Unify all heavens

Chapter 605 Being smart!

The sky is blood red!

The extremely depressing atmosphere emanating from the sky has lasted for fifteen days!

In this atmosphere, not only the Master of the Corpse Palace, who was stepping on the formation, looked gloomy, but even the elders of the Corpse Palace around him became silent.

On a mountain thousands of miles away from here, Yun Zhonghuo has been staring at the scene suspended in the void in front of him with a mocking expression.

During these fifteen days, not only did his face remain unchanged, but his body became as motionless as a sculpture.

I just muttered secretly in my heart: "It's coming soon."

And Li Qing, who was originally suspended opposite him and sitting in the void, had been practicing for the past half month because he finally got the technique of 'shrinking the ground into an inch' from him.

I have to say that this spell passed down by Yun Zhonghuo is much more powerful than Li Qing imagined!

At first, when he recited the mantra, he could only cover a hundred miles in one step.

But now, he can cross tens of thousands of miles in one step!

It’s even more useful than the short-distance teleportation technique that once made him jealous!

Therefore, Li Qing has not come back in the past half month, and has been wandering in this huge prison world using the shrinking technique with great interest.

He had also seen a blood corpse, but the blood corpse was very cautious. As soon as he got closer, the blood corpse didn't know where it teleported.

On this day, Li Qing was wandering around the ruins of the Immortal Prisoner Tower, looking for the reason why the bloody corpse always came here.

But he almost searched the ruins covering hundreds of miles, but he didn't find anything strange.

"What is the reason why blood corpses come here every once in a while?"

Li Qing frowned and thought as he took a step forward and left here.

A mountain thousands of miles away.

Yun Zhonghuo, who was looking at the picture in the sky with a mocking expression, suddenly raised his eyebrows, shook his head helplessly and said: "Why did this little kid get Taoist Tongtian to accept him as his direct disciple? Tsk tsk, he This qualification is not even as good as a stone. It took me half a month to practice a mere spell before it progressed to this point."

Just as he said this, the void beside him suddenly twisted, and then he saw Li Qing walking out of the void with a smile on his face.

Yun Zhonghuo looked at Li Qing with a happy face and couldn't bear to hit him, so he changed his approach and asked with a smile: "How are you doing, little one? This technique is pretty easy to use!"

Li Qing nodded slowly and said with a smile: "In the past, I always envied those who could teleport or short-distance teleportation. Unexpectedly, now I am also practicing this with the help of my seniors. I have reached the point where I have reached the level of proficiency, and now I can cross tens of thousands of miles with just one step!"

Yun Zhonghuo's eyes twitched when he heard the four words 'fire keeps green', but he didn't let Li Qing notice. Instead, he nodded lightly with a smile and said: "That's good, but Little baby, you must remember to promise the old man that if the Netherworld Blood Coffin can be summoned from the void, you must not stop the old man from returning to the coffin!"

Li Qing nodded immediately and said with a solemn expression: "Senior, don't worry about this. The junior can cultivate Shukuchichen to the current level only by relying on the guidance of senior!"

When Yun Zhonghuo heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched again, and he waved his hands repeatedly: "Where, where, you are able to practice shrinking to such an extent, it is all due to your efforts, and it has nothing to do with me, old man! Don't talk like this in the future. I’m going to say it!”

Li Qing glanced at Yun Zhonghuo in surprise, wondering why he was so anxious to shirk the credit.

But he didn't think about it deeply. The idea only flashed in his mind for a moment and then disappeared. Then he floated to Yun Zhonghuo's side and looked at the scene in the void with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

After Yun Zhonghuo noticed it, he said: "You don't have to look. According to my observation, the old man, if the person wants to activate the formation, it must be in line with the Day of Great Yin, when the blood light covers the sky, and at the same time, that person is far away and I don't know where." He must also activate another formation! Only when the right time, place, and people are available, can he activate this formation. Otherwise, his body will explode and die, or his soul will be scattered!"

Li Qing nodded slowly while listening to Yun Zhonghuo's words.

Although Yun Zhonghuo couldn't tell that something was wrong with the Master of the Corpse Palace, he could.

In fact, when he first saw the Master of the Corpse Mansion, he suspected that the Master might have been possessed by the Zombie God. After all, Xing Tian, ​​Xia Geng, and the remaining Purple Coffin inheritors were all in the Corpse Palace. In the huge formation in the mansion.

What's more, the real master of the Corpse Palace was strangled to death by him long after he entered the Ten Thousand Monster Realm with him through the cross-border teleportation array.

Even his soul was shaken away by him.

In this case, even if Zombie God returns to the pseudo-sage realm, there is no way he can be saved.

What makes him strange is how Xingtian and Xia Geng were caught by the God of Death, and they both fell asleep for half a month, but did not wake up.

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly noticed the Netherworld Blood Coffin that he had hidden in the void.

You must know that before this, he tried his best and was unable to contact the Netherworld Brutal Blood Coffin. He could only rely on the purple coffin liquid fused with the Netherworld Brutal Blood Coffin to realize that the Netherworld Brutal Blood Coffin was still in the cultivation period.

Then, Li Qing suddenly raised his eyebrows, turned around and pointed in the void.

Just when Yun Zhonghuo was wondering what Li Qing was going to do, he saw ripples like water patterns suddenly appeared in the void.

After seeing this, Yun Zhonghuo's eyes suddenly widened.

He looked at the void in confusion, secretly wondering if the Netherworld Blood Coffin was finally coming out of the void.

Because he is neither the owner of the Netherworld Brutal Blood Coffin, nor has he ever obtained the Purple Coffin, he has no way of knowing the information about the Netherworld Brutal Blood Coffin.

Just when he thought of this, he saw a coffin with a height and width of one foot slowly driving out of the void.

Yun Zhonghuo stood up immediately, with a smile on his face as if he had found something lost.

For Li Qing, this Netherworld Blood Coffin can be said to be the foundation of his life.

As for Yun Zhonghuo, the items in this Netherworld Blood Coffin contained his entire wealth.

And those things were more precious than his life!

He couldn't help but be like this.

At this time, Li Qing slowly put his hand on the Netherworld Blood Coffin. After quietly sensing it for a few minutes, he suddenly showed a strange smile, turned to Yun Zhonghuo and said, "Senior, I will take you to an interesting place." place!"

When he said this, Li Qing's eyes were filled with a strange smile.

He can't wait to see what kind of expression Yun Zhonghuo will show when he knows that his coffin can still travel through all the worlds!

When Yun Zhonghuo heard what Li Qing said, he frowned and asked subconsciously: "What's so interesting?"

Li Qing smiled and said nothing, but slowly said four words in his heart.

"Blessing from the coffin of heaven!"

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