Unify all heavens

Chapter 250 Lightning Strike

Almost at the moment when the Japanese pirate spirit shouted out, a familiar sense of crisis suddenly appeared in Li Qing's heart.

So Li Qing glanced at them with a sneer, and before the seven strong men came towards him, he moved quickly behind them.

The Japanese pirate army soul's vision blurred when he discovered that Li Qing, who was currently in front of the window, appeared at the door.

At the same time, the strong men looked back subconsciously.

Then, at the moment they turned their heads back, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded in their ears.


As this voice sounded, a golden thunderbolt as thick as a finger suddenly appeared in the room out of thin air.

Then, before the golden thunder struck them, all the strong men, including the Japanese pirate soul, screamed with ferocious faces.

Amidst the screams, black smoke erupted from their bodies.

At this moment, the golden thunder struck a strong man who was holding his head in his hands and squatting down with a ferocious face due to pain.


With the sound of bombardment, the room was suddenly filled with golden lightning.

In this thunder light, the other Japanese pirate souls in the room were like snowflakes encountering the scorching sun, all melting in the blink of an eye.

As for Li Qing, he had already hid in the purple coffin because he saw that the situation was not going well.

At this time, all the strong men in the building seemed to feel something, their expressions changed drastically, and then they all ran towards the top of the building.

After seeing all the strong men guarding them leave, most of the imprisoned humans started talking in low voices with puzzled faces.

And in a cell in the corridor on the 6th floor, sitting on the bed with her knees bent. After seeing the strong man guarding them leave, He Fenni quickly jumped off the bed. Under the doubtful eyes of other women in the room, she stood barefoot Went to the iron fence.

The gap on the iron fence is not wide, only as thick as an arm, but it is enough for observing the scenery of the corridor.

He Fenni was originally going to stick her head out from the gap between the fences, but after looking at the width of the fences, she gave up the idea and instead pressed her face tightly against the fence to look out.

After seeing that there was no one in the corridor, He Fenni's eyes flashed with joy, and then she reached behind her hair and took out a hairpin.

Then she put her hand out of the gap in the fence, inserted the hairpin into the lock on the fence and started tinkering.

As a police officer, she has already practiced the technique of using hairpins to unlock locks.

In just a few seconds, the lock made a slight "click" sound.

After hearing the sound, all the other women in the room showed surprise on their faces.

Then they saw He Fenni open the fence and walk out cautiously.

"Is the door open?"

After seeing this, the women in the room were stunned for less than a second, and then they all rushed toward the door like crazy.

When they rushed to the door, He Fenni was walking towards the stairs with a wary face.

She did not open the other iron bars in the corridor because she knew that only by running out could she call more police to rescue those people.

At this time, on the top floor of the building;

Worried about an accident, Li Qing, who had been waiting in the purple coffin for several minutes, happened to appear in the room out of thin air.

The room was still the same as before, and the furniture and furnishings had not changed, but the Japanese pirate souls had all turned into ashes.

Li Qing was worried that Jin Lei would be guarding him, so he jumped towards the door the moment he appeared.

He guessed very accurately that Jin Lei was indeed guarding him.

Almost as soon as he jumped out, a "rumbling" sound sounded in his ears, and then two golden thunder struck him one after the other.

One hit his head from above, and the other hit his back from outside the window.

Li Qing thought there was only one, so he ducked to the side and dodged the golden thunder that hit his head.

But he didn't expect that after dodging the first golden thunder, there would be a second thunder.

Before Li Qing could react, he was hit hard on the back by the second thunder.

Li Qing, who had just jumped to the door, felt a sudden heavy blow on his back, and then his body smashed the fine wooden door into pieces with a bang, and hit the corridor wall opposite the door. superior.


When he hit the wall of the corridor, Li Qing's body did not stop there. Instead, he smashed the wall into pieces and fell to the ground of another corridor.



Like the previous ones who were struck by the golden lightning, Li Qing's eyes were also blank after he got up from the ground.

My mind was empty, just sitting there blankly.

At this time, one meter above his head, a wave of water ripples suddenly appeared in the air, and then a dark golden thunder and lightning slowly appeared.

Then he struck towards Li Qing below very quickly.

Just when the thunder was about to hit Li Qing, Li Qing, who was sitting on the ground, rolled to the side and dodged the thunder.

After he dodged the dark gold lightning, he looked at the place where he had been with a blank expression.

In a certain space, Zhubi sat cross-legged on the ground, his hands seeming to control an invisible puppet, and his fingers danced from time to time.

He fell on his head behind him, and his eyes were narrowed at this moment, as if he was feeling something.

About five or six minutes later, Zhubi frowned and asked strangely: "Did that boy do something so outrageous? Why has the Nine Heavens Demon-Conquering Thunder struck him and not disappeared after so long?"

Just when he finished saying this, his brows suddenly raised. Relying on the connection with the drop of corpse spirit blood in Li Qing's body, he quickly used his ten fingers to control Li Qing's body to avoid a dark gold again. Thunder and lightning.

After doing all this, Zhubi opened his eyes fiercely and murmured: "Always doing this is not an option. We need to think of other ways."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a hint of thought in his eyes.

After about ten seconds, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had thought of some good idea, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“It’s fun and interesting, that’s it!”

After saying this, he began to search for the ghostly aura that frightened him away some time ago according to his memory.

Speaking of which, he thought that Li Qing had met a ghost and god that even he could not match, so he hurriedly cut off his connection with Li Qing in fear.

During this period of time, he secretly connected with Li Qing many times without Li Qing's knowledge, and finally found out the strength of the ghost and god next to Li Qing.

He finally understood that it was not the ghost and god who scared him away at that time, but the power of the divine status given to that ghost and god by the heaven and earth.

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