Unify all heavens

Chapter 253 New subordinates! (Down)

When Li Qing landed lightly, black smoke rose from all the bodies of these strong men.

"you you you"

When the strong man carrying He Fenni saw this, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he looked at Li Qing with a horrified look on his face, unable to even utter a complete sentence.

At this time, He Fenni, who was being held on his shoulders, looked at Li Qing in surprise, with a hint of envy in her eyes.


After pushing away the headless body with black smoke in front of him, Li Qing looked at the strong man holding He Fenni on his shoulders.

If he guessed correctly, this is the only thing left in the entire building.

At this moment, the strong man took a deep breath and said with twitching cheeks: "You, don't be arrogant, you have killed so many watchers, you will definitely die miserably at the hands of your master!"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows when he heard this and asked, "I wonder if the owner you are talking about is the yin-yang corpse that is neither male nor female, or the ghost wearing the Japanese pirate uniform?"

Upon hearing this, the strong man suddenly changed his expression and asked, "What do you mean?"

Li Qing sneered, shrugged and said: "It's not interesting, I just killed these two not long ago, including your companions on the upper floors, they were all reduced to ashes not long ago! "

After Li Qing finished speaking, the strong man's expression suddenly changed. No wonder they just found that all the marks left by their master in their minds had disappeared.

It turned out that it had been destroyed by someone.

Compared with the frightened look in the strong man's eyes, He Fenni's eyes were looking straight at Li Qing, with an indescribable meaning in her eyes.

At this moment, the strong man looked at Li Qing and suddenly threw He Fenni, who was carrying him on his shoulders, straight away, then turned around and ran downstairs.


The moment He Fenni was thrown out by the strong man, her expression changed drastically and she let out a cry of surprise.

Then, before she landed, Li Qing caught her with one hand.

At the same time, he also threw the corpse-slaying sword in his other hand towards the strong man's fleeing back.

"call out!"

Just hearing a sound breaking through the air, the strong man who had just ran down the fourth step was suddenly pierced through the chest by the Corpse Sword, and was carried flying by the force of the sword, nailed straight to the wall in front of him.

At this time, He Fenni lay on Li Qing's shoulder and whispered: "Thank you for saving me!"

"I'm not necessarily saving you!"

As Li Qing said this, he waved his hand towards the corpse-killing sword nailed to the wall.

Then he saw the hilt of the corpse-slaying sword trembled slightly for a few times, then broke free from the wall with a 'whoosh' and flew into Li Qing's hand.

After Li Qing casually put the corpse-slaying sword into the purple coffin, he put He Fenni down who was thinking about what Li Qing said.

Because He Fenni was still weak, after Li Qing put her down, she sat weakly on the steps, leaning on the guardrail.

After putting her down, Li Qing asked: "Do you want to have power that ordinary people can't imagine?"

After hearing this, He Fenni couldn't help but look up at Li Qing, and asked with a slight hesitation: "What kind of power? Is it like you?"

Li Qing smiled softly and did not answer the question behind her. He just said: "Infinite strength, infinite energy, flying into the sky and the earth. Immortality!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, He Fenni's eyes widened suddenly.

At this moment, Li Qing's feet slowly left the ground, suspended in mid-air, and looked down at He Fenni.

Because he needs He Fenni recently, Li Qing is not planning to turn He Fenni into an ordinary zombie, because as an ordinary zombie, He Fenni will need to sleep in the ground for at least dozens or hundreds of years. , it can only be unearthed after absorbing enough earth energy.

Otherwise, it will become like Nintendo. Because the foundation is not strong, it will become more and more difficult to evolve in the future.

And in tens or even hundreds of years, He Fenni's family would definitely be gone, regardless of whether he was still in this world at that time.

Then Li Qing wouldn't be able to use He Fenni's power.

In the second chapter of the nameless formula that Li Qing obtained from the golden tablet in the purple coffin, there is a kind of zombie that can be quickly transformed.

Moreover, this kind of zombie is no different from ordinary people from the beginning of its corpse transformation, and does not need to suck blood. It only needs to absorb the essence of the moon to evolve step by step.

The advantage of this kind of zombie is that it is naturally invisible at night. The disadvantage is that it cannot have resentment and hatred in its heart before death.

This kind of zombie is called a 'ghost zombie' and needs to be buried in a place where the Nine Yin gathers. Before turning into a zombie, it can only be illuminated by the moonlight and cannot be illuminated by any sunlight.

Also because of the strict requirements for corpse transformation, the number of ghost corpses is very small, and one may not appear for thousands of years.

That's why Li Qing asked He Fenni instead of biting her to death.

Because only in this way, when he takes action later, He Fenni will not show any hatred or resentment.

After all, if he bites her off without saying anything, hatred or resentment will more or less appear in He Fenni's heart.

Thinking of this, Li Qing looked at He Fenni.

But he saw her staring at him blankly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

He Fenni had always thought that it was absurd enough that there were ghosts in the world, but now it seemed that there were even more absurd things in the world, but she had never been exposed to them before.

She just stared at Li Qingdu in a daze for more than a minute, then she held her chest and calmed down.

Then he took a deep breath, widened his eyes and asked Li Qing: "Are you a god?"

In her impression, only gods can live forever and fly.

Li Qing was startled when he heard this, then shook his head and grinned.

"I'm a zombie!"

As he spoke, he exposed the two hidden fangs.

Li Qingyuan thought that He Fenni would scream in fear after learning that he was a zombie.

As a result, after he said this, He Fenni not only did not scream, but said curiously: "Zombies? Don't zombies look like the scary ones in the movies?"

After Li Qing heard He Fenni's words, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

When He Fenni heard this, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes, then she shook her head and said with a trace of hesitation: "It stands to reason that I should be afraid, but I don't have such emotions now, I'm just curious. Probably. Because you don’t look like in the movie!”

As she spoke, she raised her hands and made a face.

Then he laughed and said: "And didn't you just save my life? The zombies in the movie don't know how to save people, they only know how to kill and suck blood!"

After saying this, she looked at Li Qing without blinking, and then suddenly asked: "Did you mean to ask me by what you said just now, do you want to become a zombie?"

Li Qing nodded slowly when he heard this.

He Fenni swallowed her saliva when she saw this, and asked with her big eyes open: "What if I don't want to become a zombie? Will you let me go!"

Li Qing didn't speak, he just raised the corner of his mouth and shook his head.

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