Unify all heavens

Chapter 449 Under the Sage

After Xie Sheng said these two words sideways, he looked at Li Qing with a sneer.

Li Qing took a deep look at him and suddenly chuckled: "Okay! Lead the way!"

Hearing this, Xie Sheng glanced at Li Qing in surprise.

He originally thought that after he said this, Li Qing would coldly refuse, or even fight with him.

In this way, whether he wins or loses, he has fulfilled the requirements of the Black Mountain Demon.

But he never thought that Li Qing would answer like this.

His face suddenly darkened.

For a long time, his relationship with the old demon from Montenegro could be described as being at odds with each other.

Even though the old demon of Montenegro asked him for help this time, he knew in his heart that the old demon of Montenegro wanted him to take the lead and test Li Qing's strength.

If Li Qing's strength is terrifying, if he comes to trouble Li Qing, he will definitely be beaten to ashes by Li Qing.

If Li Qing's strength was low, he would definitely knock Li Qing into a deep sleep or even be wiped out because of the gifts given to him by the old Black Mountain demon.

The zombie family has always been ruthless and ruthless, not to mention zombies they have never met before, and even close relatives are killed.

If someone comes to provoke him like him, one of the two parties will definitely disappear between heaven and earth.

In this way, whether it is him or Li Qing, as long as one of the two parties is harmed, the Black Mountain Old Demon will make a big profit.

Because from head to toe, the old demon from Montenegro was just giving some gifts.

When he was in the human world, with the Earth Immortal from Jinhua Mountain sitting in charge, even if the old demon from Black Mountain sent a clone, it would not exceed the Mahayana stage, so he could kill two clones of the old demon from Black Mountain in a row.

After all, the strength of the Corpse Ancestor is higher than that of Mahayana, but lower than that of Immortal, somewhere in between.

But if he agreed to take Li Qing to the underworld at this moment, it would be equivalent to throwing himself into a trap.

As long as they reach the underworld, not to mention the two of them are just corpse ancestors, even the two earth immortals will die.

After all, how can the underworld be a good place? There are so many demons and ghosts among them that even the gods and Buddhas in the sky are having a headache.

As soon as he thought of this, Xie Sheng's face became a little colder.

But once the words were spoken, how could he go back on his words?

So he responded coldly.


As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and turned into a black light and fell towards the ground.

The Tudou Lord glanced at his back first, then quickly turned back to Li Qing, and said anxiously, "Sir, this underworld is definitely not a kind place. The old demon from Black Mountain has occupied the underworld for many years and has countless underworld soldiers." , even if an Earth Immortal comes down, it will be impossible to escape! Your Excellency, you should think more carefully!"

After Li Qing heard this, he lightly patted the Earth Master on the shoulder, which made him stagger and almost fall from the cloud.

When Lord Tutu turned pale, Li Qing asked, "Master Tutu, do you think the old Black Mountain demon is afraid of fire?"

The Tutu Master looked shocked and didn't understand why Li Qing asked this question.

But as a subordinate, he had to answer.

So he racked his brains and said hesitantly: "It depends on what kind of flame it is. If it is the sky fire from before, I'm sure you won't be afraid of it!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard the words, sneered with half-closed eyes: "What if it is the fire of Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace?"

This time the Earth Master did not hesitate at all. The moment Li Qing finished speaking, he smiled bitterly and said: "If it is really the six dings of divine fire in Laojun's furnace, even a trace of the divine fire breath is enough to refine all the ghosts and monsters in the entire underworld! "

After finishing his words, he added: "But Laojun is a Saint of Three Purities, how can he put him in the furnace?"

When he said this, he suddenly came to his senses, his face showed surprise, his eyes widened suddenly, and he stammered: "Sir, you don't have Liuding Divine Fire, do you?"

Li Qing shook his head when he heard this and said calmly: "I am a zombie, how can I have Liu Ding Divine Fire!"

After hearing this, the Land Master let out a sigh of relief.

It would be too scary if the master he surrendered to could also have six magical fires in addition to those two magical powers.

After all, Liuding Divine Fire has only been possessed by Taishang Laojun, one of the Three Pure Saints since ancient times. Apart from this, no other god has possessed this kind of divine fire.

Not to mention a zombie

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but shook his head. I wonder why I think this gentleman possesses the Six Ding Divine Fire.

As soon as he thought of this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Just as he was smiling bitterly, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly appeared next to him.

The moment he felt this breath, Tu Tuye's face changed drastically, his hair stood on end, and his heart skipped a beat. So he looked back, only to see Li Qing spreading his left hand palm upward at more than one moment.

And in the palm of the blue-black palm, there was a purple flame as big as a human head swaying in the wind.

Suddenly, the land man's face showed a look of disbelief. He could definitely feel that if he encountered this flame, he might not even have time to scream, and his soul would disappear and disappear into ashes.

What puzzled him even more was how could a zombie possess such divine fire?

Gradually, his body began to tremble uncontrollably, and then he said with trembling lips, "This, this, this"

Seeing this, Li Qing raised the corner of his mouth and said: "Taiqing Divine Fire!"

After hearing these four words, the land master heard a "boom" in his mind, as if he was bombarded by the thunder of the Nine Heavens. Suddenly, everything went blank. All he could know was that his whole body was trembling, his eyes were staring, and then his mouth was dry. She trembled and said, "Mrs. Qing"

As he spoke, his eyes were filled with shadows printed by the divine fire.

When the divine fire swayed in the wind, his mind was also trembling with it.

The corners of Li Qing's mouth curved even further, and he said, "I am a disciple of the Sage Shangqing. What's so strange about having such a flame?"

After hearing Li Qing's words, Tu Tuye, who was already trembling, suddenly softened, and even his mind was shaken so much that he almost fell from the clouds.

After a while, he recovered. Then he looked at Li Qing with eyes full of awe, instead of just a touch of respect like before.

After all, the gap between the ancient gods and demons and the saint's disciples is too big.

In particular, most of the gods and Buddhas in the Nine Heavens are under the Shangqing sect.

It can be said that as long as you anger one of them, you will anger half of the Nine Heavens!

Because the Shangqing sect and its subordinates have always shared the same hatred.

At this thought, Tu Tu Ye became even more stooped and no longer had the courage to look directly at Li Qing.

In addition, he was also extremely ecstatic in his heart. Even when he was conferred by Tiandao that day, he was not as surprised as he was now.

Li Qing was a disciple of a saint, and being a follower like him was equivalent to being a disciple of a saint.

As soon as he thought about this, Tu Tuye murmured in his heart: "Is this old man actually lucky enough to become a follower of a disciple of a saint?"

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