Unify all heavens

Chapter 116 Shocking News

"Ling ring ring~"

As the Sanqing bell rang, paper money fell on the muddy road, and the middle-aged man shouted in a deep voice: "Keep away from strangers! Immortals~return~"




Amid the beating sounds of the nine walking corpses, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's eyes lit up.

But a hundred meters ahead, there was a bamboo building sitting there.

There is a dark wooden pole standing in front of the bamboo building, with four head-sized white paper lanterns hanging on it.

As a gust of wind blew by, the four lanterns swayed, and the faint firelight in the lanterns also swayed.

After seeing this bamboo building, the middle-aged man immediately turned back to the two apprentices behind the nine walking corpses and said: "There is a zombie inn in front of you. You two, please pay attention and be careful of trouble coming from your mouth! Also, If there are other Taoist priests inside, you must remember to salute regardless of whether you know them or not!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the two young men responded feebly: "I understand, master!"

When the man heard that their tone was wrong, he frowned subconsciously, and then hummed softly. When he was about to throw up the paper money, he found that all the paper money in his hand had been thrown away, so he took out another wad from his arms and threw it over his head. At that moment, he suddenly shouted loudly: "Keep strangers away, the immortals are back!"

After the nine walking corpses, the two young men were suddenly startled by the middle-aged man's voice. One of the fair-faced young men curled his lips and said: "As expected of an old bachelor, after driving all night, he shouted Still so full of energy!"

After he finished speaking, another young man next to him winked at him and said with a smile: "Do you think everyone is the same as you? You go to Baiyuan Garden every now and then!"

After seeing the strange look on this young man's face, the fair-faced young man raised his brows and said, "Hey~ you are so ignorant now, haven't you heard a sentence? Young people should play more, middle-aged people should look at people. Play, old people don’t have to play~”

After he said this, another young man's eyes suddenly flashed with a look of envy, but his face showed a look of disdain, and he even sneered: "No wonder you are not good at Taoism. How can you learn Taoism well if your mind is full of these dirty thoughts?"

As they were talking, the face of the middle-aged man in front became serious.

Because from the bamboo building in front, an old man with a stooped figure and carrying a lantern walked out.

As they got closer and closer to the bamboo building, the middle-aged man immediately shouted in a low voice: "We are almost there, you two, be careful! If you make me embarrassed, see how I deal with you when I get back!"

As he spoke, he walked to the bamboo building, then quickly walked up to the old man holding the lantern, and said respectfully: "Uncle Liu!"

Uncle Liu was about to squint his eyes and look at the person coming, when he heard the voice of a middle-aged man. A smile appeared on his face, he nodded and said: "Oh~ It's Wuye!" Then he asked: "Is this trip worth it? smoothly?"

Taoist priest Wuye shook his head and said with a smile: "Fortunately, except for encountering a cat demon in the middle, this trip went smoothly!"

Hearing this, Uncle Liu sighed and said: "Oh~ I don't know what has happened in the past few years. Monsters are rampant and zombies are everywhere!" After speaking, he turned and walked towards the door, then waved his hand and said: "Since we met on the road Cat demon, just drive those walking corpses into the house in the backyard, don’t let the cat demon steal one or two of them!”

Taoist Master Wuye nodded, then turned back to the two disciples and shouted: "You two! Drive the zombies into the house in the backyard!" As he spoke, he took two steps to help Uncle Liu.

Uncle Liu sighed with some sigh and said: "I am old, I can't accept it anymore!"

While talking, the two walked into the house.

As soon as he entered the room, Taoist Priest Wu Ye quickly looked around and saw that six or seven people were already sitting in the room.

When the people in the room saw Taoist Priest Wuye come in, they smiled and nodded to him.

Taoist priest Wuye also smiled and nodded in return, then found an empty table and sat down.

At this time, I heard a few "bah", "bah" and "bah" sounds suddenly coming from the quiet room.

Others in the room were not surprised by this, but they also frowned slightly.

After Taoist Priest Wuye heard the sound, he subconsciously turned his head to look.

But I saw an unshaven middle-aged man gnawing on a greasy chicken leg. Then he held the chicken leg in his left hand, and his right hand was rubbing back and forth on the foot that had taken off his shoes on the stool.

A smile appeared on Taoist Priest Wuye's face, he quickly stood up and sat across from the middle-aged man, nodded and said with a smile: "I've met senior brother!"

The man who was gnawing on chicken legs raised his head when he heard the sound, and then the left hand that was rubbing his feet suddenly changed its target and clasped his buttocks. The next moment, a look of relief appeared on his face, and he said: "It turns out to be Wuye, Where are your two apprentices? Why haven't you seen them?"

Taoist priest Wuye smiled and said, "They are driving the zombies to the backyard!"

The middle-aged man nodded, and while chewing on the chicken legs, he asked vaguely: "Do you want to drink Lanquan here?"

Taoist Priest Wuye was stunned when he heard this. It took him a long time to realize that Mamadi was asking him, 'Is this trip safe? ’

Then he smiled and said, "Except for meeting a cat demon, I didn't encounter anything along the way!"

Momadi nodded when he heard this, and then focused on the half-eaten chicken leg in front of him.

At the same time, outside the bamboo building, Li Qing raised his neck with difficulty and looked at the four lanterns hanging on the wooden poles.

I saw the four big black characters of "stop", "corpse", "guest" and "inn" written in calligraphy on these four lanterns.

"Morgue Inn?"

Li Qing was stunned when he saw this. It turned out that the so-called 'zombie inn' was here.

At that moment, he jumped around the bamboo building, and finally hid under a window and looked inside.

Then his eyes widened suddenly, and he saw that among the seven or eight people sitting inside, there was actually Mumadi.

Sitting opposite Mamadi was the middle-aged man he had followed all the way.

At this time, in the room, Taoist Priest Wuye suddenly leaned forward and narrowed his eyes, lowered his voice and said: "I heard from Senior Brother Simu, are those zombie armies and dragon slayers who just slaughtered an entire town?"

Before he could finish speaking, Momadi, who was about to lower his head to bite the chicken leg, opened his eyes suddenly, and then hurriedly raised his hand to cover Taoist Wuye's mouth.

Outside the bamboo building, Li Qing's expression changed drastically in an instant.

Although the middle-aged man hurriedly reached out to cover his words before he finished speaking, this did not prevent Li Qing from guessing the two words he was about to say.

Then a look of shock flashed across Li Qing's eyes.

The zombie army is actually related to dragon slaying?

In the room, Taoist Priest Wuye was stunned for a moment, then looked at Mamadi's right hand holding the chicken leg, and then at the left hand covering his mouth.

If he guessed correctly, the hand that numbly covered his mouth then touched his buttocks after rubbing his feet.

Thinking of this, Taoist Wuye's eyes widened suddenly!

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