Unify all heavens

Chapter 213 Ghosts and gods are coming!

The moment the words "Eat a meal and swallow the sky" rang in Li Qing's ears, Li Qing saw that the resentful ghosts in front of the ghost gate turned into streams of pure yin and ghost energy and were sucked into the mouth of the red-faced ghost king. As the Yin Qi and Ghost Qi disappeared, the bodies of those resentful ghosts directly turned into piles of white powder emitting wisps of smoke.

Li Qing's eyes suddenly narrowed when he saw that the red-faced ghost king didn't need to spend time converting the resentful ghosts and directly absorbed the Yin Qi.

The overwhelming anger surged in my heart instantly!

Until now, even he himself believed that he had been using incomplete ghost arts.

His ghost-eating technique takes time to digest after swallowing the ghost, but the red-faced ghost king's ghost-eating technique actually directly absorbs the ghost energy and yin energy from the ghost's body. It doesn't take any time to digest and becomes powerful immediately.

The number of resentful ghosts in front of the ghost gate, plus the resentful ghosts near the ghost gate in the ghost world, add up to hundreds or thousands. However, under this spell of the red-faced ghost king, they all turned into ghosts in less than a minute. There were piles and piles of white powder.

The red-faced ghost king, who had absorbed so many resentful ghosts, returned to the realm of the condensed ghost king again.

The moment he returned to his original state, the red-faced ghost king smiled ferociously at Li Qing and said, "Wuna Fei Zhan, I know in my heart that I can't defeat you, and I won't survive tonight, but even if my soul is gone, don't think about it being easy!"

The moment it finished speaking, it laughed loudly as Li Qinghan approached quickly with a face on his face: "Hehehehe, I will sacrifice myself and call the ghosts and gods to eliminate the enemy!"

When it finished saying this, Li Qing, who had been approaching it, suddenly changed his face and quickly backed away.

At the same time, the monk and the female ghost who had been hiding not far away watching the show also quickly backed away with frightened faces.

Just when Li Qing retreated to the stairs and was about to hide in the purple coffin, a 'boom' suddenly sounded in the basement.

Under this roar, an invisible wave swept through the basement of the building in all directions.

Except for Yi Banshi who looked confused and didn't know what was going on, both the monk and the female ghost had tears of blood in their eyes.

Even Li Qing was knocked against the wall by this wave of waves, causing spider web-like cracks to appear in the wall.

At the moment Li Qing hit the wall, the entire Maplewood Building trembled, as if an earthquake was coming.

The windows of hundreds of rooms in the entire Maplewood Building were shattered at this moment.

At the same time, in the ruined underworld, at the entrance of the broken Naihe Bridge, a bearded ghost and god wearing a red robe, holding a folding fan in his hand, was sitting on a wooden rocking chair, shaking his head and whispering: "It's been more than half a month, right? It's said that there are twenty days in the underworld and twenty years in the human world. I wonder how my girl is doing now?"

Beside him, there were two little devils with five or six angular heads, shirtless, wearing green fat pants, and covered in green and black bodies.

Of these two little ghosts, one was holding a crimson wine gourd, while the other was holding a yellowed oil-paper umbrella.

Behind them, there were more than a dozen similarly dressed little ghosts carrying huge green bricks on their backs, humming and walking towards the broken spot of Naihe Bridge.

After hearing the ghost's whisper, the little ghost holding the oil-paper umbrella laughed sharply: "Master Zhong, if you miss Miss, why don't you go to the human world to have a look?"


As soon as the little ghost finished speaking, the folding fan in the ghost's hand hit it on the head.


When it reached out to rub its head with a pained face, the ghost stared and said: "Now that the underworld is in chaos, it is the time when this god is in charge. How can he go to the human world for personal reasons? If monk Nana knows about it, , Where is the majesty of this god?”

After hearing his words, the kid immediately started laughing.


The ghost and god snorted coldly when he saw this, and then while playing with the fan in his hand, he looked up at the gloomy sky.

At this moment, a loud laughter suddenly sounded from above.

"Hehehehe, I will sacrifice my body and call upon the ghosts and gods to eliminate the enemy!"

After hearing this voice, the ghost's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Then a vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a huge stream of Yin Qi came out of the vortex.

Under this yin energy, countless terrifying laughter instantly spread from all over the underworld.

After hearing these laughters, the ghost god's brows instantly frowned.

"Why don't you take this opportunity to go to the human world!"

Just as he was thinking this, he saw a black light suddenly shot out from the direction of the sea of ​​blood, and then heard a loud and wild laugh.

"Hehehehehahahahaha, I will go to the human world now to see what happened, so that the Condensed Ghost King invited ghosts and gods to come to the human world at the cost of his soul!"

Seeing that the ghost king flew towards the whirlpool before him, the ghost god's eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he whispered: "The world is already in chaos, if we let this blood sea ghost king go up, wouldn't it be a disaster for all life? ?" After saying this, he hurriedly ordered: "You guys just stay here, and if anything happens, use your jade pendant to notify this god!"

As he spoke, he pulled off the jade pendant from his waist and threw it to the kid holding the oil-paper umbrella. Then he stood up suddenly, stamped his feet and flew up.

Just when the Blood Sea Ghost King was about to approach the whirlpool, the ghost god suddenly threw the folding fan in his hand.

Then a red light was seen piercing the sky and hitting the Blood Sea Ghost King.


The moment the folding fan hit the forehead of the Blood Sea Ghost King, it couldn't help but let out a scream, and then fell towards the Blood Sea at a faster speed than when it came.


When it fell into the sea of ​​blood and finally came to the surface, it saw countless pairs of green and black arms suddenly appearing around it.


After it roared angrily, it raised its head and looked up into the sky, just in time to see the figure in red robe entering the whirlpool.

In this underworld, if anyone is the easiest to recognize, it must be Zhong Kui in a red robe.

So after seeing this scene, the ghost king suddenly raised his hand and hit the water surface in anger.


As blood splashed everywhere, the ghost king raised his head and shouted angrily: "Zhong Kui, I remember you!!!"

When it shouted these words, Zhong Kui had already flown out of the hell gate and appeared in the human world.

Maplewood Building basement;

When the fluctuation finally disappeared, a red mist suddenly appeared in the basement.

The place where the red mist appeared was exactly where the red-faced ghost king had self-destructed.

As a golden light suddenly appeared in the red mist, a figure wearing a red robe, holding a folding fan, and a bearded figure slowly walked out of the golden light.

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