Unify all heavens

Chapter 161 Evolution (Part 2)

Before, whether it was Momadi or Taoist Qian, after Li Qing sucked their blood, the spiritual energy carried in the blood was instantly transformed by the nameless formula. But the old man's was different. Not only was it not transformed by the nameless formula, but it was transformed by a trace of Li Qing's own corpse energy.

This was the first time Li Qing encountered this situation, so after feeling a trace of the corpse energy in his body being transformed, he let go of his mouth, then stepped aside and began to transform the blood with all his strength.

As the nameless mantra was run with all his strength, the blood stuck between the chest and abdomen was slowly transformed.

Although it was only transformed a little, the huge energy in the blood turned into an extremely rich corpse energy in an instant.

When Li Qing absorbed the corpse energy, the purple color on his skin dissipated in the blink of an eye, and then his cheeks became plump.

At this moment, Li Qing once again transformed the mouthful of blood, and then saw the purple in his eyes slowly receding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Li Qing's state had reached the point of deadlock again.

The so-called walking is stiff, walking like wind, the corpse energy outside the body protects the body, and is not afraid of sunlight and ordinary fire.

Because the hardness of Li Qing's body has reached the level of not turning into bones, this evolution only made his body more flexible, and then the transformation speed of the nameless formula was also greatly enhanced.

Looking at his body that had evolved to the point of freezing, and feeling the barely shrinking blood in his body, Li Qing's eyes suddenly flashed with shock.

How high is this old man's level?

Just two traces of blood pushed him to the point of freezing?

Thinking of this, Li Qing jumped to the old man's side with bright eyes, then opened his mouth and bit his neck again, sucking it hard.

Such an opportunity is really not easy!

Thinking of this, Li Qing ignored the corpse energy transformed by the old man's blood and began to suck it in big mouthfuls.

Just when he sucked five big mouthfuls of blood, the old man finally recovered a bit of spiritual power.

Feeling Li Qing sucking his blood behind him, a coldness flashed in the old man's eyes. Then when Li Qing took the sixth puff, the old man ran the recovered spiritual power on his back, and then his body shook violently.

Before the sixth mouthful of blood entered his mouth, Li Qing was knocked away by the old man's spiritual power, and then hit the wall with a bang, making the basement roar.

At this time, Jiang Fei shouted loudly: "This old man is looking for death!" As he spoke, he punched the old man in the back.

Because he knew in his heart that the old man was still useful, Jiang Fei didn't use much force in this punch.

Although Jiang Fei didn't use a lot of strength, there was still a cracking sound of broken bones in the old man's back.

The old man suffered internal injuries the moment Jiang Fei's punch hit his back.

The moment the internal injury recurred, the old man's eyes went dark, and then his body went limp and he fainted.


Jiang Fei frowned when he saw this, then looked back at Li Qing and asked, "My lord, what should I do with this old man?"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes and glanced at the old man held by Jiang Fei, and then started thinking.

Because he doesn't know whether what the old man said before is true or false, he can't kill him yet. After all, if it is true, Li Qing can rely on this old man to get out of the two cities. But if you don't kill him, you can predict from the trace of blood that the old man's strength at his peak is absolutely terrifying. If this old man suddenly regains some strength, the three zombies will definitely be destroyed.

Thinking of this, Li Qing frowned deeply. He was originally going to turn the old man into a zombie, but when he sucked blood just now, he found that his corpse poison would be absorbed by him the moment it entered the old man's body. The blood melts away.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of any good method, so he could only tell Jiang Fei and Nintendo: "You two, go try it and see if your corpse poison can turn this old man into a zombie?"

"As you command!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, Jiang Fei bit the old man's neck, and then when he was sucking Yun's blood, Nintendo also opened his mouth and bit the old man's shoulder.

Li Qing used the nameless mantra to transform the fist-sized blood between his chest and abdomen with all his strength, while frowning and observing the old man.

After Jiang Fei and Nintendo bit the old man at the same time, his face slowly turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, the momentum of Jiang Fei and Nintendo is increasing rapidly.

After about three minutes, Jiang Fei saw a flash of shock in his eyes, and then his face turned red in the blink of an eye, and the two fangs outside the corners of his mouth retracted. The body also became stronger.

"This, this old man's blood is so powerful?!"

Jiang Fei looked at his skin, which was as rosy as a human's, with a look of horror on his face.

Li Qing's eyes widened when he saw this, and then he said tentatively: "Have you evolved?"

Hearing this, Jiang Fei nodded heavily, then ducked to Li Qing's side, then suddenly knelt down on the ground, and said with excitement on his face: "Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity. This subordinate has evolved into the Corpse King!"

Although Li Qing began to speculate in his mind after seeing Jiang Fei's appearance change. But when Jiang Fei said it himself, Li Qing's face still showed a look of shock.

It was introduced in that article that after Fei Zombie absorbs a large amount of spiritual things, he can evolve into a corpse king. Not only does he look the same as a human, but he also has mysterious power that can transform a living person into an instant. Turn into a zombie! And the level at which corpses turn into zombies is definitely not low!

"Get up!"

As he spoke, Li Qing raised his hand to help Jiang Fei up, and then asked: "With your current strength, can you turn that old man into a corpse?"

Jiang Fei nodded when he heard this. He had discovered something before. After his corpse poison entered the old man's body, although it was not assimilated by the old man's blood, it could not be spread. The corpse poison could only stay on the old man's neck. parts.

However, after he evolved into the Corpse King, he possessed a special energy in his body, and at the same time, a inheritance suddenly appeared in his mind.

This inheritance is called ‘Corpse Transformation Technique! ’, it can only be stimulated by the special energy in the body.

Under this corpse transformation technique, as long as the opponent's strength is not higher than his, he can instantly turn the opponent into a zombie.

When he recalled this inheritance, Li Qing's face was already full of smile, then he raised his hand and pointed at the old man who was still unconscious with bloodless face, and said: "In that case, you try it and see if you can You can’t turn him into a zombie!”

Maybe it's because he stayed up too late recently, but the city owner's tooth started to hurt again. It hurt all day today. When I was typing, I couldn't concentrate at all, so this is the chapter for today. Sorry everyone. . . .

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