Unify all heavens

Chapter 203 Maplewood Building!

The moon is in the middle of the sky and there is no cloud in the sky;

Under Maplewood Building, a security guard leaned against the door of the building, smoking a cigarette and watching the residents who walked out of the building carrying their luggage from time to time.

“I finally moved out, and I don’t have to worry about being haunted by ghosts when I sleep at night!”

Several children ran out of the building cheering.

They ran out, and behind them their parents came out with eyes wide open. As they moved their luggage, they said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

At this time, a taxi driver got out of the car and walked up to the security guard. He took out a cigarette from his jacket pocket and asked the security guard: "Isn't this building haunted? Why don't you leave?"

The security guard smiled and said, "I'll leave at twelve o'clock tonight!"

After hearing what he said, the taxi driver subconsciously looked at the watch on his wrist. When he saw that the time on it was after 10 o'clock, he smiled and said: "Then there are still two hours to go, aren't you afraid?"

The security guard pointed back and said mysteriously: "There is a master doing this in the building today, otherwise I wouldn't dare to guard here!"

The taxi driver nodded when he heard this, and then watched the residents in the building carrying their luggage and leaving the building.

At this moment, a woman wearing red short-sleeves, black trousers, and wavy hair looked at the residents who were moving out with a puzzled look on her face, and then walked into the building cautiously.

After the woman entered, the taxi driver widened his eyes and said in surprise: "How dare someone move in?"

The security guard heard this and sneered: "She's not the renter who wants money so much that she lets them move in even though she knows it's haunted!"

After saying this, he took a deep breath from the cigarette in his hand and sighed: "Fortunately, these are some dancing ladies. They are not here at night and will only come back in the morning. Otherwise, I don't know how many people would die!"

After hearing this, the taxi driver nodded in agreement.

He came to take a look today out of curiosity. Recently, the Maplewood Building has become even more famous than a celebrity. Many people in the car have already talked to him about this building.

At this time, Li Qing flew over the building.

He looked down from a high place and saw that the building had begun to twist under the Yin Qi, which showed how heavy the Yin Qi was in this building.

After Li Qing slowly landed on the roof of the building, he kicked open the rusty iron door and walked into the building.

When he walked into the building, he saw a thick layer of black mist floating on the ground, which made him look like he was walking into the underworld.

Li Qing was secretly surprised that it was not even eleven o'clock yet, but the Yin Qi was so strong.

Generally speaking, the time when Yin Qi is heaviest is between 11pm and 2am. During this time period, there will be many Yin things coming out to act.

As he walked, he used the ghost-eating technique to absorb all the Yin energy on this floor, and then walked along the stairs to the next floor and continued to absorb the Yin energy.

Just when he reached the ninth floor and was about to open his mouth to continue breathing in Yin Qi, he bumped into three women and a man wearing glasses.

After seeing Li Qing, the man wearing glasses suddenly said strangely: "Didn't the tenant say that this building is haunted and that all the residents have left?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman wearing stockings next to him said, "Superintendent Ashin, aren't we just the new ones who moved in? Maybe this guy is just like us!"

While speaking, the woman gave Li Qing a wink.

After Li Qing glanced at her, he passed by them.

"Hey, you have such strong psoas muscles. This little brother, I live in 902. Come and chat with me when you have time, otherwise I will be scared to be alone at night!"

When Li Qing passed by this woman, she suddenly reached out and touched Li Qing's lower back, and then said with a smile.

As soon as she finished saying this, she saw another woman next to her rolling her eyes and saying, "You are already married, can't you be more careful and don't act promiscuous?"

After hearing her words, the woman immediately snorted and retorted: "Huh, my man is hanging out every day and he doesn't even know he has raised several little foxes. Do we allow him to have sex and not me?" Do you want to go out once again?"

At this time, the man wearing glasses smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, okay, even if you want to make a fuss, you have to wait until our mission is over!"

After saying this, he took out the key from his pocket and opened the door of the room with '902' on it, and then took the lead and walked in.

After they walked into the house and closed the door, Li Qing slowly turned around and opened his mouth, sucking in all the yin energy on this floor.

Just three floors of Yin Qi could equal the amount of the fierce ghost he had devoured a few days ago.

This made Li Qing couldn't help but suspect that there might not be one or two ghosts in this building, but dozens or hundreds.

Just when he finished sucking this floor and entered the eighth floor, he ran into a monk wearing cassocks and holding a tin staff.

After the monk glanced at him, he nodded to him. Then when he passed by Li Qing, his brows suddenly furrowed, and then he suddenly turned back and said, "Please stay, this donor!"

When Li Qing heard the words, he turned around and looked at him with a frown, but saw the monk walking quickly to him, taking out a piece of talisman from his arms and handing it to him, and said: "This donor, I poor monk, look at you. It’s contaminated with a lot of yin energy, so just take this talisman!”

When Li Qing heard this, he turned around and said, "No need, I'm also a ghost hunter!"

As he spoke, he walked forward, and the monk touched his bald head in confusion.

"Didn't the charterer just invite me?"

After shaking his head strangely, he turned and walked towards the ninth floor.

He heard that a few people moved to 902 tonight. He had to put a talisman on the door, otherwise it would be a big sin if a wild ghost broke into the room during the ceremony.

After the monk left, Li Qing shook his head. The spiritual power of this monk was so weak that Li Qing was too lazy to bite him.

At the same time, bursts of cyan Yin Qi suddenly emitted from around a wooden door at the corner of the basement of the building.

This Yin Qi is like water, slowly flowing on the ground from the crack in the door, and then spreading to the surroundings.

As time passed, the wooden door suddenly shook violently.

At this moment, the charterer with a string of pearls hanging around her neck walked carefully to the basement.

When she saw the movement on the wooden door, she screamed and turned around and ran out of the basement.

At this time, Li Qing had already reached the fourth floor.

In the empty corridor, a gloomy wind blows from time to time, blowing away the gloomy air floating on the ground.

Compared with other floors, the Yin Qi on the fourth floor is obviously heavier.

I am here to update my book friends, and I wish you a happy wedding and a son soon!

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