Unify all heavens

Chapter 133 Flying Zombie Nintendo (please subscribe!)

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"I'm coming!"

As the knocks on the door became more and more frequent, the waiter in the inn shouted something, stretched out and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then walked to the door with a yawn.


As the sound of the wooden door being opened came out, the waiter subconsciously glanced out the door.

The first thing that caught his eye were the three people, and then behind them was a zombie with a green face and fangs slowly flying down towards the inn.

The waiter blocked the door, then raised his hand and wiped his eyes in disbelief.

After discovering that there was indeed a zombie flying towards the inn, instead of looking at it for himself, the waiter's eyes widened instantly, and then his expression changed drastically and he pushed Momati out, who had already stepped into the threshold with one leg.

"Hey, hey, why are you pushing me?"

After being pushed out by the waiter, he staggered back two steps, and then asked with a dark face.

At this time, the waiter couldn't care less about responding to Mamadi's question. He shouted with a face full of horror: "Oh my God!", slammed the door shut, and then hurriedly started to find something to push against the door.

The shopkeeper who was sleeping standing in front of the counter opened his eyes when he heard the sound, then looked at the empty first floor, and then looked at the pale waiter who was pushing the table towards the door. The shopkeeper's face suddenly changed. Stay for a while.

Then he raised his eyes and frowned and asked: "Xiao Liuzi, what are you doing? Where is the guest who knocked on the door just now?"

After Xiao Liuzi heard the sound, he turned around with a sad face, then raised his hand and pointed to the door, and said with trembling lips: "Shopkeeper, there are zombies outside, outside, outside!!!"


The shopkeeper's eyes widened when he heard this, then he walked out of the counter with a pale face, and walked toward the door with a trembling body.

At this moment, Mamadi, who was standing on the steps outside the door, suddenly felt a powerful corpse energy coming from behind.

Before he could turn around, he heard Ah Qiang say in horror: "Ah Hao, didn't you give Nintendo to Mr. Ren? How could it transform into a corpse?"

"Nintendo Zombie?"

Mamadi's expression changed drastically when he heard this, and then he hurriedly looked back.

He originally thought that even if Nintendo transformed into a zombie, it would just be a purple zombie. However, when he turned around and saw the figure falling from the sky to the ground, his eyes suddenly became dull.

"Fly, fly, ah Feizheng?!"

At this moment, Mamadi finally knew what was going on with the uneasiness in his heart.

Glancing at the two apprentices who were standing stupidly on the street, Mumadi suddenly shouted with a livid face: "What are you two doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you hurry up!"

The moment he finished speaking, he pulled out a greasy mahogany sword from behind, put his finger into his mouth, bit it, and then touched the wooden sword.

At this time, Ah Hao and Ah Qiang were already rushing towards Nintendo with a bunch of talismans in their hands.

"Old ghost, look at the talisman!"

Seeing that he had arrived at Nintendo's side, Ahao angrily pressed the corpse-killing talisman towards Nintendo's forehead.

At the same time, Aqiang jumped up fiercely and kicked Nintendo's chest with both feet.

Nintendo looked at the two young men who were attacking him, with a trace of cruelty flashing in his eyes. Then just when the two men were about to approach him, he suddenly flew into the sky, and then A Qiang was hit hard on his back by kicking him in the air. When he fell to the ground, Nintendo kicked Ahao in the face who was holding the charm, and then slowly landed on the ground.

Suddenly there was only a 'pop' sound, Ahao screamed and flew backwards, hitting the door of the inn hard, causing the door to make a 'bang' sound.

In the inn, the shopkeeper who was about to open the door suddenly saw that the wooden door in front of him cracked open, and then a figure broke through the wooden door and flew in, hitting him directly.

The unsuspecting innkeeper was immediately hit by Ahao and fainted on the spot.

When the waiter on the side saw this, he hurriedly ran towards the second floor with a horrified look on his face. However, as soon as he stepped on the two steps, his face suddenly turned gloomy. Then he ran down the stairs and squatted next to the shopkeeper regardless of his own safety. He raised his hand and pulled the key from the shopkeeper's waist, and then swallowed. Then he glanced down at Ah Hao, who was covering his face and shouting in pain as he prepared to stand up. He quickly rushed to the counter, then hurriedly opened a small box on the counter with the key in his hand.

At the same time, outside the inn, Mamadi had already rushed in front of Nintendo brandishing a wooden sword. Then, just as he was about to stab Nintendo with his sword, he saw Nintendo raising his hand and suddenly grabbing the peach wood sword.

Momadi looked at the peach wood sword in his hand with dull eyes, and then at Nintendo, who was not hurt at all. His whole person was stunned.

While he was stunned, Nintendo pinched the peach wood sword in half, and then grabbed Momadi's neck with his other hand and lifted him up.

Aqiang, who was on the ground with a grin on his face as he clutched his back pain, saw that Mami was being grabbed by Nintendo's neck and lifted up. His expression suddenly changed. Regardless of the pain on his body, he quickly stood up and ran to Nintendo's side, and then clenched his fists. It hammered Nintendo in the chest.

After seeing this, Mamadi, whose face was already red, suddenly cursed with difficulty: "You fool, stick the charm on me."

Aqiang didn't react until he heard Mamadi's voice.

Then he took out a corpse-killing charm from his arms and put it on Nintendo's forehead, and then his expression calmed down.

Then, the moment he turned around and hugged Mamadi's legs, he felt a huge force coming from his back.

Immediately afterwards, he was kicked forward by this huge force and fell to the ground.

At this time, Ah Hao was walking out of the inn holding his waist.

Momadi, who was choked by Nintendo, saw that neither of the two apprentices could count on him and started to save himself. He first quickly touched Nintendo's forehead with the finger he had bitten before, and at the same time stretched out his legs to kick Nintendo's chest.

On a rooftop in the distance, Jiang Fei first said in surprise: "Taoism actually has no effect on Nintendo?" Then he suddenly lowered his head and looked at the two glass bottles in his arms.

Li Qing nodded when he saw this and said: "You are right, as long as you drink this thing, you will be immune to Taoism!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, Jiang Fei's face suddenly became serious, as if he was carrying rare objects, he carefully put the two glass bottles into the mail armor.

On the street, Momadi, whose neck was being strangled by Nintendo, was turning purple, and his eyes were rolling upwards.

And Ahao and Ahqiang were beating Nintendo's chest and back desperately.

Perhaps because the two people beside him were a little annoyed, Nintendo suddenly turned around and threw Ma Ma, who was about to faint, away, and slapped Ah Hao and Ah Qiang hard with both arms.

This is the fifth update, and the sixth update has been postponed to 8 o'clock.

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