Unify all heavens

Chapter 495 The tree demon finally dies



The dead leaves were blown by the cold wind and floated on the blue brick floor of Lanruo Temple.

Some of them were blown into the halls by the cold wind along the broken windows and doors of many dilapidated halls of Lanruo Temple.

Scattered on the floor, on the Buddha statue.

At this time, a "boom" sound suddenly came from the floor of a certain hall, and then a huge three-foot-wide tongue full of mucus broke through the ground with a "boom" sound, smashing into scattered floor fragments. block, heading straight towards the three-foot-tall Buddha statue directly behind the main hall.


This giant tongue was like lightning, knocking out the void and making a sound of breaking through the air.

Then there was a "boom" and the three-foot-tall Buddha statue of Sakyamuni was knocked into pieces.




For a while, there was only dust filling the air, accompanied by the sound of broken pieces of the Buddha statue hitting the ground.

The giant tongue didn't wait for the dust to clear, and headed straight for the stone lotus seat.

In the center of the lotus seat, there was an eyeball-sized, extremely round oval golden relic, exuding gleaming golden light in the dark hall.

The golden light was very dim and could only illuminate a few kilometers around it.

But it is still very conspicuous in this dark hall.


The moment the sound of breaking through the air was heard, the giant tongue came to the sky above the relics, and then slammed down without any hesitation. With a "bang", the lotus seat holding the relics was smashed into pieces.

When the lime was scattered, the giant tongue violently rolled up the relic and retracted it faster than when it came.

But at this moment, a cold female voice was heard from outside the hall.

"The relic is in this hall!"

The next moment the sound sounded, the second half of the giant tongue suddenly arched and swept across all the Buddha statues in the hall.

"Boom boom boom——"

All the Buddha statues that were hit by it flew out of their original positions at extremely fast speeds and flew out of the door with a whooshing sound.

And it took advantage of this opportunity to escape underground, escaping towards the underground at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Li Qing's figure appeared at the door of the hall, shattering all the Buddha statues flying towards him into powder with his own evil aura, and then turned directly into a black light and flashed in In the main hall.

When he entered the hall, he happened to see the giant tongue retracting from the hole in the floor.

"Still want to run?"

Li Qing shouted coldly, raised his hand and shattered the entire floor of the hall with extremely thick evil energy.

With the sound of "boom", the ground of the entire hall instantly turned into powder, revealing a vaguely wide hole.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing jumped in front of the cave entrance, and then rushed directly into the cave, rushing towards the giant tongue that made a "rumbling" sound in front of him.

The giant tongue retreated very quickly, but was still chased by Li Qing to a distance of ten feet.

And the distance of ten feet is also getting closer quickly.

Three feet!

Two feet!

One foot!

Just as Li Qing was closing the distance to less than one meter, he heard the voice of a frustrated middle-aged woman coming from the cave.

"King Zhan, I had no enmity with you in the past and we have no enmity in the recent past, so why do you have to force each other so hard!"

"Although it was wrong for me to take action without authorization, I have lost nearly six hundred years of skill because of it. Why are you still chasing after me!"

Li Qing sneered when he heard this, but did not reply. He just suddenly reached out his hand and used the object control technique to retract the giant tongue to delay it.

And at this moment, he grabbed the tip of the giant tongue, but before he could exert any force, the giant tongue retracted again when it regained its mobility. The huge strength actually pulled Li Qingdu staggering, and even more in the hole. A small hole was kicked into the ground.

Then he used this small pit to stabilize his body, forcibly stopped the giant tongue from retracting, and with lightning speed, he stretched out his right hand and snatched the relics rolled up by the giant tongue.

The tree demon who lost the relic finally became furious at this moment.

"King Zombie!!!"

It roared angrily in a rich manly voice, and said angrily: "You keep pushing and pushing, cutting off my way of survival, I will make you disappear into thin air!!!"

The moment it said the words, it forcibly cut off the part of its tongue that was being pulled by Li Qing, and then moved forward without retreating, slamming into Li Qing menacingly.

At the same time, countless branches sprouted out of the ground around the cave, like palms, spreading towards Li Qing with great flexibility.


At this time, its tongue finally hit Li Qing's chest.

But Li Qing, who was hit so hard, didn't even shake his body. Instead, he grabbed his tongue again when it retracted, and then sneered: "Grandma Dryad, you think too highly of yourself! It's just a Mahayana. It’s just a period, I can destroy you with just a flip of my hand!”

As he spoke, those branches spread around him.

However, as soon as he got close to Li Qing's body, he was burned to ashes by the Taiqing Divine Fire summoned by Li Qing.


The domineering power of the divine fire caused the furious tree demon to let out a miserable howl.

But soon, its howl suddenly stopped.

The reason was that Li Qing suddenly spun in place for several weeks, and with the tongue in his hand, he forcefully pulled it out from the depths of the hole!

The tree demon was so frightened that he could only cut off half of his tongue again, and then rushed deep into the cave without looking back.

But how could Li Qing let it go?

Seeing that half of its tongue dripping with mucus was about to disappear into the darkness, Li Qing immediately summoned the Taiqing Divine Fire, and then threw it into the darkness ahead.

The next moment, there was a "boom" in the darkness ahead!

Then purple fire filled the air, and the miserable howls of the dryads could be heard all the while.

Li Qing did not wait for the death of the tree demon, but rushed into the fire.

Immediately, in the blazing divine fire, a skinless tree branch with a width of ten feet was twisting like a snake!

And at the end of the branch, there is an extremely huge tree body that is more than ten feet wide and is shaking violently!

Those densely packed roots were like an octopus waving its hands, drilling crazily into the surrounding soil, trying to extinguish the Taiqing Divine Fire on the roots.

But the Taiqing Divine Fire burns almost nothing, and the mere mortal soil turns into nothingness without being able to hold on for even one breath!

As a result, the dryad became even more twisted.

The roots were waving desperately, beating the surrounding soil with a 'bang bang bang bang' sound!

Seeing this, Li Qing no longer hesitated, and immediately flew forward, hovering above the tree demon's huge body, then bit it in one bite, and then sucked it hard!

Suddenly, a strong and cold liquid filled his throat, and was instantly transformed into corpse energy by the 'Unnamed Technique' and entered his abdomen, and was then turned into evil energy by his body.

His realm is much higher than that of the tree demon's grandma, so with this casual bite, he almost sucked away half of the tree demon's demonic power!

The tree demon, which had lost more than half of its demonic power, instantly had dozens of roots withered, and more than half of the huge tree body dried up in the blink of an eye!

At this moment, Li Qing took another hard breath.

And this mouthful directly stopped the twisting and struggling tree demon!

When Li Qing began to convert this demonic power, the body of the tree demon was drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was then burned to ashes by the gradually growing Taiqing Divine Fire.

After the dryad grandmother turned into ashes, an extremely wide hole was revealed in front of Li Qing.

And this cave is filled with densely packed skeletons.

But Li Qing didn't have time to pay attention to this, he was transforming that rich and cold demonic power!

Thanks to book friend Shen Tu for the reward of 600 starting coins!

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