Unify all heavens

Chapter 3 Blessing from Heavenly Coffin

Late at night, Yizhuang;

Listening to the scholar's snoring outside the coffin, Li Qing raised his hands and moved the coffin lid gently and extremely slowly.

Although Wencai was said to be sleeping soundly, Uncle Jiu slept very lightly next door. After all, there were only a few rooms in Yizhuang, and they were not far apart. If there was the slightest disturbance, Uncle Jiu might wake up.

If Uncle Jiu wakes up and sees him, the situation will be embarrassing.


Hua Hua——

The sound of strong wind blowing leaves could not help but be heard outside the window, covering up the sound of Li Qing moving the coffin lid.

"Thanks for the wind tonight!"

Li Qing secretly felt lucky for his luck. If there was no wind tonight, there would definitely be a strange "crack" sound when he moved the coffin lid.

At that time, he could only hide for a while longer. If he wanted to get out of the coffin and leave Yizhuang, he would have to wait until the night when Uncle Jiu and the others moved the body of Mrs. Ren into Yizhuang.

It took about half an hour for Li Qing to finally move the coffin lid above his head, and then he stood up from the coffin.

Then he jumped out of the coffin with a slight "bang" sound, and then carefully looked at the whole picture of this righteous village with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

The last time he saw this Yizhuang was on the computer at home on the night of the sixteenth anniversary of Uncle Jiu's anniversary.

In fact, Li Qing wanted to go next door to see Uncle Jiu who was still sleeping, and then tell him that in the world of his previous life, there were many, many people who missed him. And these people often commemorate him sentimentally while watching those classic films that they have watched countless times.

But I can only think about it. After all, as soon as he appears in front of Uncle Jiu in this appearance, Uncle Jiu will sneer and turn him into ashes with his extremely hot popularity generated by being single for who knows how many years.

After all, compared to the purple zombies or zombies that appear in the movie, his level is really too low.

In his current state, he is not even as good as those walking zombies. After all, as the lowest-level existence in the zombie family, Bai *** is said to be a zombie, but in fact it is more like a corpse awakened by Yin Qi. He is afraid of anything with Yang attributes.

Now even if a bark comes, he can be turned back into a corpse again with a roar.

Generally speaking, all white hairs will be well hidden in the earth. They absorb yin energy every night, and then slowly fade into white hair and become black bodies before they can be removed from the land. Come out.

For example, Li Qing, who dared to appear in the territory of Uncle Jiu, the Taoist master, even though he was a mere white-blooded person, was no different from a mouse that had just learned to walk crawling into the cat's nest.

Thinking of his dark future, Li Qing couldn't help exhaling a putrid breath and turned to look to the other side.

A few meters away from him, Wen Cai, who was also missed by many people in his previous life, was sleeping on a wooden bed, holding a puppet tightly in his arms and snoring regularly. Around him, eight dusty coffins were neatly placed.

Although he wanted to take a closer look at Wencai, who was sleeping soundly, but with his current body, he was probably shocked by Wencai's popularity before he could get there.

Li Qing sighed in his heart, wondering when he would be able to get out of his current embarrassing state.

After shaking his head slightly, he focused on the purple coffin hanging on his chest.

It was only when he jumped out of the coffin that he discovered that the purple coffin was actually tied to a golden chain and hung around his neck.

As for the sword stuck in his chest, it disappeared for some unknown reason, and even the scars on his body disappeared.

After Li Qing couldn't figure it out, he set his sights on the purple coffin.

He had too many questions about this purple coffin.

For example, why can he hear, see, smell, and speak. Then where are the injuries on his body and why can he travel through time.

There are too many questions like this.

But the most important question at the moment is how he can dig out all the secrets he wants to know from this coffin.

Li Qing's eyes moved slightly, and he had a headache looking at his body covered with an inch of white hair. If he was still in a human body, he could easily remove the coffin from his neck. But now he is a zombie, with a body as hard as iron. Except for the large joints that can move throughout the body, the small joints seem to be tied up with something, making it impossible to move even slightly.

In this case, there is only one way.

Li Qing thought of this, opened his lips slightly, and said softly: "Blessing from the coffin!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the coffin around his neck slowly floating up, and then emitting a faint purple light.

Li Qing didn't expect that he just tried it tentatively and actually succeeded.

Just as his pale eyes were staring at the coffin without blinking, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

In just an instant, he was transferred from Yizhuang to a wide space.

Even if Li Qing was a zombie, he would still be suffering from the dizziness caused by the sudden shift in space.

When the dizzy feeling disappeared, Li Qing became alert and looked at the space carefully with a pair of white eyes.

I saw that this was a cave with a strong yin energy. There was a golden tablet in front of the cave, engraved with eight twisted characters full of blood, but the space behind the golden tablet was shrouded in thick fog.

When Li Qing's attention was attracted by this golden tablet, a ray of red light shot out from the eight characters and hit Li Qing's forehead.

In an instant, Li Qing's eyes became dazed.

At the same time, huge waves arose in his calm mind, and a majestic voice full of gloomy tones slowly sounded like thunder.

The eerie words were shouted out, and every word seemed to be carrying wind and thunder, shaking his soul to the point of trembling.

"God! Coffin! Give! Blessing!"

"Wei! Zhen! Wan! Gu!"

After reciting these eight characters, the voice said with full majesty: "Since our clan appeared, we have been abandoned by all living beings in the world. Therefore, the road to our clan's rise is full of thorns. With this in mind! I will use the power of the entire clan to suppress all the people. Thousands of worlds have finally spent their whole lives building the coffin of habitat into a treasure that can travel through the heavens!"

The voice paused slightly when it said this, and then said with full of grief and anger: "On the day when the coffin is completed, all the gods will come! Hundreds of millions of my clan will be wiped out! People of the future generations!!! Don't forget the ambition of our ancestors!!! Let our corpse clan can stand proudly. Between heaven and earth!!!




At the end of the sentence, the voice sounded like a roar in Li Qing's ears, making him tremble all over.

After the voice disappeared, a blood-red article appeared out of thin air in front of Li Qing's eyes. Just when Li Qing opened his eyes wide and wanted to read, the article turned into a ray of light and hit his eyes.

Li Qing closed his eyes subconsciously, but when he opened them again, he was surprised to find that he had returned to Yizhuang.



Not far away, Wen Cai still slept soundly.

Li Qing stiffened his neck and looked out the window, only to see that the sky was faintly red.

His eyes moved, and he clearly felt that less than half an hour had passed, and the sky outside was almost getting bright.

"Literary talent? Literary talent?"

Uncle Jiu's voice came from the next room.

When Li Qing heard this, he was suddenly shocked.

Why did Uncle Jiu get up so early? Was he getting up to practice? Or is the plot about to begin?

While he was thinking, he jumped into the coffin very neatly. Then he quickly lay down and raised his hands to cover the coffin lid beside him.


In the dark coffin, Li Qing lay quietly, unable to calm down in his heart for a long time.

Let the corpse tribe stand proudly between heaven and earth?

Is this possible?

As we all know, when people find zombies appearing, their first reaction is to find Taoist priests or monks to eliminate them.

Moreover, when zombies appear next to humans, their first reaction is to bite humans to death. Maybe high-level zombies will not do this, but few zombies can evolve to high-level!

The more Li Qing thought about it, the more headache he got. Since that 'predecessor' could build a coffin that could travel through all the worlds, he himself should have similar abilities.

In the end, he was still destroyed by the gods.

He felt as if he had entered a nightmare.

"Forget it. Take it one step at a time and try to survive first before talking about anything else!"

Li Qing sighed heavily in his heart.

Then he looked at the article that had been floating in his mind with some melancholy.

This article is divided into a middle part and a second part. The first part describes the introduction of zombie levels and cultivation techniques. The middle part describes the purpose and formula of this purple coffin. The next part is about corpse refining and corpse control techniques.

Although I only read it once, this article seemed to have been carefully studied by Li Qing for thousands of years.

It is mentioned in the middle chapter that whenever the energy on the purple coffin is exhausted, he will be taken back to the world where the Corpse Mansion is located. In just one month, the purple coffin hanging around his neck can be filled with energy in that world by the essence of the moon. At the same time, he only needs to recite the formula to travel through, and the world he travels through is random. . In addition, perhaps because of time travel, this coffin has recognized him as its master and can grow with him.

As mentioned above, the purple coffin has the ability to protect the owner from injuries and contain various zombies. Every time Li Qing evolves, the purple coffin will also be upgraded, and after the upgrade, all the abilities of the purple coffin will become more powerful.

For example, regarding the ability to contain zombies, the stronger Li Qing becomes, the more zombies he can contain in his coffin.

As for the purple coffin's protective and healing functions, they are automatically triggered. For example, not long ago, if it weren't for the purple coffin's protective function, Li Qing might have been shocked to death in the coffin by Uncle Jiu's aura. And the injuries he suffered before traveling through time were silently repaired by Zi Coffin.

As for why he is different from other zombies, it was not mentioned above. Li Qing guessed that his mutation may be because he has a soul. After all, zombies have souls but no souls, while he has a soul.

In addition, what shocked Li Qing the most was the cultivation method in the article. Although this method had no name, it was extremely domineering.

The whole article is full of plunder, just like a robber crossing the border. All spiritual things in the world can be plundered by him and used as fertilizer to improve his own abilities.

The most shocking thing about Li Qing is that he can rely on this magic formula to extract the talents or magical powers of any creature from their blood and practice them.

Although there are many benefits, there is one thing that makes Li Qing feel very unusual.

The zombie state recorded in this recipe is actually exactly the same as the state in the white corpse's scattered memory.

First came the white ***, then the black ***, and then the purple zombie like old man Ren.

As for the realm behind it, he cannot see it because his level is too low.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes. He felt that this was not a coincidence. This coffin was definitely closely related to the world where the Corpse Mansion was located.

But when he thought about his own realm, he suppressed the matter with a wry smile.

It's better not to think about it now. Why is a white body thinking so much? Everything should wait until later. The most important thing before him now is how he can absorb the corpse energy from Old Master Ren while ensuring his own safety, and then leave Yizhuang.

After all, the article mentioned that if white people want to shed their white hair and evolve, they have to either drink the essence and blood of cattle and sheep and then practice hard for more than ten years, or they can spend more than ten years worshiping the moon, and then rely on Moonlight Essence Cultivation. Of course, in addition to these two methods, there is also a shortcut mentioned in this recipe, but this road is full of dangers.

This method is to absorb the same kind of corpse energy. After all, no matter what kind of zombie it is, there is only pure corpse energy in the body, and there will be no other messy energy.

The advantage is that the corpse energy absorbed in this way can be directly used by him, but the danger is that if he encounters an intelligent zombie, he may be sucked away by the zombie.

Li Qing understood that if he wanted that opportunity, he had to bear the risk.

Old Master Ren had to breathe in the corpse aura because he didn't want to hide in the coffin forever and dare not see anyone.

Thinking of this, Li Qing carefully considered the method in his heart. He had to take any accident into consideration, because it was related to his life and death!

Although Uncle Jiu and Wencai were not in Yizhuang during the day, he could not get out either. On the contrary, when he could go out at night, Uncle Jiu and Wencai were guarding Yizhuang.

In this way, the only chance left for him was the first night when Mr. Ren was transported back to Yizhuang from the mountain by Uncle Jiu and the others. Even though Uncle Jiu was there that night, and in the second half of the night, he was still disturbed by the sound that Mr. Ren made when he wanted to leave the coffin. Wake up with a start. But he mistakenly thought it was Wen Cai's voice, so he said he only needed to check on Old Master Ren after Uncle Jiu went back to sleep and then come out.

Mr. Ren was also injured by the ink fountain when he tried to come out that night because the coffin was full of traces of bullet lines. Therefore, he probably would not have come out that night.

After thinking about these things, Li Qing took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

The next thing he needs to do is to wait quietly for the night when Mrs. Ren’s coffin is transported back to Yizhuang!

I present a large chapter of nearly 4,000 words. Please read it, recommend it, and add it to your collection! ! !

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