Unify all heavens

Chapter 275: Making a fuss in the Netherworld! (15)

Li Qing felt like he was Grandma Liu who had just entered the Grand View Garden. There were many things in this manor that he had never heard of or seen before, as if the mountains were not mountains and the water was not like water. All kinds of exotic flowers and plants are eccentric and the colors are so weird that it’s shocking.

The manor here looks extremely luxurious from the outside, but it is even more stunning from the inside.

But for Li Qing, he didn't recognize anything in the manor.

Although he has lived for nearly a hundred years, compared to ghosts and gods like Zhong Kui, his background is far inferior.

But it was precisely because he didn't know anything and had never seen it before, even though the interior was filled with treasures of heaven and earth, which were rare to see in the world. He is not like Zhong Kui either.

Zhong Kui, who was walking next to him, had a look of shock on his face almost from the moment he entered the door, and he couldn't help but make tut-tsk sounds from his mouth every few steps he took.

In this courtyard, Zhong Kui knew most of them, from exotic plants to exquisite ornaments.

It was precisely because of this insight that he became this unspeakable appearance.

Especially when he saw several rare and exotic herbs planted on Lingbao in the courtyard that had become extinct in the outside world, Zhong Kui was startled for a moment, then took a deep breath and sighed: "Master Zhu is really very powerful. This... The exotic flowers and plants in the manor are all rare artifacts from the Three Realms, and some of them are even said to have been extinct for nearly a thousand years!"

"Mr. Zhu?"

Li Qing, who was following Zhong Kui, had a vague glint in his eyes when he heard the word 'Zhu Gong'.

At this time, Zhong Kui suddenly stared at the spirit flower planted on a dark stone not far away, and exclaimed with dumbfounded eyes: "This...is this the Yin spirit flower? The last time I came here, Zhong Kui was I haven’t seen it yet, so I guess this spiritual flower was transplanted over the past three hundred years. It is said that just smelling this flower can increase your Yin life by ten years. If you crush the petals and make tea and drink it, you can increase your Yin life by three hundred years. Year!"

After hearing Zhong Kui's voice, the steward who was leading the way suddenly showed a smile on his face, and he couldn't help but feel a little fond of Zhong Kui in his heart.

Just because most of the rare plants in this manor are taken care of by it, praising the flowers is like praising him.

After Li Qing heard Zhong Kui's words, he also subconsciously looked at the Yin spirit flower. He saw that the petals of the spirit flower were like a flying purple butterfly, with its wings opening and closing gently, and right above the wings. Floating was a palm-sized blurry figure formed by black mist.

At first glance, he looks like a baby.

After just one glance, Li Qing felt that the compatibility between his soul and this ghost corpse was much stronger.

He was secretly shocked, and couldn't help but think of what the butler said outside the gate before.

The housekeeper said that the two unicorns at the door were tamed by the owner of this manor nine thousand and four hundred years ago.

In other words, the owner of this manor has existed for nine thousand and four hundred years!

Calculating according to this time, the owner here is indeed as Zhong Kui said, with a great background!

As far as he knew, the period of the Conferred Gods was only more than 2,800 years ago.

And the owner of this manor goes back more than 6,000 years to the period of becoming a god!

This means that the owner of the manor here is most likely a being from the ancient times!

Thinking of this, Li Qing couldn't help being shocked, and a look of horror flashed across his face, and he thought: "No wonder Zhong Kui said that the master here has good friends and old friends all over the three realms! But if this Zhu Gong is really a powerful person in the prehistoric times, then this Zhu Gong I’ve definitely seen a lot of zombies, so why did you send someone to invite him?”

Thinking of this, Li Qing narrowed his eyes slightly.

Could it be that this ‘Zhu Gong’ is just like Zhong Kui’s land lord, trying to get his purple coffin?

It was at this time that he suddenly found that he had been brought to a green bamboo house by the housekeeper without knowing it.

He looked back and saw that the place he had just walked through had been shrouded in white mist.

At this time, the butler walked to the door of the bamboo house with a humble look and said in a low voice: "Master, the guests are here!"

After he finished saying this, he saw the door of the bamboo house being opened from the inside. Before anyone could be seen, Zhong Kui hurriedly bent down, cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Mr. Zhu!"

When Li Qing saw this, his heart moved. He followed Zhong Kui's example, bowed his head and said, "I've seen Mr. Zhu!"

"Why do you need to be polite to two distinguished guests?"

As the voice sounded, Zhong Kui and Li Qing slowly straightened up, and then both looked at Zhu Gong.

Mr. Zhu has a kind face, gray hair that reaches his waist and a white beard hanging down to the ground. He is wearing a purple robe and looks extremely extraordinary.

He stroked his beard with one hand and his back with the other, looked at Zhong Kui deeply, and said with a faint smile: "Zhong Ban hasn't been to Laochan's Bamboo Residence for more than three hundred and twenty years! I haven't seen him for more than three hundred years. There seems to be no change in your cultivation!"

Zhong Kui smiled bitterly upon hearing this, cupped his hands and said, "Back to Mr. Zhu, Zhong has not had much time to practice since he supervised the repair of Naihe Bridge more than three hundred years ago!"

"So that's it. Judge Zhong can be considered a credit to his hard work! But after all, cultivation is the foundation for us ghosts and gods to establish themselves in this world. Otherwise, how would we survive this catastrophe that happens once every thousand years?"

The old man looked at the hunched-over butler beside him and ordered: "Go and pick five fruits from the dragon tree in the backyard and give them to Zhongpan! To make up for the time Zhongpan has wasted these years!"


The butler nodded slightly, then turned around and stepped into the mist, disappearing.

Zhong Kui didn't notice this. His mind had already been shocked by Zhu Gong's words. As his cheeks twitched, the beard on his face also trembled gently and regularly.

At this moment, his eyes were as wide as bells.

A piece of information suddenly appeared in my mind that was originally blank: "The dragon tree, also known as the dragon tree, has a purple body, is as hard as iron, and has scales. It blooms once every thousand years and bears fruit once every thousand years. The fruits are as follows Jujubes are three inches long and come in two colors: black and white. Eating white jujubes can increase your cultivation by one year, and eating black jujubes can increase your longevity by one year!"

During the time when Zhong Kui was stunned, a kind smile suddenly appeared on Mr. Zhu's face. His eyes fell on Li Qing, who was dressing up as a woman beside him, and he smiled like a neighbor.

"I've been looking forward to it every day and night, and finally my little friend has come to this underworld!"

When Li Qing was astonished when he heard this, Lord Zhu stroked his beard and smiled and said: "I have noticed you ever since I brought the purple coffin to this world of human sea! During this period, I have been observing you with my water moon technique! Today I finally meet with you. Friends meet!"

After saying that, Lord Zhu gently waved in front of him, and suddenly he saw a small table and two futons appear out of thin air on the ground. There was a sapphire wine bottle and two matching wine cups on the table, and there was a pure gold cup next to it. An empty incense burner the size of a palm.

The incense burner exuded wisps of fragrance. Li Qing only smelled it for a moment, and many vague sounds suddenly sounded in his ears.

Thanks to the book friend Da Shi Chest for the 100 starting coin reward, and the book friend Smile Casket for the 900 starting coin reward! Speaking of which, it feels great to work overtime during the Qingming Festival. When typing, I always feel like there are other creatures around me peeking at the screen. . . . .

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