Unify all heavens

Chapter 296 God comes to earth! (Down)

Originally, they didn't know how long they would need to fly. Except for the King of Growth, Moli Qing, who pointed out the route, the other three heavenly kings were all sleeping soundly. But knowing that it would take another two hours to fly out of the Three Realms Passage, they all stared unblinkingly at the white dot far away.

While they were waiting, Li Qing had already taken Jiang Fei to search for the owners of the Dragon Pearl and the Tianyang Divine Pearl.

Because speaking of it, both the Dragon Pearl and the Tianyang Divine Pearl can be regarded as the most precious treasures in this world.

Needless to say, the Dragon Balls are the condensed form of a certain cultivator's 1,000 years of cultivation. Even if they cannot be used as materials for refining the external incarnation, it is still an excellent thing to swallow. As for the Tianyang Divine Pearl, it is a rare treasure that can turn back time. Combined with the earth-yin magic beads that can travel through time and space, it can be used as a material to refine the incarnation of the body!

Every time he thought of this, Li Qing felt his heart surge, and subconsciously, his pace became much faster.

The owner of the Dragon Ball is a support staff member of a ghost hunting shop called Xiao Longnu.

In the original drama, this woman was a cultivator in her previous life, the kind who could fight with gold and silver armored corpses for dozens of rounds. Then, after fighting for dozens of rounds with the gold and silver armored corpse a thousand years ago, he was beaten to death, and his cultivation was also trained into dragon balls by the gold and silver armored corpse. As a result, before the gold and silver armored corpse had time to enjoy the dragon ball, it was bumped into by two Arhats subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, and then they rushed to the street.

Then Longzhu was reincarnated.

The owner of the Tianyang Divine Pearl is a policeman and the reincarnation of the Tianyang Divine Pearl.

Because he had references from the original drama, it didn't take Li Qing long to find all of them.

Perhaps because some plots were merged, when Li Qing found Xiao Longnu, he also found Meng Bo, the reincarnation of the Tianyang Divine Pearl.

When Li Qing found these two people, they were sleeping in the hall of the room.

Looking at the two people wearing yellow uniforms with tired faces, Li Qing squinted his eyes and murmured to himself: "What a coincidence, Meng Bo and Xiao Longnu are both ghost hunters!"

Jiang Fei, who was floating next to him, was startled when he heard Li Qing's voice, and thought to himself: "So that man is Meng Bo?"

He originally didn't know why Li Qing went to the police station to ask a policeman named "Meng Bo", and he also found several places where Meng Bo might appear, but now he finally understands.

Although he only glanced through the window, Jiang Fei's expression became serious, and he said as if he was facing a formidable enemy: "My lord, these two people have a very powerful energy in their bodies. You must not Look down upon!”

Li Qing was stunned when he heard this, and then said with a smile: "No need to worry, they have powerful energy, but they can't use it. They are exactly the same as normal people!"

When Jiang Fei nodded, Li Qing said again: "We are here this time to take out this energy from their bodies!"

When Jiang Fei heard this, he grinned and said, "It would be much easier just to take out the energy from their bodies!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pressed it on the glass, shouting: "Come out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qing saw a ball of golden light suddenly appear on Meng Bo's chest, and a ball of orange light also appeared on Xiao Longnu's chest. Immediately afterwards, the faces of the two people suddenly turned ugly, and their bodies began to tremble.

Jiang Fei frowned when he saw this and said in surprise: "These two energies have actually been integrated with their bodies?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his palm pressed against the glass trembled slightly.



With two crisp sounds, the glass was directly shaken into powder by him. Then he waved two waves of corpse energy towards Meng Bo and Xiao Longnu.

Then the light on the chests of Meng Bo and Xiao Longnu suddenly lit up, blocking Jiang Fei's two corpse energies from their bodies and starting to fight against them.

When Jiang Fei saw this, he shouted again: "Come out!"

As his voice fell, Li Qing saw the chests of Meng Bo and Xiao Longnu surge upward at the same time, as if they had been shocked by a medical electric shock device. Then two luminous spheres, one large and one small, floated out from their chests.

The big one is larger than a basketball, is golden in color, and exudes a hot aura. It is the Tianyang Divine Pearl. The small one is the dragon ball. At first glance, it is only the size of a fist and is entirely orange.

When they floated out of the bodies of Meng Bo and Xiao Longnu, they directly dispersed Jiang Fei's two corpse auras, and then slowly floated towards the window.

At this moment, Meng Bo and Xiao Longnu's bodies suddenly trembled, their clothes instantly soaked in cold sweat, and their originally rosy complexions turned into blue-black in an instant.

Li Qing glanced at them indifferently, then put the Dragon Ball and Tianyang Divine Pearl that just flew out of the window into the purple coffin.

He was going to swallow the dragon ball, but he had to find a quiet place to study it carefully before swallowing it, otherwise it would be tragic if an accident happened.

Thinking of this, he nodded to Jiang Fei, and then flew towards the Earth Temple.

This place was not far from the Earth Temple, so he and Jiang Fei quickly fell from the clouds and walked into the Earth Temple.

Then Li Qing sat cross-legged under the clay statue and told Jiang Fei: "Come and help me protect the law. I want to see if this dragon ball can make me evolve!"

When Jiang Fei heard that this was about whether Li Qing could evolve, his face became serious. After nodding slightly, he stood at the door with his sword in hand, like a door god.

After Li Qing glanced at him, he took the dragon ball out of the purple coffin, then held the dragon ball in his hand and raised it to his mouth. Just when he was about to take a breath, he suddenly heard dense thunder and lightning in the sky. Voice.



"what happened?"

Li Qing was curious and couldn't help but look up to the sky.

This sight made his expression change drastically, and his eyes were full of stern expression.

High in the sky, a huge golden tower was seen falling rapidly to the ground amidst dense thunder and lightning.

The golden pagoda was extremely fast. One second it was still high in the sky, and the next second it appeared directly in mid-air.

Before the golden pagoda even landed, Li Qing felt the strong pressure emanating from the golden pagoda.

"Linglong Pagoda!"

Without even thinking about it, Li Qing gritted his teeth and said the name of the golden pagoda.

As he spoke, he saw the golden pagoda flying towards the Earth Temple.

"not good!"

Li Qing's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he stood up quickly and put Jiang Fei at the door into the purple coffin. Then he turned around and raised the statue with one arm, then raised his hand and thrust hard into the chassis of the statue.


With just a soft sound, a mud hole as thick as an arm appeared on the statue's chassis.

Li Qing quickly took off the purple coffin hanging around his neck and put it into the hole. Then he recited the mantra in his heart and entered the purple coffin in a flash.

When there was no one to hold it up, the statue suddenly fell down.


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