Unify all heavens

Chapter 464: Being trapped in the mortal world and not knowing it (6)

Since he couldn't move the tree stump, he could only knock it down and then roll it down the high platform.

When the tree stump rolled to the ground with a bang, Li Qing also jumped down from the high platform.

But his body was too weak, and the platform, which was only half a foot high, made him kneel and crawl on the ground the moment he jumped to the ground.

Fortunately, he could still bear the pain.

So he stood up with a grin on his face and rolled the tree stump toward the hole next to the dungeon.

Although there is a door to this place in the dungeon, the cell leaders will not be able to think of it for a while.

But they would go into the cell to look, and that's when they would find the hole in the cell wall.

So Li Qing decided to use the tree stump to block the hole from the outside first, so as to buy him more time to escape.

Just as he was thinking of this, the prison head's voice suddenly came from the hole in front.

"Look, Lao Zhang, there is a hole here. I guess that kid must have escaped from here!"

Li Qing's expression changed when he heard this, and he quickly rolled up the tree stump.

He didn't expect that the efficiency of these prison guards was so high.

At this time, another sound suddenly came from the entrance of the cave.

It was the voice of another prison boss.

"Don't just fucking talk about it. Hurry up and dig into the hole and chase after it. It said above that you must see that kid's head in an hour. If you still can't find that kid by then! The heads of our two brothers will be No guarantee!"

As soon as this voice fell, the panicked voice of the cell leader immediately rang out: "Old Zhang, why don't you hit this old guy on the head first? There is a mass grave nearby. What if we encounter a ghost when we go out now? "

"Are you blind? Then Zhuge Wolong is a fair-skinned scholar. Look at this old guy. His face is so ferocious that he could be a fucking thief! Besides, the knife on your waist has not chopped off a hundred heads. There are fifty of them, even a ghost wouldn’t dare to get close!”


"Stop being so damn stupid. If you don't drill me, our heads will fall off the ground after you've been in the ink for a while!"

As these words rang out, a "swishing" sound came from the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, Li Qing finally rolled the tree stump in front of the cave entrance.

But just as he was moving the tree stump and preparing to stuff it into the hole, he saw a pockmarked head protruding from the hole.

Suddenly, the scene fell silent.

The prison head with a pockmarked face looked at Li Qing in shock, and Li Qing also stared at him.

After being stagnant for less than three breaths, the jailer with a pockmarked face came to his senses first, glared angrily and shouted: "San'er!!! Push me!"

After this loud explosion, Li Qing suddenly came back to his senses.

Then, without knowing where the strength came from, he suddenly lifted the tree stump above his head.


In the frightened eyes of the cell leader, Li Qing gritted his teeth and hit the tree stump hard on his head.

In an instant, there was only a "bang" sound, and the prison head fainted with blood pouring from his head.

Or maybe he was frightened, so Li Qing immediately picked up the tree stump and hit the cell leader on the head again!

This time, the unconscious prison head was hit so hard that his orifices bled and his whole body twitched.

Li Qing looked at the prison guard lying at his feet, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He was even more frightened in his heart. He didn't dare to look at the prison guard again, and quickly fled from the place against the wall.

Although the area around him was empty, he did not dare to run around because the two prison guards had said that there was a mass grave nearby.

If he accidentally ran into a mass grave, it would be like breaking into a ghost den. Then he might see Zhang Laosan without his head, or the prisoner he had just strangled to death with a straw whip, and The cell leader was killed by a tree stump.

Although he died more than thirty times, except for the pictures that appeared before his eyes after death, he had never seen any ghosts.

Thinking of this, Li Qing couldn't help but look up at the sky.

I saw that the night was getting brighter and the stars were dimming.

It seemed that dawn was not far away.

As soon as he thought about this, he continued walking against the wall. The cold wind in the autumn night was like a steel knife scraping bones, making his thin body tremble under his thin clothes.

If anyone is around him at this time, they will find that his face is horribly white, and the light red on his lips has faded, replaced by a light cyan, as if he will not live long.

But Li Qing himself didn't know about this, he just walked cautiously with his trembling body.

The dungeon occupies a small area, so in just a few minutes, he was already in the alley not far from the front door of the dungeon.

After walking a few steps, he stood close to the wall at the entrance of the alley, sticking his head out to look.

I saw two guards sleeping against the wall at the door.

He stood against the wall for about a minute. When he saw the two guards still snoring, he slowly squatted down, picked up a hand-sized stone from the ground, and threw it forward.

"Bang Huan——"

After the sound of the stone falling to the ground, the two guards were not affected at all, and even their snoring did not stop.

Seeing this, Li Qing finally felt relieved. Then he stood up and ran towards the street as fast as he could in his life.

Like a breath of fresh air, he ran on the street for a long time. When he felt that the people in the dungeon could no longer catch up with him, he panted and ran into an alley, then squatted against the wall.

But after he squatted down, he suddenly found that there were people squatting around him.

Li Qing was stunned for a moment. When he ran into this alley just now, why didn't he notice that there were so many people squatting in this alley?

At a glance, he saw that there were thirty or forty people squatting in this short alley.

Squatting next to him was an old man with gray hair and a face as white as paper.

Li Qing hesitated for a moment, but finally raised his hand and patted the old man's knee, asking: "Old man, why are there so many people squatting in this alley?"

The old man looked at him expressionlessly, then lowered his head again.

Li Qing felt strange, so he stood up and walked to the opposite side, then squatted against the wall, patted the knee of a young man dressed as a scholar next to him, and asked: "Brother, why are there so many people squatting here?"

The scholar glanced at Li Qing expressionlessly, and just like the old man, he lowered his head without saying a word.

The strange feeling in Li Qing's heart became stronger. He subconsciously raised his head to look at the people squatting in the alley, and his whole body became cold instantly.

He suddenly discovered.

The faces of these people were all as white as paper, and under the moonlight, there was no shadow on any of these squatting people!

Li Qing was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up with a frightened look on his face, ran to the street, stood in the middle of the street, then lowered his head and looked at his feet.

And this sight made him stiffen!

Because he himself has no shadow

Li Qing was stunned and looked around subconsciously.

But he saw that the surrounding buildings were covered with black shadows under the moonlight, and even a stone as big as a fingernail had its reflection on the ground.

There was only himself, no shadow under his feet.

Suddenly, Li Qing felt five thunders hitting his head, and he collapsed to the ground involuntarily.

Only then did he realize that the bright moon hanging in the sky was actually blood red.

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