Unify all heavens

Chapter 601 Meeting Zhubi on the Road (Part 1)

Xing Tian didn't get angry when he heard Zombie God yelling in Xia Geng's palm. Perhaps during the hundreds of thousands of years he was locked in the barrier, he had really softened his temper and changed his personality.

After all, whether it was Xia Geng or Zombie God, their impression of Xing Tian was that of a ferocious god with a shield in one hand and an ax in the other.

Thinking back to those days, Zhubi was chased by Xingtian for tens of thousands of years after just making some calculations against Xingtian. Almost every few days, the other corpses could see Zhubi being torn apart by Xingtian's axe.

If Xingtian hadn't used his divine power and evil spirit, Zhubi would have died the first time he was dismembered by Xingtian.

Because of this, the other divine corpses are all afraid of Xing Tian.

But at this moment, Xing Tian didn't react at all when Zheng Shen was yelling at him.

This unusual scene made even Xia Geng on the side feel shocked, secretly wondering whether Xing Tian had changed his temper.

At this time, Zombie God finally finished cursing.

He was still very happy when he scolded him, but now after he finished scolding, he began to worry that Xing Tian would crush him in anger.

After Xing Tian saw Zhong Shen finished cursing, he smiled abnormally and said, "Then I will swear again!"

As soon as he said these words, the blood-colored eyeballs spurted out blood again.

Then I heard Zhan Shen say in a cold voice: "You boring gourd is full of bad things, ancestor, I don't believe you!"

After Zhan Shen finished speaking, Xing Tian's eyes fell on Xia Geng and said solemnly: "In that case, it is up to you to swear, and I will repeat it after your oath is over!"

After that, he looked at Zombie God and said, "Zombie God, how do you like this?"

Zombie God snorted coldly and said: "Okay, just do it!"

When he finished speaking, Xia Geng said in a loud voice: "Then I will swear, I will..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard the sound of Zombie God's gnashing teeth.

"Send it by your real name!"

Xia Geng curled his lips helplessly and said again angrily: "I, Xia Geng, swear that as long as the Zombie God takes me away from the world of monsters, I will spare his life! If I violate my oath, I, Xia Geng, am willing to suffer the catastrophe of ten thousand thunders." , eternal life and eternal thunder and calamity!"

After he swore the oath, Zombie God began to consider it word by word. When he found that there was indeed no problem, he snorted and said, "Xingtian, it's your turn!"

Xing Tian blinked helplessly, then imitated Xia Geng's words and swore.

After he swore the oath, Zombie God said: "Then let me go, and I will lead the way with you!"

Xia Geng glanced at Xing Tian, ​​and when he saw that Xing Tian didn't speak, he released his palm and released Zheng Shen.

After Zhan Shen left Xia Geng's hand, he led the way towards the valley, with Xia Geng and Xing Tian following closely behind him.

On the other side, after discovering that Yun Zhonghuo had taken action, Li Qing dissipated the magic power of Fa Tian Xiang Di and restored his original appearance. Then he found the body left behind by the Zombie God and took the purple coffin from the neck of the emperor. He came down and put the things that were originally in the purple coffin into the purple coffin, including the limp animal in the distance.

Then he secretly said: "I don't know what kind of strength this old man has, but he can actually send the Zombie God flying backwards with just one finger! But then again, the Zombie God is not here at the moment, and it's time for me to leave this world. I think Zhu Bi They have already left this world of monsters!"

As soon as he thought of this, he was ready to leave this place.

But just as he was about to start, he saw Yun Zhonghuo suddenly appear and look at him expressionlessly, asking: "Little baby, old man, I just saved your life, why don't you say goodbye to me?" Thank you?"

After Li Qing heard this, he immediately replied respectfully: "Thank you, senior, for the rescue!"

Judging from the previous explosions, the strength of the old man Yun Zhonghuo may be beyond his imagination. After all, he was in the state of being able to control the sky and the earth before, but he was still staggered by the explosion.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "Now that Mr. Zhu and Master Tongtian have left this world, I will have to trouble the old man Yun Zhonghuo in the future."

As soon as he thought about this, Li Qing decided to hug the old man's thigh before the Netherworld Blood Coffin could be summoned from the void.

Therefore, when he thanked him this time, he didn't feel any unpleasantness in his heart.

When Yun Zhonghuo saw Li Qing obediently thanking him, the expressionless expression on his face immediately disappeared, and he put on a kind look. He waved his hand and said with a smile: "Thank you, no need." , but you have to call out the Netherworld Blood Coffin and ask the old man for me to go back!"

After Li Qing heard the words, he immediately smiled and said distressedly: "To be honest, senior, if I could summon the Netherworld Brutal Blood Coffin, I would never have used the magical power of Fa Tianxiangdi before! The Netherworld Brutal Blood Coffin was being used by senior After refining, it needs to rest in the void for a month before it can be summoned!"

Yun Zhonghuo was originally going to be angry when he heard Li Qing say that the coffin could not be summoned, but as soon as he heard the word 'refining', he suddenly beamed with joy.

I saw that the corner of his smiling mouth had already reached his ears, and then he waved his hands with a kind face and said: "In that case, I will stay outside for half a month, old man!"

"Speaking of which, old man, I haven't been out for a long time, and now I just take this opportunity to see the world!"

While saying this, he also said happily in his heart: "This little kid used the word 'refining' well. Old man, didn't I refine the magic weapon that Tongtian refined before? Well, if I have the chance, If you go back, you must let fellow Taoist Tongtian take a look at the magic weapon I have refined!"

Thinking of this, he asked Li Qing: "Little baby, where should we go next?"

After Li Qing heard the words, he thought for a moment and responded: "Next, I will leave this world of ten thousand monsters and go to the prison world! See if I can catch the bloody corpse!"

Yun Zhonghuo secretly underestimated the 'Ten Thousand Monster Realm' and the 'Prison Immortal Realm', then raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "Blood corpse? But that blood corpse among the top ten forbidden corpses in the world?"

Li Qing nodded lightly and said: "To be honest, senior, I want to take the blood corpse under my command! It's just that I have been struggling to catch it. Now that I have such a powerful person as senior by my side, the blood corpse can't even gain wings." It’s hard to escape!”

When Yun Zhonghuo heard this, he blinked his eyes and said with a surprised look on his face: "Great Power? Are you talking about me, an old man?"

When he finished speaking, he waved his hand again and said: "Old man, I am not a powerful person, I am just a golden immortal!"

Li Qing chuckled and said nothing, soared into the sky and flew towards the valley.

Yun Zhonghuo followed closely behind and arrived at Li Qing's side almost instantly.

When Li Qing saw this, he rolled his eyes and said, "Senior, is it okay if the coffin spirit is not in the coffin for a long time?"

The moment Yun Zhonghuo heard this, he subconsciously answered.

"What coffin spirit?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he screamed in his heart that it was bad. He quickly turned around and saw Li Qing looking at him with a half-smile.

Yun Zhonghuo's expression changed slightly, and then he rolled his eyes and shouted, "How dare Xiao Fang Xiao dare to spy on me secretly!"

As soon as the words sounded, he raised his hand and slapped the ground!

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