Unify all heavens

Chapter 189 Fighting Qin Zhi!


As a sound of wind sounded, Li Qing sneered and said: "Qin Zhi, I will help you break the seal right now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the body of the ghoul falling towards the seal in a parabola.


Before it could be smashed down, the two stone talismans suddenly lit up with yellow light.


When the yellow light filled with Taoist Qi enveloped the corpse ghost, the corpse ghost suddenly looked ferocious and let out a wailing sound.

A burst of black smoke suddenly appeared from its body as it wailed.

Then there was a 'bang' sound, and its body hit the two stone talismans.


As the sound of the stone talisman breaking was heard, the corpse's consciousness had been shaken away by the Taoist Qi.

After the stone talisman broke, a dark pillar of light suddenly appeared in the well and shot straight into the sky.

Then after the corpse fell into the well, a wanton and wild laughter was heard in the well.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Three hundred years!"

"Three hundred years!!!"

"I finally came out, hahahaha!"

"Qian Yangli, I want your three families to have no descendants!!!"

As this voice sounded, the dark beam of light at the wellhead suddenly dispersed, replaced by a flame-like mist.

Immediately afterwards, a figure with a ferocious and terrifying appearance, wearing an imperial crown and a black dragon robe, flew out of the well.

When it flew out of the well and was suspended in mid-air, all the corpse ghosts around it turned around and quietly knelt towards Qin Zhi.

After Qin Zhi glanced at these corpse ghosts, he then looked at Li Qing. Then he said with a proud and condescending look: "Jun Wu, since you have broken the seal, I will make you a general as I said before!"

After saying this, it slowly lowered its head, with a hint of indifference in its eyes, and shouted coldly: "That zombie, why don't you kneel down and accept your fate!"


After hearing Qin Zhi's words, Li Qing sneered twice.

"You finally came out, I'm waiting for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew up suddenly, and with Qin Zhi's stunned look on his face, kicked him in the chest.

Qin Zhi didn't expect that Li Qing would attack him suddenly. He didn't react until Li Qing kicked him in the chest.

Then there was a 'boom', and its body was kicked directly by Li Qing and hit the stone wall.

As the stone wall shattered, Qin Zhi could be heard yelling angrily: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you protect me!!!"

It actually wanted to do it on its own, but it had been suppressed for three hundred years, and the corpse energy in its body had almost dissipated.

Nowadays, apart from being able to fly, its strength is only a little stronger than ordinary people. Although its heart is full of anger and murderous intent, but it is not strong enough, it can only say this helplessly.

After hearing Qin Zhi's words, the six corpse ghosts immediately looked at Li Qing, and then they all flew up with a "drink" with pale faces, and rushed towards Li Qing's figure in the air.

"How dare a mere ghoul act so arrogantly?"

After Li Qing sneered, his figure flashed suddenly. Before the six ghouls could approach him, he had already appeared in front of the six ghouls. Then, before they could react, he launched a whirlwind kick. Kicked them in the face.

With Li Qing's current physique, let alone his head, even the steel bars can make holes with every finger.

Therefore, after hearing six consecutive 'bang' sounds, all the heads of these corpses were kicked open.


"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

It wasn't until the headless corpses of these six corpses hit the ground that the Qin corpse embedded in the stone wall reacted.

After looking at the six headless corpses, it looked at Li Qing, but suddenly found that Li Qing had appeared in front of it at some unknown time.

After seeing Li Qing, who was less than one meter away from it, the expression on Qin Zhi's face suddenly changed, ranging from shock to fear.

Then, it gritted its teeth and said, "You, how dare you do the following!"


As he said these words, Qin Zhi fiercely pulled out the sword from his waist and flew towards Li Qing.

Li Qing only saw a cold green light appearing in front of him in a semicircle, and hurriedly retreated a distance to avoid it.

Then when the sword passed in front of him, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Qin Zhi's face.

After Qin Zhi felt the hand grabbing his face, he suddenly became furious.

But just when it was about to resist, Li Qing's voice suddenly sounded in its ears.

"If you dare to move, I will crush your head!"

Originally Qin Zhi was about to use his sword to slash Li Qing's legs from below, but after hearing these words, his whole body froze and the movements in his hands stopped.

And at this moment, Qin Zhi suddenly saw a sneer on Li Qing's lips through the gaps between his fingers.

"not good!!!"

After seeing this sneer, Qin Zhi's expression changed drastically, and he quickly drew his sword and stabbed back.

But at this moment, Li Qing's hand holding Qin Zhi's face fiercely exerted force.

Although Qin Zhi is a flying zombie like Li Qing, its body has been suppressed by Taoist Qi for hundreds of years and soaked in water, so its body hardness has already declined.


So when the sound rang out, Qin Zhi's head was immediately crushed.

When the black and rancid-smelling thick water dispersed, Qin Zhi's headless body immediately hit the ground.

But before the body hit the ground, Li Qing grabbed his shoulder.

While Li Qing grabbed Qin Zhi's shoulders, he stretched out his hand to pull off the scabbard from his waist, and then gently let go.

With a "bang" sound, Qin Zhi's headless body suddenly hit the ground.

At the same time, there was the sound of the sword falling to the ground.


After hearing the sound, Li Qing slowly landed on the ground, and then picked up the bronze sword with a cold green light.

Then he looked at it carefully.

When Qin Zhi pulled out the sword, Li Qing discovered that the sword's blade and tip had the effect of dispersing the corpse's energy.

Moreover, the corpse energy all over his body was actually shaken away by this sword.

Although it was just a trace, it was enough to attract Li Qing's attention.

Originally, Li Qing was planning to absorb the corpse energy and imperial energy from Qin's corpse. However, when he got close to Qin's corpse, he suddenly discovered that the corpse energy in Qin's corpse was only slightly stronger than an ordinary corpse. As for the imperial energy, it was even stronger. There was not a trace, so he became murderous.

Qin Zhi was different from Jiang Fei or Nintendo. After all, it was the first emperor in history and had unparalleled arrogance, so Li Qing did not conquer him with corpse control skills.

After taking a look at Qin Zhi's mutilated body, he set his sights on the sword again.

After he grasped the hilt of the sword, the power on the sword that could dissipate corpse energy gradually disappeared, but there was still a cold green light on the sword.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes and suddenly swung his sword to slash Qin Zhi's arm.

Suddenly he heard a 'squeak' sound, and he didn't even feel any obstruction, and saw Qin Shi's arm separated from his body.

And there was a faint corpse aura rising from the break.

After Li Qing glanced at Qin's corpse, he carefully placed his fingers on the sword.

He originally thought that this sword would continue to disperse a ray of corpse energy from him, but when he put his fingers on the sword, he only felt a comfortable feeling that cooled his consciousness.

Li Qing's eyes suddenly showed a joy when he saw this, and he couldn't help but said: "What a sword!"

Then, as if he thought of something, his eyes lit up slightly.

In a certain TV series in his previous life, there was a sword called the Demon Slayer Sword, which was said to be able to suppress all monsters in the world.

So since this sword that comes with Qin Corpse can disperse the corpse's energy, why not call it the Corpse Slaying Sword!

Once this thought appeared in his mind, he could no longer dissipate it.

After waving the corpse-slaying sword twice, Li Qing suddenly laughed.

"Haha, with this corpse-slaying sword, the future road will be smoother!"

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