Unify all heavens

Chapter 288 Thousand-year-old Corpse (Part 1)

"What a pair of vaginal eyes!"

Li Qing's heart was shocked and he couldn't help but sigh.

Although he is of a higher level than this ghost corpse, if he really fights. He might have been glared to death by the ghost zombie before he even made a move.

When You Zhi looked at the crow beside him, Li Qing found that his own soul was a little unstable. It seems like it will leave the body at any time.

Fortunately, he resisted, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous.

Thinking of this, Li Qing decided that when he refines his external incarnation in the future, he must also refine a pupil technique for himself. And we have to study how to resist the eyes of the ghost zombie.

After all, the current ghost corpses have only just recovered, just like human babies, and have not yet reached their peak stage.

Just as an infant, You Zhi almost took away his soul at a glance. How could he still do it if he was at his peak?

When he was thinking about these things, he didn't know that there were ghost corpses in ancient times, and even 50,000 heavenly soldiers and generals could be killed with one glance.

At this time, You Zhi, who was sitting in the pool, slowly stood up and looked straight at Li Qing with a pair of dark eyes. Then he said "Master" softly and fell silent.

Li Qing nodded and frowned: "Do you still remember what happened during your lifetime?"

After hearing this, Youshi thought for a while and found that he only had a partial impression of his previous life in his mind. He shook his head slightly and said, "I only remember part of it!"

Li Qing couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he heard this, and said coldly: "Do you still remember what your name was when you were alive?"

Youshi frowned upon hearing this and began to think. After a while, she shook her head and said: "There is no name in this part of my memory, only the code name '9981'!"

Li Qing nodded, and just when he was about to give her a name, Youshi pursed his lips and said with a somewhat uneasy expression: "Master, can I give myself a name?"

Li Qing was startled when he heard this and looked at You Zhi.

After meeting his gaze, You Zhi hurriedly avoided it, then hesitated and said, "Why don't we forget it!"

Li Qing smiled when he saw this. He just suddenly thought of why he should name his subordinates by himself. They are naturally intelligent and thoughtful, so why not let them choose their own names! After all, whether it was Jiang Fei who was comprehending Zhong Kui's swordsmanship in the purple coffin or the ghost corpse in front of him, he had personally trained them. They were not only his subordinates, but also his partners in his long life.

Thinking of this, Li Qing smiled and said, "Tell me, what do you want to name yourself?"

Youshi's eyes widened when he heard this, and then he said with an uneasy expression: "I want to name myself Youyun!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard this and said with a smile: "In that case, I will call you You Yun from now on!"

Ziyou nodded lightly at first, then raised his finger and pointed at the wall behind him, and said: "Master, I feel there are many souls nearby, can I swallow them?"

Li Qing was startled when he heard this, then nodded slightly.

Lord Tutu once said that the more souls a ghost corpse swallows, the stronger it will become.

In this kind of weather, the soul sensed by the ghost corpse will be destroyed by Lei Wei before the evil spirits come over.

In this case, it is better to become a powerful nourishment for the ghost zombies.

After seeing Li Qing nodding, Youyun became happy, and her smiling eyes curved into crescent shapes. Then he flew up violently, smashing the wall behind him and flying out.


After all the irregular stones fell to the ground, Li Qing jumped up and took off.

At this time, the thunder outside was no longer as dense as before, and a roar would sound almost every three to five minutes. Moreover, there is no more sight of Razor falling from the sky.

When Li Qing flew out of the bathhouse, You Yun was suspended in mid-air, looking around with a green light in her eyes.

She just glanced around, and dozens of shadows flew towards her.

These shadows are male and female, old and young. Their eyes were blank, their figures were dim, and they looked like they would disappear soon.

After she swallowed these ghosts, she immediately flew towards the city center again. Along the way, wherever her eyes looked, there would be groups of ghosts floating in the air.

Li Qing followed closely behind her, looking stunned.

Along the way, there were many places where he clearly couldn't feel any Yin Qi, but You Yun took a look at those places, and then three or five translucent ghosts flew out of these places without Yin Qi.

This made Li Qing couldn't help but sigh secretly, Yin Tong was really powerful.

At the same time, this also made Li Qing decide to practice the double eye technique on himself in the future.

Soon, an hour passed!

At this time, there was no thunder in the sky, and the thick dark clouds that were almost pressing on the ground gradually dissipated.

Police cars, ambulances, fire engines and other vehicles appear on the streets every once in a while.

In just one hour, Li Qing felt that You Ruo, flying fast in front of him, might have swallowed up half of Hong Kong's ghosts. No matter how secretly those ghosts were hidden, they could not hide from those dark eyes.

At this moment, they had flown over half of Hong Kong and were flying towards an empty playground ahead.

Originally, Li Qing was still thinking that there might be ghosts in the amusement park ahead that he couldn't feel, so Youyun flew towards there.

But as he got closer and closer to the amusement park, Li Qing's expression became more and more serious.

He felt the smell of zombies in the amusement park ahead!

At this moment, a lightning snake as thick as a finger suddenly chopped down from the already clear sky.


When Li Qing heard the thunder, he saw that the thunder snake had already struck into the playground.

At this moment, You Yun flying in front suddenly stopped, her dark eyes stared in the direction of the amusement park, and she said: "They are resurrected!"

Almost at the moment You Yun finished speaking, two figures suddenly flew out from the playground.

The two figures are both male, one is wearing Yin armor and the other is wearing golden armor. They all have long hair shawl, exuding a strong corpse aura.

Li Qingfei stopped next to You Yun, suspended in the air, and narrowed his eyes at the two figures.

Perhaps sensing the auras of Li Qing and You Yun, the two figures suddenly changed direction in mid-air and flew towards them.

"It's actually a corpse in gold and silver armor?"

Li Qing was shocked when he saw this, then he narrowed his eyes and reached out to take out the corpse-slaying sword from the purple coffin.

At the same time, I recalled the information about the armored corpse.

This armored corpse is also a type of zombie. It is refined with special methods after death, and then buried for thousands of years to absorb earth energy and yin energy. Often used for people of high status. If the corpse changes, it will be divided into four colors: copper, silver, gold, and jade. And the strength of each color will be very different! If the armor on your body is made of copper, you will have great strength and will not be afraid of water or fire! If the armor on your body is made of silver, you will fly to the sky and escape from the earth, and you will not be afraid of thunder and lightning. If the armor on your body is gold, you can swallow clouds and spit out mist, and your strength is close to that of gods and Buddhas. If your armor is jade, you can be called a jade-armored corpse god, who will be immortal forever!

Thanks to book friend Yang Baoer for the 10,000 reward!

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