Unify all heavens

Chapter 178 Someone is coming from the Corpse Mansion!

Seeing that Li Qing's expression was not right, Jiang Fei's expression quickly calmed down, and he slowly flew towards Li Qing with his heart agitated.

Although Li Qing didn't speak, Jiang Fei felt a killing intent from Li Qing's body, a killing intent that even frightened him.

"Is it possible that the Lord has not understood the magic?"

Jiang Fei was vaguely guessing.

"Hoo ho!"

At this moment, Nintendo came to Li Qing's side using short-distance teleportation.

After seeing Li Qing suspended in the air, Nintendo said with joy: "Congratulations on your successful evolution!"

Li Qing still didn't say a word, as if he was wandering in the sky, floating there quietly, his eyes looking into the distance.

Upon seeing this, Nintendo looked at Jiang Fei with a puzzled look, but saw Jiang Fei shaking his head slightly at him.

"What's going on?"

Nintendo was confused.

After being silent for a long time, Li Qing suddenly said with a calm face: "Let's go down!"

After saying this, he flew towards the ground alone. After Jiang Fei and Nintendo heard the words, a hint of joy appeared on their faces. As long as Li Qing spoke, they were afraid that Li Qing would remain silent.

The two of them shouted softly in their hearts, while looking down at Li Qing's figure flying to the ground, only to see that Li Qing's figure had already disappeared into the air.

When Nintendo saw this, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"My lord, it's so fast!"

Jiang Fei nodded and told Nintendo: "A certain Guanzhu's expression is wrong. He probably hasn't comprehended the Flying Zombie technique. You must remember not to mention the matter of comprehending the technique later, otherwise you will anger the Lord." Go ahead, the consequences will be disastrous!"

After listening to Jiang Fei's words, Nintendo nodded seriously and kept this matter in mind, and then flew towards the ground with Jiang Fei.

Just when they had just flown less than 10,000 meters, they heard a "bang" sound coming from the ground, as if something fell to the ground.

After hearing this voice, Nintendo hesitated and said with a confused look on his face: "Jiang Fei, do you think it was because the master was flying too fast that he didn't stop when he landed and hit the ground directly?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Fei glared and scolded him, and then said: "You continue to fly down, I will go and take a look in that direction!"

After saying this, he flew towards the direction from which the sound came.

Although he knew that this kind of thing could not happen, he still couldn't help but speed up.

Five minutes later, Li Qing flew down from a high altitude at lightning speed, and then stopped suddenly when he was only one meter above the ground.

The surrounding air flow blew a circle of dust air waves out of the ground the moment he stopped, revealing a circular piece of ground.

After slowly landing on the ground, Li Qing clenched his fists subconsciously, with a trace of cruelty flashing in his eyes.

Then he looked at the purple coffin on his chest, his eyes gradually narrowed. Gritting his teeth, he thought that in the world he would travel through in the future, he would do whatever it took to make himself stronger quickly.

Then go find Xia Geng!

Li Qing believed that as long as he could survive to the end, he could kill even the Corpse God with one slap!

It's true that adults don't remember the faults of villains. Everything that the prime minister thinks about has nothing to do with him. As long as he is offended, as long as he doesn't die, certain things will be settled!

Thinking of this, Li Qing sneered in his heart.

He is different from other Purple Coffin inheritors!

And this is the capital for his comeback and revenge.

It has been nearly ten days since he traveled back through time, which means that he will travel again in less than twenty days.

Thinking of this, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Li Qing's mouth.

At the same time, Jiang Fei finally flew to the source of the 'bang' sound.

When he saw the large human-shaped pit on the ground, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes couldn't help but widen.

Couldn't it be true that as Nintendo said, the Lord hit the ground because he failed to control the speed?

Jiang Fei didn't have time to think too much and jumped into the pit.

Then he saw a figure protected by a light blue light shield, sleeping soundly in the pit.

The moment he saw this figure, Jiang Fei's expression softened a bit, as long as he wasn't the master.

While he was thinking, he was about to turn around and fly out of the pit.

But at this moment, the smell of alcohol suddenly came from this figure.

“This smells like alcohol???”

When the smell of alcohol reached the tip of Jiang Fei's nose, Jiang Fei narrowed his eyes instantly, then turned back sharply to look at the figure, with a sinister smile on his lips.

If he smelled it right, the smell of alcohol was exactly the same as that on the yellow gourd that bumped into him before.

After briefly recalling the smell of alcohol emanating from the yellow gourd before, Jiang Fei sneered.

It really took no effort to find it without trying to find anywhere. He had been guessing that it was because the yellow gourd knocked Li Qing away from him that Li Qing did not absorb enough moonlight essence.

And it was because he didn't absorb enough moon essence that Li Qing didn't understand the technique when he evolved to Fei Zong.

Thinking of this, Jiang Fei took a few steps forward, and then punched the light blue shield fiercely.

Then there was a bang, and the light blue shield rippled like it was made of water.

When the ripples dissipated, Jiang Fei's eyes widened subconsciously.

After his punch caused a lot of water splashes, the light blue shield instantly absorbed part of the surrounding spiritual energy, and then returned to its original appearance.

After Jiang Fei punched a few more times with some disbelief, he found that this shield would be absorbed again from the surrounding spiritual energy every time he punched it, and then replenished into the shield.

No wonder the figure inside is still sleeping after falling from a height of tens of thousands of meters. This protective shield is really powerful!

Jiang Fei looked at the light blue ball in front of him with an ugly expression, his teeth chattering in anger.

Just when he punched again and was about to vent his anger, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis from the light ball.

It seems that as soon as he strikes, his body will be wiped out!

Thinking of this, he lowered his fists with twitching eyes, and then his eyes suddenly lit up as if he thought of something.

If you wait for this guy to wake up and take this treasure that can emit a shield from his hands, the Lord will be safe from now on.

Thinking of this, a look of hesitation appeared on his face, and then he gently pressed his hand on the light blue shield. He felt that although the shield was soft, there was no sense of crisis. back. Jiang Fei opened his hands and hugged the shield and the figure inside, and then flew out of the pit and towards the sky.

After flying into the sky, he looked at the ground with wide eyes, looking for Li Qing's figure.

"There they are!!!"

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly reached Jiang Fei's ears.

After hearing the sound, Jiang Fei looked back, and then his face darkened.

In the distant sky, he saw more than twenty figures flying towards him on coffins.

"The Lord's guess is correct, the people from Corpse Mansion are indeed chasing us!"

A cold light flashed in Jiang Fei's eyes for an instant, and then he thought in his heart: The Lord has just evolved to Feizhiang at this time, and they cannot be allowed to find the Lord's figure.

Thinking of this, he floated there quietly, waiting for the people from the Corpse Mansion to approach.

This is the first update. I wish you all a happy new year and a happy family. . .

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