Unify all heavens

Chapter 407 The so-called Heavenly Sword! (superior)

Although the golden Buddha's bronze palm was cracked by Li Qing, the falling of the palm did not stop.

At that moment, Li Qing could only hear the roar of the wind beside his ears, and his figure was pressed down by the palm of his hand for more than ten feet.

At the same time, the other palm of the Golden Buddha quickly fell down and grabbed Li Qing's figure.

Li Qing's expression did not change when he saw this, he just slightly retracted the giant sword that was in the palm of the Golden Buddha, then quickly danced a sword flower, and stabbed the palm of the Golden Buddha with the sword tip.


With the sound of metal colliding, the tip of the sword in Li Qing's hand immediately pierced the palm of the Golden Buddha.

At the same time, cracks appeared in the void where the sword tip stopped, as if it were a broken mirror.

Li Qing was startled when he saw this.

He uses the "Dian Cang Sword Technique" that has been lost for nearly a hundred years. It is said that after practicing it to the transformation state, he can stab a hole in the void with one sword.

Li Qing originally thought that this was just exaggerating the power of swordsmanship. After all, among the many martial arts he had practiced during the ten years of seclusion, even if it was just an unknown sword, knife, boxing, kick, and palm skills, they would all be mentioned. Similar words.

He remembered a boxing technique called "Thunder Fist", which claimed that when he reaches the transformation state, any punch can break the Nine Heavens Thunder.

But as far as he knew, the founder of this boxing technique was electrocuted into a coke by an extremely ordinary thunder and lightning while practicing boxing on a rainy night.

Therefore, when practicing those martial arts, Li Qingdu just regarded similar words as the rhetoric of the creator of the martial arts.

But now, while this Dian Cang Sword Technique pierced the palm of the Golden Buddha, it actually pierced the void as well!

While he was stunned, the other hand of the Golden Buddha had already come to his left side, and its fingers spread out to grab at his waist.

And before the palm arrives, the palm wind arrives first! Li Qing's clothes were scraped loudly.

Li Qing suddenly looked back, glared and raised his hand to punch.

The moment the fists collided, there was a "click" sound on the Golden Buddha's palm. At the same time, a layer of frost covered his palm in the blink of an eye at a speed visible to the naked eye, and spread to his entire arm.

Therefore, the palm of the Golden Buddha slowed down a bit.

At this moment, Li Qing dispersed the cold air and magic from his fists, raised his body with his sword, tapped his toes lightly on the frost-covered back of his hands, and then ran along the golden Buddha's broad arms. .

His feet were extremely fast. Although the frost only froze the arm under his feet for a moment, he had already reached the elbow of the Golden Buddha.

Because the actions of the Golden Buddha depend entirely on the Buddha's heart of the Great Sun Tathagata, its reaction is extremely slow.

When he slowly raised his arm, Li Qing had already jumped up from his elbow.

At the same time, a low roar burst out from his mouth.

"The laws of heaven and earth!"

The moment the voice came out, his figure swelled in the wind, and he once again became the giant with a height of thousands of feet.

In an instant, his upper body exceeded the head of the golden Buddha. As far as he could see, he could clearly see the temples on the head of the Golden Buddha.

At this time, the Golden Buddha's arms had just raised over his chest.

Li Qing sneered when he saw this, and at the same time, he clenched the hilt of his sword and turned around suddenly to look back.

Seeing that the edge of the sword was less than one foot away from the Golden Buddha's neck, the Golden Buddha's arms had just been raised over his chest.

In the distance, Jiang Fei and the Immortal God looked at each other and both breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I saw a wry smile on the face of the Immortal God leaning on his shoulder, and said with shame: "To be honest, sir, when I saw the golden Buddha, I felt a little scared. After all... such a huge golden Buddha The Buddha is astonishing in ancient times and today, and with one palm strike, this god's body may cease to exist!"

After saying this, he smiled and said: "However, this golden Buddha will finally be killed by the Lord!"

Jiang Fei nodded lightly when he heard this. In fact, not only the Immortal God, but also himself was shocked when he saw this ten thousand-foot golden Buddha.

After all, such a majestic giant Buddha generally only appears in myths and legends.

Just as he was thinking of this, he suddenly felt a very special momentum rising from below.

At the same time, the Immortal God beside him also frowned deeply and hesitated: "This momentum..."

When he said this, he paused briefly and sneered with a strange expression: "It seems to be a nameless sword power!"


Jiang Fei frowned when he heard this, and then snorted coldly: "The matter is over, but he took action!"

The moment he said these words, a sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart.

Then I saw the sea of ​​clouds slowly moving forward under my feet suddenly stopped, and then even the clothes on my body that were wrinkled by the gentle breeze also froze.

Suddenly, the face of the Immortal God changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "Sword Twenty-Three?!"

When Jiang Fei heard this, his expression also changed.

Although this Sword Twenty-Three has not appeared in the world, it has already become famous.

He had imagined more than once what Sword Twenty-Three would look like when used.

However, what makes him wonder is, isn't Sword Twenty-Three the Holy Spirit Sword Skill of the Sword Master? Why can Wuming know it?

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly felt that his movements became slower, as if he was being restrained.

He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but after a long time, his lips did not open.

The Immortal God on the side also rolled his eyes at this moment, and just like Jiang Fei, he couldn't open his mouth under this sword force.

In the distance, Li Qing also widened his eyes.

He saw that the sword edge was about to touch the Golden Buddha's neck, but suddenly there was a strange force surrounding him, causing him to be even slower than the Golden Buddha at this moment.

Li Qing did not associate the power that restrained him with Wuming or the Sword Master. Instead, he wondered if it was the cause of the Tathagata Tathagata, or if the long-dormant Heavenly Dao had revived again.

At the same time, in the void only a hundred meters above the sea, the Sword Master was suspended in the air, with a strange and inexplicable crystal light emitting from all over his body.

This glorious light made him look like a man of light whose whole body was made up of light spots.

Moreover, his facial features have long been unclear, and his entire face is covered with green light.

As the light became stronger and stronger, everything in the world around him gradually became frozen.

The turbulent Black Sea seems to be frozen, and the rolling waves maintain their rolling shape, forming a shocking spectacle.

High in the air, Li Qing originally felt that his whole body was restrained by an invisible force. At this moment, except for his eyes, no part of his body could move.

Just when he was feeling strange, he saw a familiar figure rising rapidly from below.

As the figure approached, he suddenly felt that the giant sword in his hand was trembling slightly.

In an instant, boundless coldness appeared in Li Qing's eyes.

"Wu Ming... you really opened my eyes!"

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