Unify all heavens

Chapter 447 Change the world (Part 1)

"The prophecy given by Heaven to the Earth Lord is that an immortal will be born in Huanghuan Village within a hundred years, but in the near future, I will have to go through a catastrophe! Either I will survive the catastrophe and become the Ten Thousand Years of Zombie King, or I will fail and turn into ashes! In this case, why should we fear the way of heaven?"

When Li Qing thought of this, he simply became cruel.

At that moment, he used the magical power of 'Law of Heaven and Earth'.

Suddenly, his body turned into a black light and rushed straight into the dark night sky.

The Land Master on the side was stunned when he saw Li Qing's ruthless face suddenly turned into black light and disappeared.

But before he could come back to his senses, he saw a huge figure standing tall on the sky suddenly falling from the sky, and with a "boom", he stood in the world.

Even though he had seen Li Qing's Fa Tian Xiang Di once, Tu Tu Ye was still frightened.

At the same time, he was also thinking in his heart.

"Since your Excellency has used the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth', I think you will definitely find trouble with those three mountain gods!"

As soon as he thought of this, the land master suddenly showed a smile on his face.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly pointed one finger at the sky and the other at the ground, widened his eyes and shouted: "Change the day. Change the ground!"

When his voice sounded, countless lightning suddenly appeared in the dark night sky.



Amidst the sound of thunder, the Earth Master seemed to have noticed something, his eyes widened suddenly, and he looked down at the ground in disbelief.

At this moment, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his entire mind went blank. He completely forgot about his fear of heights, and just murmured in shock: "This, this is a supreme magical power?"

The moment the Tutu Master finished speaking, the ground in the dry forest outside Huanghuan Village suddenly rose, and a "rumbling" sound like an earthquake could be heard all the time.

Then a pillar made of soil gathered into the sky rose into the sky.

In just the blink of an eye, the pillar reached a height of more than 600 meters and continued to rise.

During this period, there were lightning and thunder in the sky, attracting the prying eyes of countless beings.

At this time, Li Qing, who was like a giant, sent a message to Lord Tu Tu: "Tu Tu, as a Tu Tu, you must be able to pull out the four spiritual veins under Huang Huan Village!"

Although Li Qing had lowered his voice, when these words rang in Tu Tuye's mind, they were still like thunder, shocking his eyes into a trance.

Fortunately, it only took a moment for the land master to come back to his senses.

Then his face changed slightly, and he was shocked.

He did not expect that Li Qing would eventually choose these four spiritual veins in Huanghuan Village.

Although he didn't want to offend the future immortal and heaven for Li Qing, he had sworn an oath to Li Qing before.

Therefore, although the Tutu Master was reluctant, he still sent a message to Li Qing helplessly: "These four spiritual veins are catalyzed by heaven. The little god is not sure, but the little god is willing to give it a try!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qing sent a message: "Okay, you can immediately try to pull those four spiritual veins into this earth pillar!"

When Li Qing's voice came into Tu Tu Ye's mind, Tu Tu Ye slowly raised the gloomy wooden crutch in his hand and pointed the other hand, palm down, in the direction of Huanghuan Village. Then their lips touched each other quickly, and they recited silent spells.

This process lasted about more than a minute.

Then I heard the land man yell loudly: "Get up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw four finger-thick silver rays of light bursting out of the ground in Huanghuan Village below.

The rays are very long, each one is a hundred feet long. Like silver snakes, twisting their bodies, slowly crawling out of the earth, swimming into the void, and then coiling up the earth pillar, and then disappeared into the earth pillar at a speed visible to the naked eye. among.

At this moment, Li Qing, who had been waiting for a long time, raised his hand and pointed at the earth pillar that was only as high as his calf, and shouted: "Concrete is a tower!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the shape of the earth pillar slowly changed. During this period, Li Qing raised his finger to the sky and shouted: "Scorching Heavenly Fire!"

Immediately, when he drank, the dark night sky turned fiery red, and then the sound of fire suddenly sounded.

Then I saw huge fireballs three feet wide, like raindrops, hitting the earth pillars intensively.



In the sound of collision, countless sparks scattered and sputtered away, like fireworks.

At this moment, the tree demon grandma who had received the gift from the Evil Ghost King and set out from Lanruo Temple finally arrived nearby from the underground.

But when it jumped out of the ground and saw the Qingtian body with the blood moon on its head and its feet on the ground, its eyes suddenly widened, and the ten claw-like fingers that were originally raised to its chest could not help but twitch at the same time.

At that moment, I saw that its face was ashen, and it said with gritted teeth: "Fa Tian. Xiang. Earth! Change. Heaven. Change. Earth! The ancient demon god with these two magical powers is here. Isn't my coming here to die in vain?" "

As soon as it finished speaking, its eyes were filled with anger, and then its fingers twitched even more than before, and it looked up to the sky and roared: "Old Monster of Black Mountain!!!"

After roaring this voice, it fled in fear, moved away from this place as quickly as possible, and fled towards Lanruo Temple.

Just when it left the boundary of 'Huang Huan Village', it felt a familiar ghostly energy coming from above the ground.

"Could it be that Xiaoqing is here?"

Grandma Dryad thought about these words in her heart, and her body suddenly broke out of the ground and stood on the spot.

Sure enough, after about a few breaths, I saw a green shadow floating in the sky.

Xiaoqing, who was flying in the air, quickly landed on the ground and said "Grandma" after seeing the tree demon grandma.

Grandma Dryad didn't want to tell the story of being frightened away, so after Xiao Qing finished speaking, she nodded slightly and said, "Let's go back!"

Unexpectedly, after it finished saying this, Xiaoqing pointed to the Qingtian body in the distance and said, "Grandma, isn't he there? What are we doing back?"

Originally, she was thinking that the old Black Mountain demon had tricked her, but the moment Xiao Qing finished speaking, the tree demon grandma, who was filled with rage, slapped her in the face with a livid face.

At that moment, Xiao Qing was slapped to the ground by the angry tree demon grandma.

At this time, Grandma Dryad glared angrily and cursed: "Bitch, I'll go back as soon as I say!"

Xiaoqing, who was lying on the ground, covered her face with a frightened face and remained speechless.

She glanced at the figure in the distance and knew in her heart that the tree demon grandma would never have the courage to attack "him", and she did not dare to offend the old black mountain demon, so her heart must be full of anger.

And what she said just now was the hay that caused this anger to be released.

Just when she thought of this, the tree demon grandma cursed coldly again: "Bitch, I'll take care of you when I get back!" After saying that, she subconsciously looked back at Li Qing's towering body, and then fled underground with fear, facing towards Go to Lanruo Temple.

Xiaoqing glanced at the figure in the distance again, then sighed quietly, got up and flew towards Lanruo Temple.

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