Unify all heavens

Chapter 443 People’s hearts are gifts

Lanruo Temple, in the pavilion behind the main hall of the Buddhist temple.

Grandma Dryad was half leaning on the bed, and Xiao Qing was kneeling in front of the bed, holding a jade plate in his hand, with bloody fingers and stacked human tongues on the plate.

Every once in a while, she would pick up fresh fingers or human tongue from the plate with her fingers and feed it to the Dryad Grandma.

On the bed behind the dryad grandmother, there were five little ghosts squatting.

These five little ghosts were all wearing exaggerated clothes like green leaves, and their faces were pale and blushed, with two sky-high thorns tied on their heads.

With flattering smiles on their faces, they lined up in a row, making fists with both hands and gently tapping the body of the Dryad.

Grandma Dryad closed her eyes, enjoying the tranquility.

Since Lanruo Temple became famous far and wide, there have been very few people visiting Lanruo Temple.

If it weren't for the winding and deep path outside Lanruo Temple, which was the only route to Chang'an, some poor scholars rushing to take exams would pass by every once in a while. They all have to consider whether to move the temple or not.

At this moment, plumes of black smoke suddenly rose from the floor at the door.

Suddenly, the whole room was filled with coldness.

Grandma Dryad slowly opened her eyes.

When it saw the wisps of black smoke at the door, it immediately narrowed its eyes, jumped up from the bed, and landed by the pool.

When the back hem of the black robe embroidered with gold silk floated to the ground, a burly and shirtless man suddenly walked out of the black smoke at the door.

The big man's exposed upper body and face were covered with scars. The scars were like flesh-colored centipedes, making the big man look extremely terrifying.

At this time, the tree demon's grandmother's eyes were half-squinted subconsciously, and she slowly said: "It turns out that the evil ghost king is here. I guess the old demon from Black Mountain has something important to ask me for."

Its voice is sometimes male or female, and it sounds very strange.

"Hahahaha, what grandma said is true, my master does have something to ask of grandma!" the evil ghost king laughed and said.

Then he boldly walked away through the air and arrived in front of the tree demon grandma. Then he clapped his hands and shouted coldly: "Bring the things up!"

When the sound rang out, the void beside him suddenly rippled, and then two little ghosts slowly walked out of the ripples carrying a box the size of a millstone.


After the two brats placed the box on the floor and opened it, they turned into two plumes of smoke and dispersed from the cracks in the floor.

Grandma Dryad looked at the box and saw that the box was filled with bloody human hearts.

It raised its head and looked at the Evil Ghost King, and sneered as if it meant something: "Based on these words, the Ghost King should please come back!"


The Evil Ghost King laughed a few times, raised his finger and pointed at the box full of human hearts, saying: "Grandma, I don't know, these human hearts have taken a lot of effort from me!"

Grandma Dryad smiled coldly and said in a voice that varied between male and female: "I would like to hear the details!"


The Evil Ghost King smiled, turned around, walked to the box, and said, "In order to invite grandma out of the mountain, I asked the old ghost from Huangquan to borrow the Book of Life and Death." After saying this, he raised his hand and picked up a bleeding heart from the box. He smiled and said: "For example, the owner of this heart is an old monk who has practiced meritorious deeds for two lives. As long as he passes away safely in this life, he will definitely achieve the golden body of Arhat!" After saying that, he threw the heart back into the box. Grandma Dryad's fingers twitched as she watched, feeling heartbroken.

Then the Evil Ghost King randomly grabbed a heart from the box, and said with a smile: "The owner of this heart is destined to be the number one scholar. In the future, he will give up his writing and join the army, and he will become a famous general!"

After throwing the hearts into the box, the Evil Ghost King opened his mouth and said with a big smile: "The owners of these hearts are extraordinary in the records of the book of life and death. I must have eaten them after grandma swallowed them. My skills will definitely improve, and I will overcome tribulations and become a demon immortal in the future, but don’t forget my master!”

What he said made the tree demon's grandmother smile brightly and said, "I wonder if there is anything the old demon from Black Mountain needs my help with?"

When the Evil Ghost King heard this, his face straightened up and he said in a cold voice, "I must have heard about the fact that Ajin Corpse King was completely destroyed physically and mentally!"

Grandma Dryad's expression remained unchanged and she said, "I've heard a little bit about it!"

The Evil Ghost King smiled coldly and said in a cold voice: "The master is delayed by something and cannot come to the human world for the time being. I can only prepare some small gifts and ask grandma to avenge the Ajin Corpse King!"

Grandma Dryad had already made a guess, so after hearing these words, her face showed no emotion and she directly replied: "Can you please go back and tell the old demon of Montenegro that I will definitely do my best!"

The cold look on the Evil Ghost King's face instantly dissipated, and he laughed loudly: "Grandma is righteous, then I will reply to the master right now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the tree demon grandma stretched out her hand to stop him and said with a smile: "Ghost King, move slowly!"

After the evil ghost king stopped walking, the tree demon grandma turned her head to look at Xiao Qing and said with a kind smile: "Xiao Qing, go see off the ghost king!"

The Evil Ghost King's eyes lit up when he heard this, but his face was full of hesitation and he said: "I'm still waiting for a reply."

The tree demon's grandmother smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, if the old demon from Montenegro asks, just tell me that I will keep you for a few cups of tea!"

The Evil Ghost King immediately grinned, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much for your warm hospitality, grandma!"

After saying that, it turned into a black light and flew out of the pavilion. Xiaoqing glanced at the tree demon grandma, but saw that its eyes looked at her with a threatening look.

Xiao Qing trembled, quickly waved her sleeves and flew up, chasing the black light and flying out of the pavilion.

After Xiao Qing left, the kind smile on the dryad's grandma's face disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by a livid face. She gritted her teeth and said, "What a move: Be polite before attacking!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a tongue several feet long suddenly flew out of its mouth, and then directly penetrated a heart in the box, and then turned into a red shadow and returned to its mouth.

Then the tree demon grandma raised her hand to pick out the flesh between her teeth with her nails, then snorted coldly and ordered: "When Xiaoqing comes back, ask her to find me outside Huanghuan Village!"

After saying that, he jumped up and flew out of the attic at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, in the dry woods outside Huanghuan Village, Li Qinghan rejected the proposal of the Earth Master to occupy the three mountains where the mountain god was located.

Let’s not mention that the mountain gods of the three mountains have been around for a long time. Let’s just talk about the three corpse kings. They have occupied the City God’s Temple for fifteen years. They have the courage to make soup and drink even the City God, but they don’t dare to provoke those Three mountain gods.

Behind them stood the old Black Mountain demons of the Earth Fairyland, mountain gods that no one dared to offend, but the Earth Lord suggested that Li Qing take over their hometown.

It's not like Li Qing was so full that he had nothing to do. He still knew how much he weighed.

Not to mention the three mountain gods, even the hunched land man in front of him could suppress him with a flip of his hand.

Let me recommend a song to you. I suddenly discovered it today, "Lc Troi"

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