Unify all heavens

Chapter 126 The first trial of corpse control!

Li Qing pressed the roll of yellow silk on the coffin with one hand, held the edge of the coffin with the other, and then looked at the general in the coffin.

I saw the general in the coffin with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a resolute face. He has a lightning rod-shaped golden helmet on his head and wears blue brocade armor. The 'lightning rod' style golden helmet is called a bowl. There is a hollow short tube on the top of the bowl, and some petal-shaped parts are installed at the base of the short tube. When in use, a component called a helmet gun will be installed on this short tube. The main body of the helmet gun is a cylindrical metal component with a disk on the top. This disk is called a helmet plate.

Various helmet tassels are usually installed below the helmet plate, and the top is installed above.

And the coat of armor, even after hundreds of years, still looks brand new.

Li Qing subconsciously took a look and found that the chain armor was forged from azurite, with moon-white silk lining and copper-plated nails on the outside. The armor is divided up and down, the clothes are divided left and right, and there is a circular breast mirror on the chest. The cuffs on the left and right sides are inlaid with coral beads and turquoise.

In addition, the general had his hands folded on his chest, and under his hands was an iron sword with a copper sheath more than one meter long.

If it weren't for the fangs protruding from the corners of his mouth, at first glance, it would be impossible to tell that this general had become a zombie.

After Li Qing admired the general's heroic appearance, he gradually tensed up.

Judging from the scenes that appeared before me, this general's corpse is a bit old, and it may be the oldest zombie in the world.

This general once said before his death that he had "protected the territory of the Qing Dynasty for more than ten years." If you think about it this way, this general may have become a flying zombie two or three hundred years ago.

Thinking of this, Li Qing's eyes flickered slightly, and then after taking another look at the general, he picked up the yellow silk clinging to the coffin at an extremely fast speed, and then quickly moved towards the general. Put it on the general's chest.

Because he was underwater, from Li Qing picking up the yellow silk to placing it on the general's chest, all these actions were blocked by the water flow, so it took about two or three seconds.

Although it was only a mere two or three seconds, the moment he picked up the yellow silk, the general in the coffin still opened his eyes, and when he put the yellow silk on the general's chest, the general He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Li Qing's arm.

Then when the general looked at Li Qing, Li Qing suddenly let go of his hand and let the yellow silk fall slowly.

At this moment, the general stood up suddenly, but he happened to bump into the roll of yellow silk. Suddenly, a childish voice appeared in Li Qing's ear.

With the sound of this voice, the general who was about to stand up suddenly closed his eyes, and then sank into the coffin. The hand on Li Qing's wrist was released and placed on his chest.

Looking at the general lying in the coffin, the nervousness in Li Qing's eyes slowly receded.

Just now when the general's eyes were on him, Li Qing felt that his soul was about to be frozen. Fortunately, the roll of yellow silk restrained him at the critical moment, otherwise he would have been doomed.

After all, this is a real Feizheng, and he has been suppressed for more than three hundred years. If he is unhappy, he may be wiped out in one bite.

After seeing that the general was suppressed again, Li Qing eased his fear a little, then slowly placed his right hand on the general's forehead, and then used his corpse energy to It was slowly transmitted to the general's forehead bit by bit, while silently reciting the Corpse Control Technique in his heart.

About three to five minutes later, Li Qing slowly picked up his hand from the general's forehead, then put his hand in front of his mouth and bit it down. At the same time, he controlled the corpse energy in his body to remove a trace of blood that had solidified in his heart. Slowly force it out from the tooth mark on the back of the hand. Then to avoid dispersing in the water, Li Qing used corpse energy to wrap up the strands of blood that had solidified into jet black blood, and then sent it into the general's mouth.

After doing all this, the purple on Li Qing's face had faded a bit.

Seeing the flash of purple on the general's face, Li Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes.

With a hint of anxiety, Li Qing stretched out his hand and slowly picked up the yellow silk from the general's chest.

At the same time, his purple eyes stared at the general, always ready to put down the yellow silk again.

Because he didn't know whether the corpse refining technique in the nameless mantra could be controlled across levels.

At this moment, the general in the golden coffin slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Li Qing saw a flash of purple light in his eyes, and his heart was suddenly enveloped in surprise.

It seems to be a success!

Just when Li Qing was thinking this, he saw the general looking sideways at him, and then he jumped out of the coffin with a changed expression. The so-called water flow did not stop him in the slightest.

Li Qing's eyes flashed as he saw the general kneeling in front of him with his head touching the ground.

Before Li Qing could raise his hand to help him, he heard a panicked voice coming from the general's mouth.

"This subordinate pays homage to the Lord, and hopes that the Lord will forgive the sin of disrespect of this subordinate!"

After hearing this, Li Qing was stunned for a moment. Can he talk in water? Then after noticing the faint layer of corpse aura on the general's face, he suddenly understood.

Immediately, he imitated the general's appearance, showing corpse energy on his face, and then tentatively said: "What is the crime of disrespect?"

Sure enough, the sound came out.

The moment he finished speaking, he heard the general say in fear: "The master is standing, how dare you lie down!" As he spoke, he kept kowtowing and knocked the sand at the bottom of the pool away. rise.

When Li Qing heard this, his expression suddenly became strange.

Tangtang was so stunned that he was so frightened that he knelt down and kowtowed because of such a trivial matter.

No wonder the emperor only wrote four words on yellow silk and suppressed him for more than three hundred years.

Now it seems that he is truly worthy of being the general who said, "The king teaches his ministers to die, but the ministers who do not die will be unfaithful."

Seeing that the general had turned the surrounding pool water turbid, Li Qing quickly said: "Get up first!"

After living for so many years, no one has ever kowtowed to him like this.

Suddenly encountering this kind of thing, Li Qing felt extremely weird in his heart.

After hearing Li Qing's words, the general kowtowed three more times and said at the same time: "Thank you, Lord, for forgiving the sins of my subordinates!" As he spoke, he stood up slowly.

Although he was standing, his body was always leaning forward, his head was lowered, and his eyes were looking at his feet.

Li Qing smiled bitterly in his heart when he saw this, and then said: "What are you doing? Just stand still!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the general say angrily: "How dare I raise my head and look directly at the Lord's holy face? This is a crime that exceeds the limit!"

This is the first update, the second update will be in an hour.

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