Unify all heavens

Chapter 479 Both sides suffer! (superior)

"She she."

Ghost Arhat's lips were trembling and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Before Youyun appeared, it still had a kind smile on its face.

This is a sure win for him.

But when Li Qing let it take a closer look at Youyun, the smile on its face disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a look of fear.

It can't help but be frightened.

Because it saw Youyun's identity.

Because of this, Gui Luohan felt that his brain was a little dazed.

It stared at You Yun blankly, the look of fear on its face getting stronger and stronger.

"how come?"

"How can it be?"

"Didn't her clan become extinct in ancient times?"

After Ghost Arhat said this, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

It hadn't noticed before, but now it suddenly realized that Youyun's realm was actually just the Corpse Ancestor.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on its face, and it looked at Li Qing with squinted eyes.

"The ghost corpse is indeed magical, but the prerequisite is that she must become an immortal! Does King Zombie think that a ghost corpse in the zombie ancestral realm can be captured by the old monk without any help?"

After saying this, Ghost Arhat said with admiration: "But the old monk still admires King Zombie very much. You actually cultivated a forbidden corpse!"

When he said this, he shook his head full of pity, "What a pity, this ghost corpse is only in the realm of corpse ancestors. If she is in the same realm as you, the old monk will have no choice but to capture her!"

Youyun said nothing, but her eyes became cold.

Although the aura of the monk in front of her was very powerful, he was the most powerful existence she had ever seen.

But there was still no fear in her heart.


Just a strong murderous intention!

In Youyun's view, anyone who is an enemy of the Lord will only die!

At this moment, Li Qing narrowed his eyes and sneered: "The purpose of calling her out is to show her where you will escape!"

"And you!"

Li Qing glared fiercely.

"I will take care of it myself!"

In an instant, Ghost Arhat's expression changed.

It suddenly occurred to him that the ghost corpse was the most yin corpse, and its eyes could see through all the yin and evil things.

Although it is a ghost fairy in the heavenly realm, it has not yet reached the realm of yin and yang, and most of its aura is ghost energy.

This means that its method of escape is completely useless at this moment.

As soon as he thought this, Gui Luohan no longer hesitated and immediately punched You Yun with his fist.

Li Qing had been on guard against the ghost arhat for a long time.

At this moment, when he saw Ghost Arhat's figure move, he also jumped forward and at the same time raised his fist to stop the punch.

However, Ghost Arhat's fist was just thrown casually.

And Li Qing,

But he used Tianshuang Fist!

After he became the Zombie King, his corpse aura turned into evil aura.

The evil spirit is the most yin and evil spirit, which belongs to cold.

It is a natural fit with Tianshuang Fist.

Therefore, Li Qing's fist was covered with frost, and the frost was covered with fist wind.

At that moment, there was only a "bang" sound, and the fists of Li Qing and Gui Luohan collided.

Then he saw the figure of the Ghost Arhat flying backwards three to five feet in an instant.

The moment it landed, there was an expression on its face as if it had seen a ghost.

"Martial Arts???"

The moment he said these words with a livid expression, a freezing 'click' sound suddenly sounded from its body.

In just three breaths, it was frozen in a piece of ice ten feet high.

When Li Qing landed, Ghost Arhat no longer had any breath.

It was as if this piece of ice had frozen its breath.

At this moment, You Yun not far away said: "My lord, it is underground and is escaping in that direction!"

After saying that, raise your hand and point!

After Li Qing heard this sentence, he sneered, raised his foot, and then stamped it hard!


Suddenly, a sound like an earthquake suddenly sounded.

The ground for dozens of miles around trembled and cracked at this moment.


The ghost arhat is like a fish in the water, looking at the vast earth and nothing, and escaping quickly.

It knew in its heart that with the Youzhi around, Li Qing would soon find it escaping underground.

Therefore, it had to escape as quickly as possible before Li Qing chased him.

At this moment, it suddenly discovered that an evil spirit had invaded the ground.

The coldness of the evil spirit immediately slowed down its speed.

At this time, the loess around it suddenly shook.

On the ground, after Li Qing stamped his foot, he activated the function of the Floating and Sinking Clothes.

The purple clothes he was wearing were given to him by Lord Zhu when he first worshiped at his sect.

Zhu Gong once said that this floating and sinking garment does not get wet when it meets water, does not burn when it encounters fire, sinks when it encounters wood, sinks when it encounters earth, and becomes empty when it encounters metal. The Jie Jiao formation is also engraved on his clothes, which represents his identity as a Jie Jiao disciple.

Since putting on this dress, Li Qing has never used these additional functions.

At this moment, the ghost arhat escaped underground. He just took advantage of the function of this floating and sinking clothing to escape underground and chase it.

As his thoughts moved slightly, Li Qing noticed ripples like water ripples appearing on the ground beneath his feet.

Then his body sank directly as if falling into water.

After sinking into the ground, Li Qing discovered that the surrounding soil did not have any impact on him, as if it was all a shadow.

Even if he can float at this moment, he only relies on himself.

After noticing this, Li Qing was startled, then sneered and chased in the direction where the ghost arhat escaped.

Although he is underground, relying on the function of the Floating and Sinking Clothes, his flying speed is not much slower than when he is in the air.

At this moment, the ghost arhat was desperately trying to escape.

He was able to escape underground because it itself was an Arhat statue made of clay.

So, it's fast.

However, after escaping for dozens of miles, its expression suddenly changed.

It didn't even need to look back to know that Li Qing was chasing after it.

Because not everyone can exude that turbulent and majestic evil spirit.

After feeling the approaching speed of the evil spirit, Ghost Arhat suddenly stopped with a dejected look on his face.

It knew that with Li Qing's speed, it would be overtaken as long as it escaped for a mile.

Since the outcome is already determined, why waste any more energy?

While it was waiting, Li Qing soon arrived near it.

After seeing that Li Qing was able to regard the ten thousand years of earth as nothing, Ghost Arhat smiled helplessly and said: "I didn't expect that you would catch up with me even if I escaped underground!"

When it said this, it sighed and said with a bitter smile: "What a zombie, even ghosts and immortals in the heavenly realm like the old monk are chased by you and have no way to escape!"

Li Qing sneered, spread his hands and said: "Stop talking nonsense and hand over my seven souls quickly, so that I can let you die more easily!"

The ghost arhat shook his head upon hearing this.

"King Zombie, you should give up! Don't tell me that your seven souls are no longer in the hands of the old monk. Even if they are in the hands of the old monk, the old monk will not give them back to you!"

When Li Qing saw that Gui Luohan still refused to return his seven souls, he suddenly became angry.

"I saw with my own eyes that you snatched my seven souls in your hands! Do you still dare to quibble? Do you think you are treating me as a fool?"

The ghost arhat smiled, opened his mouth and spat out seven transparent figures, and said: "King Zhan, let's see if the old monk has lied to you!"

Li Qing took a closer look and saw that the seven transparent figures were not him, but a young boy.

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