Unify all heavens

Chapter 401 Buddha suppresses corpse! (middle)


The Great Sun Tathagata frowned and murmured softly.

"That's right! Zombies!"

Xiaosanxiao nodded slightly, and then said: "Speaking of which, these zombies are very similar to those who were poisoned by Duwu Chang. Their appearance is almost the same. However, each of these zombies Soon their skills will increase greatly, and even their appearance will change! Moreover... some zombies can speak and have extremely high martial arts skills!"

The Great Sun Tathagata was startled when he heard the words, frowned and said: "Extremely high martial arts? What do you mean? Even you are no match?"

Xiaosanxiao nodded helplessly and said: "At first, I was planning to exterminate those zombies with strong martial arts skills, but in the end I encountered the 'Sword Master' who was infected with corpse poison, and I was almost killed in the fight with him!"

When he finished saying these words, his face was filled with shame.

Because this was the first time in his long life that he had been defeated head-on.

After seeing the expression on Xiao Sanxiao's face, the Great Sun Tathagata narrowed his eyes unconsciously.

He knows the strength of Xiao Sanxiao.

But now, even Xiao Sanxiao has been defeated, which shows that the strength of the sword master after the corpse transformation should not be underestimated!

Just when he was thinking about this, Xiaosanxiao, who always had a smile on his face, seemed to suddenly think of something. He actually lost his smile and put on a serious expression, and said in a deep voice: "By the way, All people who do not have true energy in their bodies will become zombies twelve hours later if they are scratched or bitten by these zombies! And people who have true energy in their bodies will find it difficult to encounter zombies with the strength of the sword master. Escape from this!"

The face of the Great Sun Tathagata finally changed drastically.

His bronze face was filled with chills at this moment, and he said coldly: "How many people are still alive today?"

Xiaosanxiao was silent when he heard this, and then sighed softly.

Seeing Xiao Sanxiao's appearance, Great Sun Tathagata's heart suddenly ignited with overwhelming anger.

He was still wondering why his release time was extended from eighty-one days to ten years!

The original reason is here!

With this thought in his mind, he immediately asked in a cold voice: "Where is the Sword Master hiding now?"

After he said these words, Xiao Sanxiao immediately raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Tianshan Mountain and whispered: "The world will meet!"

"The world will meet!"

The Great Sun Tathagata looked in the direction of the Tianshan Mountains. After gritting his teeth and saying these words, boundless golden light suddenly poured out from behind him. Then he smiled three times and transformed into a dazzling golden light and disappeared into the sky.


After he disappeared, the black body that was held in mid-air by his boundless cultivation immediately fell into the pitch-black sea water.

Xiao Sanxiao, on the other hand, looked at the sky in the distance, and an enigmatic smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Time to find the next person!"

As he said these words, he gently patted the dragon turtle under the seat with his left hand.

The world will meet;

On the three-point training ground, Xiong Ba was sitting on the dragon chair, looking expressionlessly at the disciples below who were practicing basic martial arts.

Although his face was expressionless on the outside, he was laughing in his heart.

Because most of the disciples below who are practicing martial arts are "people" who have just joined.

This meant that he finally had the opportunity to add some subordinates to himself.

Those former disciples were cut off by the Immortal God before he could take action.

This time, he will never make such a mistake again!

With this thought in his mind, he turned his attention to the four people at the beginning.

These four are Qin Shuang, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun... and Duan Lang!

After ten years of hard work, the skills of the four of them have been unfathomable.

Especially Duan Lang, whose skill is already second only to that of Xiongba before his corpse transformation. The bad thing is that the internal force in the body has not been transformed into true energy.

Although his qualifications were not as high as those of Nie Feng or Bu Jingyun, Xiong Ba treated him extremely well. In addition to preparing medicinal baths for him every now and then, he also taught him the complete version of the Tathagata Divine Palm. A lot of various powerful elixirs were also given as rewards.

This led to the fact that although Duan Lang had low qualifications, his skills far exceeded those of the other three.

Because You Yun had already told Xiong Ba about what she had seen and heard in the future world, Xiong Ba had been guarding against Fengyun and the two, never giving them a chance to go down the mountain, and even the treasure house prohibited the two from approaching.

As a result, although Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are the protagonists of this world, their cultivation is quite satisfactory, only slightly better than Qin Shuang.

And the reason why he didn't turn Duan Lang into a zombie for so long was because he was waiting for the internal force in Duan Lang's body to transform into true energy!

As for Nie Feng and others, the reason why they were not bitten by him was that Xiong Ba was afraid that Duan Lang would become suspicious.

After all, Duan Lang and Nie Feng were as close as brothers, and his relationship with Bu Jingyun and Qin Shuang was not bad either.

Although he was thinking about these things in his mind, his eyes were always focused on Duan Lang.

On the training ground, although Duan Lang was practicing some thick-line kung fu, he already had the aura of a master. There is great power in every move of the hands and feet.

Seeing this, Xiong Ba thought to himself: "With Duan Lang's current cultivation level, it seems that the internal force in the body will definitely be transformed into true energy in as little as three to five days and as long as half a month!"

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his majestic face.

At this moment, five figures suddenly fell from the sky and stood in front of Xiong Ba.

The moment they landed, Xiongba immediately stood up from the dragon chair and shouted at the many disciples who were practicing basic moves on the training ground: "This is the end of today's training, please disperse!"

As soon as Xiong Ba finished speaking, many of the disciples who were training were led away by Qin Shuang and others.

When only Jiang Fei and the others were left in the entire three-point coaching field, Xiong Ba asked, "Did something happen?"

As soon as he finished speaking, You Yun replied with a gloomy face: "I feel a very familiar breath approaching us quickly!"

Xiong Ba was startled when he heard this and frowned: "Familiar scent? Who could that be?"

When You Yun heard this, her face became even more gloomy.

She looked up at the sky and said in a cold voice: "If I feel correctly, that aura...should be the Tathagata of the Great Sun!"

Suddenly, Xiongba's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "The Great Sun Tathagata???"

In the past, the words 'Great Sun Tathagata' would have been nothing more than a figure in myths and legends to Xiongba.

But since Youyun told Xiongba and the others what she had experienced in the future world, they knew that in this world, there was a mysterious and powerful man called the Great Sun Tathagata.

From the information that Youyun learned in the future world, this "Great Sun Tathagata" is the first monk in this world. He has been in the same era as Nuwa, and his cultivation is so strong that it shocked the past and the present!

And from what she said, after she met the Great Sun Tathagata in the future world, she was beaten to ashes by his palm!

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