Unify all heavens

Chapter 167: Old and cunning (Part 2)

I saw these two palm-sized black coffins growing in the wind the moment they were thrown up, becoming as tall as a person in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a strong corpse aura emitted from the two coffins.

Then there was a "boom" sound, and the two coffins fell vertically on the ground. Then with a "bang" sound, the lids of the two coffins were violently blown away by the zombies inside, and they hit the ground with a "boom" sound. on the wall in front.

The moment the coffin lid hit the wall, two zombies with green faces, black hair, blood-red eyes, and black robes came out of the coffin.

After they walked out of the coffin, they all turned their heads and looked at the two elders Ling Zhi and Tun Yue with their emotionless eyes.

"Go and catch everyone in front of me!"

The elder of the spirit corpse raised his hand and pointed forward, his eyes widened and he shouted coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the zombie turned around without saying a word and walked forward.



Like a heavy object falling to the ground, the ground cracked with every step he took.

Unlike the spirit corpse elder who directly ordered the zombies, the elder Tunyue bit his own hand first, then flicked the blood on his finger into the forehead of another zombie, and then shouted loudly: "With me With your blood, you can kill the enemy!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and pointed forward, widened his eyes and shouted coldly: "Go!"

Following his command, the zombie jumped forward with "bang bang" and "bang bang"!

Looking at his zombies, Elder Tunyue smiled bitterly at Elder Zhenzhi and said, "Every time I see you order zombies to kill enemies just by opening your mouth, I feel envious!"

When the spirit corpse elder heard this, he said angrily: "If you are envious, just let me take a bite. From now on, you can be just like me!"

Elder Tunyue smiled and said nothing. If he turned into a zombie, what fun would there be in living?

Not far away, when Wang Tie heard the voice of the spirit zombie elder in front of him, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and then he turned around pretending to be frightened and said: "Quickly take a few steps back and lie down, their zombies are extraordinary. This Both zombies are mutated killing machines, but I know that their weak points are all in their legs. As long as we lie down, they can't see us, and we can take the opportunity to attack their legs. These two zombies are destroyed! The three people behind are nothing to worry about!"

After speaking, he was afraid that Li Qing and others would not believe him, so he took a few steps back and lay on the ground.

When Li Qing from behind saw this, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Can't we start a war directly?

After all, they also have a corpse king and a flying zombie on their side. Although his realm is not high, the hardness of his body is not that of a bone.

Why be afraid of two zombies you have never seen before?

Even so, when Li Qing saw Wang Tie himself lying down, he also lay on the ground with doubts in his heart.

After seeing Li Qing lying down, although they were confused, Nintendo and Jiang Fei followed closely and lay on the ground.

After seeing Li Qing and the others lying down, Wang Tie raised his arm and tapped twice on the green bricks on the ground around his waist.

"Deng Deng!"

With these two knocks, the ground beneath Li Qing and the others suddenly became empty.

Neither Li Qing nor Jiang Fei fell into the big hole that suddenly appeared beneath them before they could react.

Fortunately, Jiang Fei fell one second, and reacted the next second. He quickly flew up and picked up Li Qing, who was falling, and his face was ashen.

Looking at the hole above, Li Qing's heart was filled with murderous intent. He decided to kill this old guy named Wang Tie as soon as he went up.

No matter how many people there were in the two realms city, he could take Jiang Fei and Nintendo and hide in the purple coffin.

As long as the corpse palace couldn't pull him out of the purple coffin, he could quickly rise by taking advantage of traveling across the world.

If he goes directly to Journey to the West next time, when he comes back, even if the entire Corpse Mansion is destroyed, he won't be afraid at all!

Just as he was thinking this, he saw that the hole was closed again and covered with a layer of stone bricks.

For a moment, the big hole became pitch black.

Looking at the closed floor, Jiang Fei's face turned livid, and then he yelled: "How can a mere stone brick stop me?"

As he spoke, he punched the stone bricks above his head.

Just when his fist was about to hit the stone bricks, Wang Tie's laughter was heard from above.

"Hahaha, with the strength of your Corpse King, I naturally know that mere stone bricks cannot stop you, but what I want is to trap you for a few seconds!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

As he spoke, he heard running sounds from above.

The moment these sounds came, Jiang Fei's fist also hit the stone bricks above.

The next moment, there was a roar.

Among the broken stone bricks, Jiang Fei and Nintendo flew up with Li Qing with murderous intent.

The moment he flew out of the big hole, Jiang Fei saw that Wang Tie had turned around from the wall in front.

After seeing this, he stopped landing and flew forward with Li Qing.

Just when he walked around the wall, he saw two green-faced zombies wearing ink robes appearing in front of him.

After seeing the thick black smoke rising from the two zombies, Jiang Fei's eyes narrowed.

Two corpse kings?

Then he slowly fell to the ground with a heavy face. The moment he put Li Qing down, he shouted and rushed towards the two corpse kings.

At the same time, Nintendo stepped forward to help with a gloomy expression.

When Li Qing saw this, he clenched his fists and rushed forward to deal with the corpse king together with Nintendo.

At this time, Wang Tie had already met Elder Lingzhi, Elder Tunyue and Ouyang Qing.

The three of them looked startled the moment they saw Wang Tie, and then looked overjoyed at the same time.

Elder Tunyue even laughed sinisterly and said, "Wang Tie, Wang Tie, you are really asking for your own death!"

As he spoke, he took out a black and red rope from his arms.

When Wang Tie saw the rope, he was suddenly shocked.

"Forbidden Spirit Lock?"

On the surface, he said anxiously: "Don't do anything yet, go behind me quickly, there is a purple coffin inheritor there!"

"Purple Coffin Inheritor?!"

When the three people heard this sentence, their faces changed drastically and their eyes lit up at the same time.

If catching the murderer of Heimu can be regarded as making up for one's fault, then if they capture the inheritor of a purple coffin, even if the three of them share the credit equally, it is still a huge achievement! The resources rewarded by the mansion are enough for the three of them to advance to the Mahayana stage!

After seeing the appearance of the three of them, Wang Tie suddenly sneered in his heart, but on the surface he sighed and pulled off the cloak on his body, revealing his half-man, half-corpse appearance.

"Half man, half corpse???"

After seeing Wang Tie's appearance, the faces of the three people all changed color, and they even exclaimed in surprise.

After Wang Tie heard the exclamations of the three of them, he knew that his plan was half successful, and he sighed: "The guards of the Two Realms City sent a purple zombie a month ago, but I suddenly discovered this Ju Zizhan turned out to be the inheritor of the purple coffin, so he sent a message to Heimu overnight. Then Heimu asked me to take this Zizheng there, and then after he confirmed it, we both returned here."

When he said this, there was a look of remorse on his face, and then he sighed and continued: "Because I was a little greedy and wanted to rely on this zombie's purple coffin that can travel through the heavens to regain its strength, so I went with Black Mu and Hei Mu thought about hiding the matter about the inheritor of the purple coffin. However, they never thought that under the seals of the old man and Hei Mu, the purple coffin still traveled through the heavens. When he came back again, He has become a walking zombie, and even subdued two flying zombies. Heimu didn't check for a moment, and was killed by one of the flying zombies. The old man's realm has fallen again. Although he resisted repeatedly, he was killed by three flying zombies. Zombies swarmed up and turned me into this ghostly state!"

After listening to Wang Tie's words, the eyes of Elder Lingzhi and Elder Tunyue both lit up with a strange light, and then they looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time.

In this short moment, the two elders had secretly reached a consensus!

Then he saw the spirit corpse elder sneer and said: "You can live if you commit evil by God, but you cannot live if you commit evil yourself! I won't believe your words alone, wait until you see the inheritor of the purple coffin!"

After he finished saying this, he saw Elder Tunyue on the side locking Wang Tie up with a forbidden spirit lock.

Then I heard Elder Tunyue say in a cold voice: "Ouyang Qing, go and take a look ahead to see if what Wang Tie said is true and whether there is a purple coffin inheritor ahead! Elder Lingzhi and I are here to guard Wang Tie. !”

"Disciple, obey!"

When Ouyang Qing heard this, he cupped his fists and responded.

Then he walked towards the place where the sound of fighting came from ahead.

As he walked, he thought in his heart: "These two old guys must want to learn from Wang Tie and suppress this matter!"

Thinking of this, he sneered.

He even said secretly in his heart: "But having said that, if these two old guys can suppress this matter, I, Ouyang Qing, will definitely benefit from it! After all, an elder has died. If an inner palace chief dies, Senior brother, these two old guys alone will never be able to suppress him!"

Thinking of this, a strong look of greed appeared in his eyes.

The inheritor of the purple coffin who can travel through the heavens!

Even if those two old guys only gave him a sip of soup, he would be free for the rest of his life, and maybe he could break through the curse of the immortal world!

Thinking of this, the pace of his feet speeded up unconsciously.

Not far away, Jiang Fei's clothes were messy, while Li Qing and Nintendo's clothes were also in tatters.

Looking at the corpse king in front of him, Li Qing's heart was filled with gloom.

Together, he and Nintendo failed to injure the corpse king. Instead, the corpse king beat him and Nintendo to pieces.

While Li Qing was thinking about ways to defeat the enemy, he bent down to avoid the corpse king's fist hitting his head.

Just as he straightened up, he heard footsteps coming from not far away.

Subconsciously, Li Qing looked towards the direction where the sound came from.

Three thousand word chapter. . .

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