Unify all heavens

Chapter 429 Xiao Sanxiao falls!

"Junior Brother Feng!"

Bu Jingyun, who was standing in front of the Yellow Emperor's corpse below, saw Nie Feng's arm being broken off by the evil Buddha. His face immediately changed and he screamed in surprise.

At the same time, he immediately jumped up high and hit the evil Buddha in mid-air with his cloud-dispelling palm.

During this period, the Evil Buddha had smashed Nie Feng's bones to pieces with one palm, turning him into a puddle of soft mud.

Although all the bones in his body were shattered, Nie Feng still used his last breath of energy and shouted hysterically: "Senior Brother Yun! Take the dragon bones and leave quickly!!!"

Bu Jingyun's face was cold, and he seemed to ignore Nie Feng's shouts. At the same time, Shan Ran took action and hit the evil Buddha with the most powerful 'Tian-Tearing Pai-Yun' in his Pai-Yun Palm.

Suddenly, a faint cloud of mist appeared out of thin air around the evil Buddha, shrouding it.

Evil Buddha chuckled: "Good boy, after I let you practice for two years, you will be able to stand alone in the martial arts world with just these fleshy palms!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand to startle Yun.

In an instant, Bu Jingyun, who was about to approach the evil Buddha, was suddenly restrained in the void. He couldn't get rid of this force even with all his strength, and could only struggle in the void needlessly.

The evil Buddha looked at Bu Jingyun's eyes glaring angrily, as if he wished he could eat his flesh, devour his bones, and whip his corpse. He suddenly laughed and said: "Boy, if you want to save your Junior Brother Feng, break the dragon bone in your hand." Cut it off!”

As soon as he finished saying this, Nie Feng blushed and said in a loud voice: "Senior Brother Yun, no! I, Nie Feng, would not regret my death! You must not risk the whole of China for me."

Just as he said this, the evil Buddha took off his jaw with a 'click' sound, then looked at Bu Jingyun with a smile and said: "I count to three, if you don't break the keel, I will." Break his neck!"

When Bu Jingyun heard this, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His chest kept rising and falling, as if he was thinking about something.

How could the evil Buddha give him this opportunity? He immediately smiled and said: "One!"

As soon as the word '一' fell out, Bu Jingyun, who had his eyes closed, frowned.

Seeing this, the evil Buddha said: "Two!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he put his hand on Nie Feng's neck, as if he would crush Nie Feng's throat in the next moment.

When Bu Jingyun heard this, he opened his eyes suddenly, and then he suddenly raised his palms with a livid face. Then he gritted his teeth and gathered all his strength into his palms, and suddenly struck the dragon bone held in his other hand.

Time seems to slow down at this moment!

Whether it's Li Qing below, Jiang Fei and the Immortal God, or the evil Buddha laughing, all of their attention is on the dragon bone.

For Bu Jingyun, at this moment, except for the whistling of the palm wind, he could no longer hear any sound in his ears.

As everyone watched, Bu Jingyun's raised sword finally struck the dragon bone.

Nie Feng was heartbroken when he saw this, and he closed his eyes weakly.

He doesn't blame Bu Jingyun, because if it were him, he would make the same decision as Bu Jingyun.

Although this is silly.

, at the same time, on the sea near Shenlong Island.

Xiao Sanxiao was so shocked by the scene in front of her that her face changed.

He originally planned to kill the dragon and give the dragon essence to Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, so that the two of them would have unparalleled skills.

But he didn't expect that the dragon was already dead! And it is exuding an overwhelming stench, floating on the Black Sea.

He looked at Shenlong's body from a distance and murmured with a livid face: "Who killed Shenlong?"

Originally, his words were just whispered between the lips, but the moment he finished speaking, a cold female voice sounded above his head.

"do you have any opinion?"

Xiao Sanxiao didn't expect that someone would actually admit it. He quickly looked up and saw two figures, a man and a woman, falling down at an extremely fast speed above his head.

And the woman was holding a golden ball of light the size of a human head in her hand.

"Long Yuan!"

Xiao Sanxiao couldn't help but exclaimed.

As soon as the word 'Long Yuan' fell out, his eyes widened suddenly, and he exclaimed again: "Sword Master!"

These two figures were You Yun and Sword Master who were salvaged from the Black Sea by the Tianxiahui disciples under the orders of Xiong Ba.

Xiao Sanxiao never thought that he would see the Sword Master again.

At this time, the world will be in harmony.

The strong man controlled by Xiao Sanxiao defeated thousands of disciples of the World Association with his ‘Arhat Kung Fu’, and destroyed all the 1,200 jumping zombies that the Immortal God had finally cultivated!

Duan Lang was stunned.

Because every time the strong man made a move, he was protected by golden light, like a god in golden armor, and like a walking big furnace. Anyone who came close to him would be turned into flying ash if he touched it!

In less than half an hour, all the disciples of the Tianxiahui were wiped out. Even Dugu Ming and others who had just transformed into corpses did not escape. They had not even thought of escaping. Zhangwai was shocked to death by the golden light.

Duan Lang was originally sent to his residence to rest by the disciples of the Tianxiahui because he was overtired, but the house was smashed to pieces by a dozen ordinary disciples who were beaten away, and Duan Lang was awakened.

But he didn't expect that the moment he woke up, he would see many disciples of the Tianxiahui being wiped out in ashes.

At this moment, he panted heavily and looked around, only to find that there was no more disciple in the dignified Tianxia Association.

While he was frightened in his heart, he was also livid.

If Xiong Ba knew this, even if he had eighty lives, it wouldn't be enough for Xiong Ba to kill him!

In this case, his status as the leader of the world's few gangs will only bring Xiongba even greater anger!

"What worries and grudges will your Excellency and I have in the world? We actually killed such a person!"

When Duan Lang saw the strong man approaching him slowly, he covered his chest and shouted coldly with half-closed eyes.

Duan Lang's words were not only heard by the strong man, but also by Xiao Sanxiao who was far away.

But he couldn't make any response, because Youyun's green eyes were looking straight at him.

As one of the forbidden corpses in the world, Youyun's eyes were born with the magical power to restrain souls, but this magical power was directly proportional to her strength.

Although her realm at the moment has evolved to the corpse king, the power of her magical power can only capture the souls of mortals!

Although Xiao Sanxiao was extremely powerful, he never broke through the mortal realm and became an immortal! Therefore, even if he lived for more than four thousand years, he could not stop You Yun from looking at her.

So the next moment I saw Youyun's eyes looking at him, Xiao Sanxiao's eyes became dull for an instant, and then a transparent figure slowly rose from above his head.

Youyun waved gently, and the soul of Jianxiao Sanxiao turned into a white light and gathered in her hand.

Just when she was about to make a fist to disperse the soul of Xiao Sanxiao in her palm, the sword master beside her suddenly said: "Lord Youyun, it's better to keep the soul of Xiao Sanxiao first!"

Youyun frowned when she heard this, and then asked: "Why?"

The Sword Master stroked his beard and said: "Xiao Sanxiao has lived for more than four thousand years. He should know all the martial arts in the world. Why don't we leave him to the master!"

Youyun was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

Second update.

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