Unify all heavens

Chapter 194 Ancient Temple on Barren Mountain (Part 1)

"Are you scared, Street Boy? I'll tell you again, I've seen people like you several times. Last time there was a beggar who kicked a soda can away. Before I'm angry, come over and apologize. !”

After seeing Li Qing turn around, the strong man suddenly laughed arrogantly.

Then he said as if something sounded: "The so-called powerful Vajra legs last time, I guess you, the street boy, are the powerful Vajra arms!"

After hearing the strong man's words, Li Qing frowned with a headache.

He found that the world was a bit chaotic.

But at this moment, he saw the strong man walking towards him with eight-character steps, an arrogant smile on his face.

After seeing this, Li Qing raised his brows, suddenly raised his feet amidst the doubtful expression of the strong man, and then stepped on the ground with a crash.


The next moment, like an earthquake, a crack more than ten centimeters wide and one meter deep appeared on the ground from Li Qing's feet to one meter in front of the strong man.


The strong man swallowed in shock, and then a few drops of cold sweat quietly fell on his forehead.

As the strong man stared at the ground, Li Qing's cold voice sounded in his ears: "If you dare to take a step closer, I will bury you under here!"

After hearing Li Qing's voice, the strong man raised his head in shock, then knelt on the ground with a 'pop' sound, and said with trembling lips in horror: "Brother, please forgive me! This, this dress is just a gift to me." A meeting gift for my eldest brother! Don’t ever get to know me the same way!”

When Li Qing heard this, he showed a cowardly expression, then nodded slightly, and turned to leave.

But at this moment, a finger-thick thunder and lightning struck from the dark clouds.


Along with a thunder, the strong man suddenly turned into a pile of scorched earth.

"How can it be?"

After seeing this, Li Qing's eyes widened fiercely, and then he looked up to the sky, and then saw the dark clouds in the sky dull for a few seconds, and suddenly dozens of jet-black thunder snakes appeared at the same time, and then headed straight towards him Come.


At the same time, there was constant thunder.

Li Qing's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he hurriedly took two steps back.

Then he saw that where he was standing before, the ground was splashed in all directions by the thunder snake.

At this moment, the thunder sounded again in the sky.

Li Qing looked up and saw a black thunder snake as thick as an arm appearing in the sky. Then, in mid-air, the thunder snake suddenly exploded and then struck towards Li Qing densely.


Li Qing suddenly became gloomy, then turned around and ran forward quickly, hearing the rumble of thunder behind him every time along the way.


At this moment, a black thunder snake with thin hair suddenly hit Li Qing's back.

Li Qing, who was running, felt his body go numb suddenly, and then he was hit by the thunder snake for more than ten meters and hit a telephone pole hard.

With just a "boom", the wooden telegraph pole was instantly broken by him.


The moment it hit the ground, Li Qing's expression changed drastically and he flew up.

And the moment he flew up, a dense number of thunder snakes struck the place where he had been lying down.

Amid the rumble of the Razer and the explosion on the ground, Li Qing used his fastest speed.

In just the blink of an eye, he jumped over more than ten buildings.

When he flew up, it was as if some kind of switch had been pressed, and the sky and the earth suddenly brightened.

Then he saw countless thunder and lightning shooting out from the dark clouds, striking towards him densely.

Fortunately, Li Qing was fast, and each time he narrowly avoided the thunder and lightning that struck him, but the ground and the building beneath him suffered.

Originally, in this weather, there was no one on the street.

However, after seeing the strange sight of dense thunder and lightning striking the ground and cars from time to time, many people walked out of their homes in fear and looked up. Not only were there no signs of fear on their faces, but they were full of excitement.

At this moment, Li Qing had already left the city and flew quickly towards a remote place.

Because he didn't dare to fly high for fear of hitting the lightning, but in this city, there are many buildings.

It was his quick reaction that prevented him from crashing into the building several times.

Thinking of this, he thought about flying out of the city. If nothing else, at least he wouldn't hit the building.

At the same time, on a beach, more than a dozen young handsome men and beauties were separated on both sides, each playing their own thing.

Although the sky was gloomy at this time, it did not affect their playful mood at all.

The five young men were sitting around a bonfire, listening to one of the young men wearing glasses telling ghost stories.

On the surface, they were listening to the story, but they were always secretly observing the girls behind them.

Including the young man who told the ghost story, he was also telling it absent-mindedly at the moment, winking at the four friends in front of him with a strange smile.

"Later, the girl turned into a ghost and followed the boy all the time. No matter whether the boy was taking a shower or playing video games, the ghost that the girl turned into was just quietly beside him. Looking at him, one day suddenly..."

Just when he was talking about this, he paused suddenly, and then asked the four friends in front of him with a wink.

"Guess what happened?"

On the other side, five girls were also sitting around their campfire.

One of the girls with short hair said angrily: "I originally thought we would choose this ghost beach, and I thought no one would dare to follow us, so we would be the only ones, but I didn't expect these ghosts to follow us anyway!"

When she finished saying this, a girl with glasses opposite her said weakly: "Qingqing, it's late at night, don't keep talking about ghosts, aren't you afraid?"

As she spoke, she, wearing a bikini, hugged the coat on the beach beside her.

Qingqing raised his eyebrows when he heard this, pretending to be bold and said: "What's so scary about this? Didn't you hear those resentful ghosts telling ghost stories?"

When she said this, one of the girls with a ponytail was looking at the young people with peach blossom eyes, and said like a nymphomaniac: "They are so courageous!" After saying this, She then looked up at Qingqing and suggested, "Qingqing, do you think we should invite them over?"

Qingqing couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard this.

"You, you, they are telling ghost stories just to scare us. If you call them over, wouldn't it be a mistake? Then in this deserted wasteland, if they want to do something, we Wouldn’t it mean that even if your throat is broken, no one will come to save you?”

When she finished speaking, a girl with shoulder-length hair nodded in agreement.

"We are all sheep now, and the wolf is telling a story, so we have to listen to Qingqing and let's play our own game!"

Just as she finished speaking, she suddenly saw lightning and thunder in the distant sky.

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