Unify all heavens

Chapter 216 There is a universe within

Seeing that the tin staff was about to hit his head, the tenant woman seemed not to have seen it and still roared and rushed towards the monk.

A second later, the tin stick hit the charterer hard on the head.


As the sound rang out, the charterer's forehead suddenly dented, but not only did she not fall to the ground as the monk thought, but she reached out to grab the monk's collar with her teeth and claws even more ferocious.

Then he opened his mouth and bit the monk's neck.


The monk immediately opened his eyes and screamed when he saw this, and then hurriedly raised his hand and grabbed the charterer's chin, pushing her head up hard to prevent her from biting him.

Taking advantage of this moment, he bent his knee and pressed it against the charterer's belly, then withdrew one hand to form a seal.

"Hoo uh!"

But the moment he retracted his hand, a huge force suddenly surged out of the charterer's body, and then with a ferocious roar, she released her hands that grabbed the monk's collar and pinched his neck. superior.

Then he lifted him high.


Immediately, the monk was pinched so hard that he couldn't breathe.

He struggled and tried to kick the charterer's body with his legs, but her body was strangled by her neck and rocked back and forth, as if she would not let go until she strangled him to death.

After trying several times but failing to kick the tenant, the monk turned around with difficulty to look at Yi Banshi who was hiding behind the rubbish heap watching the show, and then with even greater difficulty shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Hurry, come and save me! "

After saying this, the skin on his face turned red.

After Yi Banshi heard what he said, a treacherous smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he sneered: "Buddha sacrificed his life to feed eagles in the past, and today Master sacrificed his life to fight ghosts. This is a great merit! Master, you will become a Buddha with perfect merit. I How can we stop it?"

After hearing Yi Banshi's words, the monk's eyes suddenly widened, and then he cursed angrily with a hard expression on his face: "Bu, Buddha, your mother's head!"

While talking, he took the opportunity to bite his finger, and then made a mark on the charter woman's green-black arm.


Then the charterer let out a scream and threw him aside.


The moment he landed, the monk climbed up, then took several steps back while covering his neck.

At this time, the charterer turned her attention to Yi Banshi.

After meeting Yi Banshi's eyes, the charterer screamed and rushed towards him.

"Oh my God!"

Yi Banshi's face changed drastically and he screamed in surprise, then hurriedly ran towards the elevator.

This basement was too dangerous, and he had to get out of here quickly.


As the elevator door opened, he rushed in anxiously.

As a result, when he entered the elevator, he was shocked to find that the female ghost was hiding here.


The moment he saw the female ghost, Yi Banshi screamed in horror and wanted to turn around and run out, but when he turned around, he happened to see the elevator door closing.


While Yi Banshi was breathing heavily, the atmosphere in the elevator suddenly became weird.

At the same time, outside the elevator, after seeing the elevator door closing, the charterer suddenly turned her head to look at the monk.

But I saw him taking a big breath of air.


After the charterer screamed sharply, she rushed towards the monk without hesitation.

After seeing the charter woman rushing towards him, the monk's eyes widened, and then he hurriedly took off the Buddhist beads hanging from his neck, and then threw them at the charter woman with an angry look on his face.

Then there was a 'pop' sound, and the prayer beads exploded the moment they came into contact with the charterer's body.


At the same time, the charterer's screams came from the golden light caused by the explosion of the beads.

"Hoo ho!"

The monk took a deep breath from exhaustion and then sat down on the ground.

Not far away, Li Qing put Jiang Fei, who was comprehending the sword skills taught by Zhong Kui, into the purple coffin again.

Then he took the folding fan given by Zhong Kui and couldn't wait to leave the basement from the stairs.

He had just studied the fan carefully and found that there was something else about this fan.

Because of the Arhat, Li Qing was not prepared to kill the monk, but he could not guarantee that the monk would not kill him while he was studying the fan.

So after much deliberation, Li Qing felt that the rooftop of this building was more suitable for him.

After all, if he encounters something there, he can fly away at any time.

After Li Qing left the basement, the monk breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Then he glanced at the ghost door with some worry, then stood up and walked to the ghost door to close it again. Because he no longer had the strength to seal the ghost door at this moment, he simply used the finger he had bitten before to seal the wooden door. There is a Buddha's name written on it.

Although there were no resentful ghosts near the ghost gate at this moment, he was still worried that there would be resentful ghosts rushing out of the ghost gate.

Although the Buddha's name is simple, it is still possible if it only suppresses the ghost gate for one night.

Just as the monk finished writing the Buddha's name on the wooden door, in the elevator, the female ghost smiled ferociously at Yi Banshi and said, "If I don't move, you will move me?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Banshi immediately backed away from the elevator door in fear.

Then when the female ghost approached him, she reached out her hand and quietly fumbled for the elevator button behind her.


After the female ghost noticed his movements, she immediately snorted, then sneered and controlled the elevator to rise quickly with a 'swish' sound.

At this time, Li Qing had arrived at the rooftop of the building. Then he found an open place and sat down cross-legged, then opened Zhong Kui's fan with a 'swish' sound, and then stared at the pattern painted on the fan.

This pattern is a painting. In the painting, Zhong Kui is calm and powerful, standing among the mountains, holding a sword in one hand and a green-faced and fanged imp in the other.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Qing suddenly noticed that the portrait of Zhong Kui on the fan suddenly blinked at him.

Then he found that he appeared among the mountains, with rubble all over him.

Just when he was about to stand up, he saw a pair of black official boots appearing in front of his eyes.

Li Qing looked up and saw Zhong Kui wearing a bright red robe smiling at him: "Originally, it was a great achievement for you to return the red rabbit to the underworld, but as a zombie, you do not belong to the six realms, so this great achievement will be remembered. On my head!"

After saying this, he nodded to Li Qing and said: "Since I have received the credit that belongs to you, I have accepted your favor. Tell me, how do you need me to return this favor to you, whether it is to teach you ghost skills, or to I can protect you, no matter what!"

Li Qing stood up after hearing this, then thought for a moment and asked, "Master Zhong, do you think my body has any other hidden dangers besides the essence and blood of the Corpse God?"

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