Unify all heavens

Chapter 489 Silly Scholar (Part 1)



Li Qing slowly walked into the backyard in the dark wind blowing in his face.

Compared with the front yard and middle yard of Lanruo Temple, this backyard is actually a little less weird and a little more cold.

He stopped under the arch and looked at the lighted attic a dozen feet away and the exceptionally tall and lush locust tree on the left side of the attic. A strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

At this moment, the three female ghosts who had been following Li Qing slowly floated to the ground silently.

After the skirt and ribbons behind her were fluttering on the ground, Xiaolan, who had been livid all the time, sneered and looked at Li Qing, who was more than ten feet away in front of her, and said in a cold voice: "This scholar has really had enough life, how dare he Come to where grandma lives!”

Xiaoqian, who was standing on her left, said at this moment: "Fortunately, grandma is not inside, otherwise the three of us will be punished if he sees her appearance!"

Although she disagreed with Xiaoqian, after hearing her words, Xiaoqing nodded in agreement, but did not speak.

Unexpectedly, when she was nodding, a cold snort suddenly came from behind her.


The moment the cold snort sounded, the bodies of the three ghosts trembled subconsciously. When they turned around cautiously, they saw the tree demon grandma with an ashen face standing behind them.

And behind the tree demon grandma are the imps tightly bound by branches.

When the tree demon grandma saw them turning back, she cursed angrily in a rich male voice: "Bitch!!!"

As he spoke, he slapped their faces with his palm.


With a crisp slap in the face, all three of them were slapped and fell to the ground, looking at the tree demon grandma with uneasiness.

"Listen carefully! I want you to seduce this scholar before Yinshi! Otherwise, I will marry you all to the zombie king next door!"

After the Dryad Grandma said this threateningly in the voice of a middle-aged woman, she turned into a male voice again and sneered: "Zombies never have feelings, let alone King Zombie! So you guys had better seduce that scholar. Stop! Otherwise, if you marry that Zombie Queen, your souls will be gone and you will never be reincarnated forever!"

After it finished saying this, several female ghosts nodded in panic.

Grandma Dryad snorted coldly when she saw this, then turned into a branch and burrowed into the ground, disappearing.

After it left, Xiaoqing, Xiaolan and Xiaoqian looked at each other and then helped each other stand up.

Xiao Qing's whole pretty face turned blue-white at this time, and then she glanced at the attic not far away, and gritted her teeth and said, "I have a way."


As he stepped onto the wooden stairs, Li Qing's figure appeared outside the sliding door on the third floor of the attic. Then he opened the wooden door with a 'Leng Leng' sound and stepped in.

Immediately, a spacious and luxuriously decorated room appeared in front of him.

Li Qing looked down and saw a pool of water flush with the ground a few steps away.

And on the vast pond filled with petals, there was white mist curling up, and a faint fragrance of daughter.

The pool occupies most of the entire room, so although the room is large, there is not much place to stay. There is only an open space at the end opposite the wooden door.

But there were two screens embroidered with pictures of ladies and a brown bed in the open space.

This means that if he wants to find a place to rest, he has no choice but to go to that bed.

When thinking of this, Li Qing frowned slightly, feeling a little disgusted in his heart.

After all, that bed belongs to Grandma Dryad.


Li Qing immediately took a step back and closed the wooden door.

There are five rooms on the three floors of this attic. The one with the pool is just up the stairs, and the other rooms are on the right side of it.

Therefore, Li Qing just moved a little and stood in front of the door of the next room.

After opening the wooden door with a "Leng Leng" sound, he nodded with satisfaction.

Although this room is small, it is elegant.

At a rough glance, the room was only sixty or seventy square meters. Apart from two screens, a dressing table and a gauze bed, there was nothing else in the room.

After Li Qing stepped into the room, he sat cross-legged on the floor next to the window, took a book from the book basket, and began to pretend to read.

In the courtyard, Xiao Qing and the others first looked up at the room that Li Qing entered, and then slowly flew up to the attic.

They did not rush to find Li Qing, but came to the room with the pool with laughter.

When she first entered the room, Xiaolan said expressionlessly: "Sister Xiaoqing, is this temple really safe? Why do I always hear people talking about Lanruo Temple every time I go to Guobei County to buy vegetables? Is it haunted?"

Although there was no expression on her face, her words were full of panic.

When Xiaoqing finished her words, she smiled and said: "Where did the ghosts come from in this temple? Most of them were eaten by wild wolves in the woods outside the temple, so people spread rumors. Over time, It is said that there is a ghost in Lanruo Temple!"

When she said this, she paused for a moment, listened carefully to the sounds in the next room, and then said slowly: "Besides, have you seen any ghosts during the six months we have lived in Lanruo Temple? "

At this time, Xiaoqian echoed: "Sister Xiaoqing is right. If there were ghosts, how could we still be alive today!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the expressionless Xiaolan said in a frightened tone: "Oh~ It's so late at night, can't you two stop mentioning the word 'ghost'? It's so weird."

"Okay, okay, don't mention it anymore!"

After Xiaoqing said this expressionlessly, she gave Xiaoqian and Xiaolan a look, then yawned and said, "It's getting late, let's wash up and then rest. We'll return tomorrow morning." We have to go to Guobei County to find a master who dares to come to the temple to teach us how to read!"

After saying this, the three of them walked to the edge of the pool and began to take off their clothes.

As a result, until they took off only their bellybands, there was still no movement in the next room.

Xiaoqing narrowed her eyes and said softly to Xiaolan: "Go and see what the scholar is doing?"

Xiaolan nodded slowly when she heard the words, and then floated up from the water silently, flying out of the room like a puff of smoke and stopping in front of the next door. Then she gently poked a small hole in the sliding door with her fingers. Then he squinted his eyes and looked into the house.

As a result, he saw Li Qing in the room standing at the window looking at the night sky.

Xiaolan was stunned when she saw this.

There are three beautiful women washing up next door. As a good man, why don't you take a peek and why are you here looking at the sky?

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