten feet high, and waited quietly.

After a while, the monkeys finally became exhausted. They lay down and crawled one by one, breathing heavily.

At this time, Stone Monkey said: "Everyone, if you don't have faith, you don't know what you can do." You just said that if you have the ability to get in and get out without harming your body, you will worship him as the king. I Now that I have come in and gone out, gone out and come in again, I have found this cave-like paradise to sleep peacefully with all of you, and enjoy the blessing of starting a family. In response to those words, why don't you worship me as your king?"

Just because when he was the monkey embryo in the immortal stone, there were five directions of enlightenment explaining to him the doctrines of the world and the details of the world every day. Therefore, at this time, he knew all the doctrines of the world and knew them by heart. For example, the sentence he said at this time, "If a person has no faith, he does not know what is possible," is a sentence in the Analects of Confucius written by a great scholar in the Spring and Autumn Period.

This shows how amazing his knowledge is!

It is said that after hearing what he said, all the monkeys looked at each other and stood aside blankly.

After a while, he knelt there, bowed and paid homage, shouting "Your Majesty, Your Majesty"!

The monkey king was so happy that he bared his teeth and scratched his ears and cheeks.

Then he assigned the many apes, horse monkeys, and some more intelligent monkeys in the Shuilian Cave to monarchs, ministers, and envoys, just like the human court.

If there were no Five Directions to explain to him the doctrines of the human world and the details of the world, how would he, a newborn monkey, know the Analects written by human scholars, and how would he know the human court system?

It can be seen from this that the five directions of uncovering the truth have also been exhausted.

After that, the monkey king led many monkeys on a pilgrimage to the Huaguo Mountain and stayed in the Water Curtain Cave, living a fairy life.

And underground, in the Nether Hell, the Bull Demon King finally obtained a hell ghost energy and eight hundred zombies from King Bian Cheng, and left the underworld with satisfaction and returned to the human world.

Let's say that Li Qing was taking a nap in the cave when he suddenly noticed a yin energy in the cave. He immediately narrowed his eyes and became alert, ready to summon the superior divine fire to fight the enemy at any time.

At the same time, the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast tied to the entrance of the cave suddenly stood up and screamed a few times with joy.

Li Qing's eyes moved slightly and he thought secretly: "It must be the Bull Demon King who has returned from the underworld!"

Just when he thought of this, he saw that the ground in the cave suddenly became as soft as the quagmire, and then he saw the Bull Demon King jumping out from the softened ground, turning over and landing on the stone chair on the left, facing the Li Qing laughed and said: "Good junior brother, I have returned from the underworld, and I have obtained one hundred thousand ghosts, eight hundred zombies, and one hell ghost energy for you, so that you can be majestic and majestic!"

When Li Qing heard this, he stood up with a bang and stared in surprise: "Senior brother, do you really mean what you said?"

The Bull Demon King laughed and took out a palm-sized black ball from his arms and said: "There are hundreds of thousands of ghosts imprisoned in this netherworld prison. You can find an open place and break it to see if my words are true or false." !”

After saying that, he threw the Nether Prison towards Li Qing.

Li Qing hurriedly took it and said with a smile: "Then, senior brother, please go with me to see something outside the cave!"

After saying this, he hurriedly flew out of the cave and arrived at the top of Hidden Mist Mountain. When the Bull Demon King came here later, Li Qing smashed the Netherworld Prison to the ground.

At the moment, I saw that the Nether Prison turned into a black mist the moment it was smashed to the ground. This black mist was extremely dense. As soon as it appeared, it spread to all directions, covering the entire Hidden Mist Mountain in the blink of an eye. shrouded.

Then there was only the howling of the dark wind, the heavy sound of ghosts, and the sound of ghosts crying and howling all over the mountain.

Immediately afterwards, the sky was suddenly filled with dark clouds, as if a thunderstorm was coming. The entire Hidden Mist Mountain also became pitch black at this moment, and it was almost impossible to see even one's fingers.

In this darkness, there are countless dense ghost figures looming, wailing and crying.

When Li Qing saw this, he laughed and said: "Okay, okay, there really are a hundred thousand evil ghosts!"

The Bull Demon King also smiled and said: "Junior brother, in this entire earthly immortal world, you are the only one who is full of ghosts!" After saying that, he took out a bloody balloon from his arms and said: "This is the extraterrestrial hell. There are a total of eight hundred zombies from all ages imprisoned in it, and there is also a hell ghost energy that I asked for for you. As long as this hell ghost energy is released, this mountain can immediately become a ghost mountain on earth. If a living person dares to step in, he will immediately turn into a pile of bones and become a resentful ghost!"

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