Unify all heavens

Chapter 437 The Emperor Destroys the Gods

The Tutu Master looked calmly at the mighty and slow approaching three corpse kings in the distance, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

The ancients said: When a dragon swims in the shallows, it is tricked by shrimps; when a tiger falls in Pingyang, it is bullied by dogs.

He felt that this sentence was very similar to what he was experiencing at the moment. He thought that he was a dignified landowner, but he was locked up by a few little demons when he took office. Maybe it won't be long before he will be boiled into soup by the three corpse kings using the bronze cauldron in the City God's Temple.

Such strange things are rare in ancient and modern times.

But it really happened to him.

The Earth Master was not afraid of death, he just felt cold, sad and angry.

Gods want to protect people, but people want to destroy gods!

He still remembered that fifteen years ago, on the day of the Queen Mother's birthday, the emperor and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were bewitched by demons. They not only smashed the jade statue of the Queen Mother, but also urinated in the wine pot used to offer sacrifices to heaven. He even promulgated an imperial edict, causing countless temples of gods to be smashed and their golden bodies destroyed.

It caused countless gods and Buddhas to return to heaven angrily, and then the furious Queen Mother also issued the edict that "there will be no gods in the world for two hundred years."

Under this edict, many underworld gods returned to heaven, and the gods on earth also retreated to heaven, leaving only some low-status gods dormant in the world.

If his merits in the third life had not expired not long ago and he was canonized by heaven and earth as the 'Guobei County's Good Fortune and Righteous God', he would not have known about these things.

The most important thing is that on the day that God made him a god, he actually learned an important thing from the underworld!

Within a hundred years, an immortal will be born in the land of Jinhua!

As soon as he thought of this, Lord Tu Tu secretly thought in his heart: "On the day when the god is conferred, God predicts that an immortal will be born in the Jinhua area. Let me help him become an immortal. When the immortal returns to heaven, it will also be the day when I take over as the city god!"

Thinking of this, the Land Master's eyes fell on Li Qing, who was three feet away, and said secretly: "Looking at the Corpse Ancestor coming out of the gate of the avenue before, I guess he must have come from another realm to overcome the tribulation. Why don't I ask for its protection for a hundred years?" ?Stay until the immortal is born?"

Just as he was thinking of this, the twelve flying zombies carrying three coffins in the distance suddenly stood in the air, and the forty ghosts and four ghost kings with heavy makeup under them also stopped.

At this time, an old voice came from the golden coffin.

"The Corpse Ancestor, where did you come from?"

Li Qing, who had been silently watching this wave of teams, was startled when he heard this. Then he said coldly: "Of course it comes from where it came from!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dozen feet away behind him, the little tiger-headed demon stuck in the branch of a tree shouted loudly: "You three gentlemen, please help me. How dare this kid block my way and talk to that old guy?" , I just said a word to him, and he plotted against me!"

As soon as the little tiger-headed demon said these words, the corpse king in the three coffins of gold, silver, and iron was trembling with anger.

At that moment, only the golden light was seen trembling, and a roar came from it.

"Shut up, you bastard, you are a disgrace to our family! I will settle the score with you later!"

When the little tiger-headed demon stuck in the tree branch heard this roar, he subconsciously shrank his neck, and then murmured in a low voice: "Wasn't the eldest man a civil servant during his lifetime? How could he still settle accounts? Could it be that he was also a shopkeeper? "

Although it was whispering in a low voice, the few people present were either land lords or zombies, and their ears were extremely sensitive.

Therefore, after hearing this sentence, the earth master's eyes subconsciously twitched.

And the Corpse King in the golden coffin became even more furious at these words.


At that moment, there was only a loud noise, and the lid of the golden coffin was blown away by the rage of the corpse king in the coffin.


I saw the heavy coffin lid rolling in the air, and then the corpse king slowly floated up with overwhelming power, and was about to stand up, and then smashed it back into the coffin.


At this moment, the scene fell silent.

And those flying zombies and fierce ghosts all froze at this moment, not daring to make any sound, for fear of being killed on the spot by the extremely angry Corpse King in the Coffin.

After about a few breaths, the entire golden coffin suddenly exploded.


Amidst the explosion, a corpse king with a big belly and wearing a light green official uniform was suspended in the air.

Under the black gauze hat, the corpse king's fat face was full of livid color, his eyes were like two green beans, staring at the little tiger-headed demon stuck in the branches of a dead tree a hundred feet away.

The dark corpse energy outside his body swayed like a raging flame.

Then, the silver coffin on its left side suddenly left the bottom of the coffin and flew stiffly, hanging sideways in front of it. Then the coffin lid floated up slightly, revealing a white palm from the gap in the coffin.

There is a brown gavel on the palm of the hand.

Ajin Corpse King casually took the gavel, and when the palm was withdrawn into the coffin, it suddenly raised the gavel high, and then hit the lid of the silver coffin hard.


When the voice sounded, Ajin Corpse King's eyes widened, like two peas, and then his face turned livid. He raised his hand and pointed at the little tiger-headed demon a hundred feet away, and shouted habitually: "That tiger-headed one, what grievances do you have?" ?”

The moment it finished speaking, its expression changed slightly, then it raised its arm and hit the gavel tree hard, and said angrily: "You evil beast, I am so angry that I am so angry. If I don't stew you into something delicious today, Tiger head soup! Hang yourself from the rafter immediately!"

After saying this with gritted teeth, it smashed the gavel tree again and shouted: "The ghosts below will not capture that tiger head for me!"

After it finished saying this, the forty ghosts that were lightly stepping on the dead leaves moved out one after another, turning into balls of dark brown tadpole-shaped black mist.

At the front of the black mist, they stared with dark green eyes, grinned their big mouths, and screamed. Then he swung the tail-shaped black mist behind him and swam quickly towards the tiger-headed demon a hundred feet away.

When the little tiger-headed demon stuck on the tree branch saw this, his tiger eyes widened instantly, his body trembled and he let out a cry.

"Master, Xiaohu was wronged!"

After King Ajin heard this, he subconsciously smashed the gavel and said with a sneer: "I have always been clean and honest, and I will not deceive anyone! Five hundred taels for redress of injustice, one thousand taels for finding someone to blame, and another one hundred taels for redress." Two tuition fees! Can you afford it?"

As soon as it finished speaking, A Yin Corpse King's quiet reminder came from the silver coffin under the gavel tree.

"Brother, we are already dead, and the emperor has nothing to do with us! Please order more! We can use the money to hire a chef in the next town! The last time we boiled the city god in plain water, it was a bit unpalatable!"

King Ajin nodded when he heard this, smashed the gavel tree hard, and shouted: "You are a tiger demon, you should pay more! Since you have no merit and hard work under me, I decided to charge you only five hundred taels for the opening fee!" Are you willing?"

When the little tiger-headed demon a hundred feet away heard this, he almost burst into tears and wailed: "Master, you have never given me a penny to Xiaohu. How can Xiaohu have any money to give you!"

When Ajin Corpse King heard this, his face became even more gloomy, he slammed the gavel tree hard, and said in a cold voice: "If you don't have money, you don't have injustice! All the ghosts will follow my orders and catch the tiger's head that ruined the door lintel for me. Master, I want the tiger head stewed in water!"

I have been thinking about the outline of the new volume these past two days, so the update is a little slow. Fortunately, the outline of the new volume is finished, and I will reply to the normal update tomorrow. In addition, the new volume has a different style and adds some humor. If you are not used to it, you can say it at the end of the chapter. The city lord will be replaced in the update tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If you think this style is okay, then the content of this volume will use this style.

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