Unify all heavens

Chapter 459: Being trapped in the world of mortals and not knowing (1)

"Scholar Li? Scholar Li? Wake up quickly and get on the road."

In the darkness, these words suddenly came.

This sentence seemed to be a ray of light, causing Li Qing's three souls and seven souls to involuntarily approach him in the darkness.

"Scholar Li?"

"Scholar Li? Wake up quickly"

At this time, two more sentences rang out.

The words were like the blazing sun, illuminating the boundless darkness and presenting a blurry picture in front of Li Qing's eyes.

The picture is of a man's face, like a mirage, extremely distant and virtual.

Li Qing blinked, a little confused.

"Papa -"

The man saw Li Qing blinking, but his eyes were full of confusion, so he couldn't help but raise his hand and slap him on the forehead.

With these two slaps, the mirage-like image suddenly zoomed in closer and gradually became clearer.

Li Qing was in pain and subconsciously covered his forehead, only to find that his forehead was extremely hot.

At this time, the man also frowned and muttered: "This scholar's body is not strong enough. He caught the wind and cold just one night."

As he spoke, he shook his head, which was full of vicissitudes of life.

Li Qing was even more confused when he saw this. He turned around and looked around, and found that he was actually on a donkey cart, with hay that smelled of damp under him.

When the man saw Li Qing looking around, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Scholar Li, don't look at it. We are still in the wild. When we enter the city later, I will send you to the town to see the doctor."

After hearing what the man said, Li Qing discovered that the donkey cart was parked at the edge of a forest.

Behind the donkey cart is a yellowing forest.

At this time, the man was taking off his short hexagram, and then put it on Li Qing. He shook his head and said: "You scholar, you are so good at staying away from home. You insist on going out to see the world. This time is good. It only takes one night." I caught the cold, what do you think I will tell your father when I turn around?"

Li Qing pursed his lips and said nothing.

The man was not angry when he saw this, just because he knew that Li Qing was a boring gourd, and he was the same at home on weekdays.

"A good little boy, he became stupid by studying hard."

He sighed silently in his heart and turned around with his shirt off. Then he took two steps and sat on the donkey's back, saying, "Scholar Li, please sit tight and don't fall off!"

As he spoke, he pulled out a wet whip made of weeds from his waist, and then slapped it on the donkey's butt.


There was a crisp sound, and the donkey was frightened, then spread its hooves and ran forward.

The wooden board that Li Qing was sitting on made a "creak" sound from the bumps.

He looked at the back of the man in front of him, then raised his head in confusion.

Only then did I realize that the stars were shining brightly in the night sky and the moon was hanging high.

".Where are we going so early?"

After hesitating for a long time, Li Qing finally asked this question.

The man raised his head when he heard the words, and then smiled and said: "It's late, it's already a quarter past three. If it's late, it will be difficult to enter the city!"

Li Qing fell into silence upon hearing this, his eyes still looking confused.

He found that he couldn't remember anything except his own name.

But the strange thing is that common sense still knows.

This made him doubtful.

And he felt groggy, as if he was in a dream, but also as if he wasn't.

Li Qing scratched his head, becoming even more confused.

At this time, the donkey cart has arrived at the town gate.

The man jumped off the donkey, took the rope and pulled the donkey forward.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly ran out from the gate of the town, chasing a man with a package in his arms.

This scene made the man leading the donkey stop immediately and then became motionless.

Li Qing, who was sitting on the weeds, looked at the group of people not far away, and then looked at the man.

It was found that his body was trembling slightly.

At this time, the man holding the package in his arms had already run to the donkey, panting slightly, and continued running in the direction Li Qing came from without stopping.

Only then did Li Qing see clearly that this man was a young man with a fair face.

And those who chased him were all rough and rough men.



With heavy breathing, these men also ran to the donkey.

Like the young man, they ran past them without even looking at Li Qing and the man leading the donkey.

He kept drinking loudly along the way.

"Zhuge Wolong, quickly hand over the counter-proposal!"

"Put down the counter-proposal and spare your life!"

It wasn't until they were far away that the man leading the donkey sighed heavily, and then walked toward the city gate in silence.

At this time, I saw a group of officials running out of the city gate, each of them holding a knife with a fierce look.

When they ran in front of the donkey, they all stopped, and then two cold knives were placed on the necks of the man leading the donkey and Li Qing.

Li Qing's hair stood on end instantly, and his whole body was frozen, not daring to move.

And the man holding the donkey is also average.

The one holding the knife on Li Qing's neck was a one-eyed official.

He raised Li Qing's chin with dirty fingers, and then sneered: "My body is fair, so I can use you to make up for it!"

As he spoke, he took out a wrinkled portrait from his arms, compared it in front of Li Qing, and immediately said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad, it's as white and clean as Zhuge Wolong's. It's a perfect match!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an official in front of him took out a portrait from his arms, took a casual look at it, and sneered: "You look very much like Wang Laoliu, just right for me to receive the reward!"

While the official was talking, the man leading the donkey glanced at the portrait subconsciously.

But seeing the ferocious face of the man in the painting, his face was pockmarked, and he suddenly panicked and said: "Sir, have you read it wrong? My name is not Wang Laoliu, my name is Zhang Laosan, and I am from Yangxin County next door. Farmers!”

By the end, he was almost crying.

When the officer heard this, he glared and scolded: "I don't care whether you are the third or fourth child. If you say you are the king of thieves and bandits, you are the king of thieves and bandits!"

After saying that, he swung the knife fiercely.

Under the moonlight, the sword he waved high looked like a crescent moon.

Before Zhang Laosan, who was holding the donkey, could react, he saw a flash of white light.


A strange sound suddenly sounded.

Then heat waves splashed across Li Qing's body and face.

He was stunned for a moment, and saw that Zhang Laosan, who had pulled him along in a donkey cart and had said that he would take him to the city to see a doctor for treatment, had been beheaded by the officer in front of him.

The officer lifted Zhang Laosan's head from the ground, then patted the donkey with a smile on his face, turned to the one-eyed officer who put the knife on Li Qing's neck and said: "Boss, this donkey is very... "Sturdy"

After hearing this, the one-eyed dragon's eyes suddenly lit up, then he glanced at Li Qing, and sneered: "First hand over the heads of this kid and that man, and then we will find a place to kill this donkey for stew meat." !”

After saying that, he grabbed Li Qing's chest. Before he could exert any force, Li Qing was lifted off the board and thrown off the donkey cart.

Li Qing, who was already feeling weak and dizzy, fainted immediately after being thrown away by the one-eyed dragon.

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