Unify all heavens

Chapter 180: A lot of money for being cheated

Zhang Hao looked at Jiang Fei and thought secretly in his heart.

It stands to reason that the Corpse Mansion will not allow other zombies to appear in the prison world. If any zombies are discovered, they will definitely send someone to bring the zombies back to the Corpse Mansion.

After all, with every additional zombie, the depth of the Corpse Mansion will deepen.

For this reason, the Corpse Mansion has also set up several corpse-hunting teams, and each team will be led by disciples in the Nascent Soul stage.

At this moment, this zombie is obviously an intermediate zombie, but there is no mark of the Corpse House on its forehead.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao suddenly became strange.

After all, this is a wild zombie, and its level has already reached the level of a zombie king.

Zhang Hao wouldn't believe it if the Corpse Mansion didn't come looking for the Corpse King.

At this moment, he suddenly felt two cold breaths flying towards him.

Zhang Hao turned around and saw two flying zombies in the distance, one behind the other flying towards him.

"Could it be that I have a fate with zombies today?"

When Zhang Hao saw the two flying zombies flying toward him, his face suddenly became a little stunned.

In the distance, when Li Qing saw that Jiang Fei was okay, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Then after seeing an immortal cultivator next to Jiang Fei, he suddenly became confused.

Then he quickly flew next to Jiang Fei, and then looked at Zhang Hao in front of Jiang Fei expressionlessly.

After seeing the purple coffin hanging on Li Qing's chest, Zhang Hao's eyes suddenly flashed with doubt.

He always felt that the purple coffin flying stiffly on his chest was very familiar, but for a while he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

In addition, what surprised Zhang Hao the most was that the flying zombie that just flew over was actually free!

As soon as Li Qing stood next to Jiang Fei, he looked at Zhang Hao with a wary look.

Although the aura of the young man in front of him was not strong, probably only at the golden elixir stage, but for some reason, Li Qing always felt that he was staying next to a ferocious beast, as if he would be torn apart in the next moment.

Thinking of this, he frowned and asked Jiang Fei, "Do you know this person?"

Jiang Fei shook his head when he heard this.

When Li Qing saw this, he glanced at the young man, and then said to Jiang Fei: "Let's go, we have to hurry!"

As he spoke, he turned around and flew back in the direction he came from.


When Zhang Hao saw Li Qing and Jiang Fei preparing to leave, he quickly called out.

After hearing his voice, Li Qing and Jiang Fei turned their heads to look at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao asked Jiang Fei with a tangled face.

"You haven't answered my question yet? Have you seen my gourd?"

Jiang Fei's eyes moved when he heard this, and then he responded: "Your gourd hit a group of corpse palace disciples before, and then exploded!"



Zhang Hao looked stunned.

Then his face turned bitter. His gourd contained all kinds of fine wines that he had obtained from many friends.

Recalling the scenes where he had racked his brains and tried his best to get the fine wines from his friends.

As a result, it was gone after just one drink.

"I...how should I spend the rest of my life?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao frowned.

At this time, Li Qing and Jiang Fei had already met Nintendo and were flying towards the distance.

Looking at Li Qing, who was flying expressionlessly in front of him, Jiang Fei suddenly said: "My lord, I met a group of corpse palace disciples before!"

"Hmph, they are indeed chasing us!"

Li Qing showed an expected look when he heard this, then sneered and asked, "Have you met that person before?"

After Jiang Fei heard this, he nodded and put Li Qing into coma. He then carried Li Qing on his back and flew towards the moon, only to end up colliding with the gourd.

At the same time, in the main hall of Zhangtian Pavilion of Corpse Mansion, there were sudden and continuous sounds of things breaking.

After these sounds rang out, a fat young man who was sleeping against the wall at the end of the hall subconsciously frowned.

Then he raised his fat white palms to scratch his face, and turned over sleepily.

Then there was a 'bang' sound, and his fat body hit the ground.

The next moment, Qian Duoduo's eyes widened immediately as he heard the sound of "Ouch~".

Then he patted the dust on his body with a look of pain on his face, grinned and muttered bitterly: "That bastard Ouyang Qing, even if he was punished by the master of the palace, he actually got involved with the fat man!"

When he said this, he looked at the empty hall and sighed sadly.

"I blame that damn Ouyang Qing. Fatty, when I was in the reconnaissance team, I was making money every day, but now, I'm transferred to such a useless place!"

After saying this, he rubbed his still sleepy eyes and yawned widely.

"It's still early, let's take a nap!"

As he spoke, he bent his knees and prepared to sit down.

At this moment, his face suddenly became startled.

He suddenly thought that in his sleep just now, he seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

Thinking of this, he lost all sleep, and his face was full of suspicion.

That can't be true, right?

He was thinking about it as he prepared to sit down.

But just as he was about to sit down, his expression changed.

"Forget it, just to be on the safe side, let's go take a look!"

As he spoke, he narrowed his little eyes and walked towards the area where the life cards were placed.

The Zhangtian Pavilion is divided into two floors. The upper floor contains the life tablets of the elders and masters of the mansion, as well as the clan heads of the mansion.

The lower level houses the life tablets of the entire Corpse Mansion disciples.

There are many disciples in Corpse Mansion, so their life cards are divided into 157 areas according to their own responsibilities.

After Qian Duoduo walked to the center of the hall, he closed his eyes nervously, and then quickly scanned the huge wooden frames standing in the corners with his consciousness.

"Everything is normal in the corpse area!"

"Everything is normal in the patrol area!"

"Everything is normal in Area A!"

"Everything is normal in Area B!"

Every time his consciousness passed through an area, the nervousness on Qian Duoduo's face became less tense.

Five minutes later, Qian Duoduo raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead with a pale face.

Then take a deep breath and start the next round of searching.

"Everything is normal in the elixir area!"

"Everything in the body-hunting area...eh?"

When he saw the 20 broken life tablets on the wooden frame in the corpse-hunting area from his consciousness, Qian Duoduo suddenly opened his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, these 20 people happened to be a team, and these 20 people were the body-hunting team members just half a month ago.

At this moment, all 20 life cards were shattered, which meant... the corpse-hunting members of this team were actually wiped out by the other party!

Thinking of this, Qian Duoduo flew towards the corpse-hunting area with a sullen face.

"I hope I can make it in time!"

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