Unify all heavens

Chapter 433 Arrangement and Return!

"don't want!!!"

As an anxious female voice sounded, Huo Baisui's palms subconsciously paused.

But this time, Xiong Ba had found an opportunity.

While his heart was palpitating, Xiong Ba grabbed Huo Baisui's hands as quickly as possible and then pulled hard.

At that moment, there was only a "stab--" sound, and Huo Baisui's arms were torn off from his body by Xiong Ba.

The moment the blood mist appeared, Huo Baisui screamed in pain with a ferocious expression.


As soon as the voice sounded, his neck was cut off by the ashen-faced Xiongba with his hand.


After doing all this, Xiong Ba slowly turned back.

I saw two young girls and a man in his thirties standing on the ruins-like ladder to heaven.

The two women are both around 20 years old. One is wearing a pink shirt and blue skirt, and the other is wearing a cyan skirt.

It was You Ruo and Kong Ci who had been imprisoned in the small building in the middle of the lake by Xiong Ba.

The man was wearing a white gown and had an ordinary appearance.

After seeing these three people, Xiong Ba's face darkened, he threw Huo Baisui's body away from his hands, and then fell to the ground.

Then he looked at the man and said coldly: "Qin Shuang! Have you forgotten what I said to you?"

Qin Shuang slowly shook his head, cupped his hands and said: "Master, Shuang'er has not forgotten! You once said that Shuang'er should guard the small house in the center of the lake to protect the safety of the eldest lady! Without your order, you are not allowed to leave the small house in the center of the lake. !”


Xiongba sneered when he heard this, half-squinted his eyes and said: "Then why do you dare to disobey me!"

After finishing his words, he said in a cold voice: "Could it be that you really are not afraid of death?"

At this moment, the woman in the green dress said coldly: "I ordered him to bring me here at the risk of death!"

Her tone was extremely rude, but Xiong Ba did not get angry because of it. Instead, he forced a smile and asked, "Youruo, why is this? Didn't dad tell you a long time ago that Tianxiahui has been very unhappy recently?" Safety told you not to come out, why didn’t you listen to dad?”

Youruo's pretty face was full of coldness, and she said coldly: "Although you were busy in the past, you still knew that I was your daughter. You would come to see me every year on my birthday, but this year, you have not been to the center of the lake. Take a small step!"

As she spoke, her eyes gradually turned red.

Xiongba sighed softly and said: "Dad also feels very guilty about this matter, but there is nothing we can do about it!"


Youruo sneered and snorted, then shook his head and said coldly: "Are you busy? Haha! I know you are busy!"

After saying this, she suddenly closed her eyes, and two lines of clear tears slowly flowed down her face. She whispered in a sad and angry voice: "Busy about killing people! Busy about making everyone in the world as cold as you. A zombie without any emotion!"

After Xiong Ba heard these words, his color suddenly changed, his face instantly turned livid, and his head went blank for an instant, as if the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder had struck him with thousands of thunders at this moment!

Suddenly, he froze in place.

Then he suddenly raised his hand and pinched Qin Shuang's neck, and with an unprecedented cold tone, asked word for word: "Did you tell her that?"

At this moment, Xiong Ba's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

Qin Shuang slowly closed her eyes and said nothing.

Seeing this, Xiongba gradually narrowed his eyes, with murderous intent raging, and shouted in a cold voice: "I'll kill you beast!!!"

After saying that, he fiercely struck Qin Shuang's head with his hand.

At this critical moment, Youruo suddenly spoke.

"He didn't tell me that!"

"But I saw it with my own eyes!"

Suddenly, Xiong Ba slapped his palm. Then he slowly turned back to look at Youruo, his face was extremely complicated, and he said word by word: "When did you know!"

Youruo's eyes were red and tears could not stop flowing.

She did not answer Xiong Ba's question, but stared at Xiong Ba with her red eyes, and said slowly and coldly: "I can forgive you for imprisoning me in the small house in the middle of the lake, and only come to see me once a year! I can also forgive you for forgetting my daughter and being busy all day long with helping China! But... I can't forgive you."

She suddenly burst into tears and yelled hysterically: "You didn't even tell me you were dead!!!"

Under this angry curse, Xiong Ba suddenly fell silent.

Youruo suddenly squatted down, hugged his knees with his arms, buried his head deep in his arms, and cried heartbreakingly.

Looking at his daughter who was squatting in front of him and crying bitterly, Xiongba suddenly felt that he had become extremely old. Then he lifted his legs extremely heavily, walked slowly, and walked to Youruo step by step. He squatted down slowly and touched it with his cold hands. As dark as the hair on the back of the head.

In an instant, Youruo's crying became louder.

Evil Buddha is a smart man.

So after feeling the Taiqing Divine Fire that had disappeared in his chest but was ignited again at this moment, he immediately gave in.

After subduing the evil Buddha, Li Qing returned to the Tianxiahui, took out the materials for setting up the mother-child teleportation array from the purple coffin, and laid out the mother-child teleportation array in the underworld tower, waiting for his return in the future.

Although he had all the materials, he spent half of his spare time to lay out the complete mother-child teleportation array.

Half a month later, the world will gather;

Li Qing sat on the dragon chair on the high platform of the Sanfen Teaching Field, with many subordinates standing in front of him.

Xiongba was reporting to him the recent events.

"Although Duanlang Zombie transformed into a flying zombie, he is only one step away from evolution, so my subordinates sent him to the desert. I believe that soon, the number of disciples of the Tianxiahui will return to its previous peak!"

"Then according to the reports from the Twelve Evils of Tianchi, a force called 'Wushen Jue Palace' suddenly appeared in the rivers and lakes recently. My subordinates have sent men to investigate. I believe that we will soon find out where this force comes from!"

Li Qing lightly pressed the armrest of the dragon chair, making a clicking sound, frowned and asked, "Is there any news about Emperor Shitian?"

Xiongba slowly shook his head and said: "My subordinates and Master Youyun have been searching for half a month on the land of China, but they still haven't found this person, including Tianmen!"

Li Qing's eyes were lowered, his expression was cold, and he said in a cold voice: "I will give you half a month to make sure that the Tianxiahui returns to its former peak. At that time, we will send people to wipe out all the forces hiding in the dark!"

Xiongba immediately nodded and said respectfully: "I obey your orders!"


Li Qing nodded slowly, then turned to look at the Immortal God, and ordered: "I will leave this world for a period of time recently, and you will be sitting in this world with Xiongba. When I return, I don't want this world to be There’s still one alive!”

After saying this, he half-closed his eyes and said slowly, word by word: "Do you understand?"

Upon hearing this, the Immortal God bowed and said, "Don't worry, Lord, my subordinates will definitely live up to the Lord's trust!"

However, Xiong Ba suddenly knelt down at this moment. Although his expression was complicated, he remained silent.

When Li Qing saw this, he frowned slowly and asked, "Xiong Ba, what's the matter with you?"

Upon hearing this, Xiong Ba touched his head to the ground and kowtowed three times, causing only the green bricks on the ground to shatter and scatter. Then he took a deep breath and begged: "Your Majesty, please forgive You Ruo's life! Let her live well!"

Li Qing was silent when he heard this. He suddenly remembered that Xiong Ba did have a daughter who was imprisoned in Tianxiahui's small lake house.

When Xiong Ba saw Li Qing's silence, he felt panic in his heart.

He has never been so scared and frightened in his life.

Then he kowtowed heavily again.

As a zombie, he naturally knows that the zombie family has always been cold and ruthless.

But the relationship between Youruo and him was deeply buried in his bones and engraved in his flesh. Even though he was a zombie, he never gave up the love between father and daughter.

For a while, I could only hear the sound of "bang bang".

Li Qing looked at Xiong Ba's posture, suddenly closed his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Only this time! It won't be the same next time!"

After hearing these eight words, Xiong Ba looked up with surprise on his face. If he hadn't been able to shed tears as a zombie, he would have burst into tears at this moment.

"Subordinate. Thank you, Lord!"

After saying these words with trembling lips, Xiong Ba kowtowed again.

"Bang bang bang bang--"

Li Qing waved his hand to stop him first, and then took out a piece of paper from the purple coffin. He half-closed his eyes and said indifferently: "There is a skill written on this piece of paper! Now I will give it to you two for safekeeping. Be sure to let All low-level zombies learn this technique!"

After saying this, he sent the tissue paper in his hand to the Xiong Ba and the Immortal God using the object control technique.

The two of them glanced at the contents on the paper subconsciously, and then their colors changed instantly.

I saw that the technique written on the paper was a strange technique that absorbed the corpse energy of the same clan to evolve itself.

And this technique is exactly the unknown technique that Li Qing once obtained from the purple coffin.

No matter he is a tyrant or an immortal god, they were all the smartest people in the world during their lifetime. So the moment they read this technique, everyone knew Li Qing's intention.

"The Lord actually wants to use the method of raising poison to evolve zombies!"

At this thought, the two of them felt frightened.

If you follow what Li Qing said, let all low-level zombies learn this technique.

Then in the future, these low-level zombies will definitely eat and absorb each other. It won't take long before hundreds of extremely cruel flying zombies will appear!

Thinking of this, Xiongba and the Immortal God looked at each other, and then solemnly put the tissue paper away.

At this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded out of thin air high in the sky.


This thunder was extremely loud and resounded throughout the heaven and earth in an instant.

Then a light door surrounded by thunder snakes appeared in the void ten feet above Li Qing's head.

Li Qing raised his head and glanced at the light door, then slowly stood up from the dragon chair, waved his hand and put You Yun, Jiang Fei, Sword Master, and Evil Buddha into the purple coffin. Then he looked at Xiong Ba and the Immortal God who were standing in front of them and said coldly: "The Library Pavilion contains all the martial arts from ancient times to the present. You two must remember that if you become a zombie, you will be sent to the Library Pavilion to learn!"

Xiongba and the Immortal God quickly raised their hands and said: "I will obey the Lord's instructions!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard the words, then jumped up and flew into the light gate.


After Li Qing left, Xiongba and the Immortal God exhaled a breath of turbidity, then looked up at the light door in the void that gradually shrank and then disappeared, falling into silence for a long time.

(The storm is over)

Third update!

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