Unify all heavens

Chapter 111 The Five Divine Corpses!

After hearing Zhu Bi's words, Li Qing was startled and couldn't help blurting out: "Aren't the ancestors of zombies only the four great zombies: Ying Gou, Hou Qing, Han Bao, and Jiang Chen?"

Zhubi, who was about to introduce him to Li Qing enthusiastically, suddenly turned pale after hearing Li Qing's words. Then he gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Except for Hanba, I have never heard of the three you mentioned. , and Hanbao?" He sneered when he said this.

"Haha, a monster that failed to evolve dares to be called the ancestor of zombies?"

Li Qing was stunned when he heard the words. Just when he was about to ask, he heard Zhu Bi say coldly: "Boy, you have to be clear about one thing. Zombies are just a general term. In fact, under various stimulations of corpses, corpses There are also different types of corpses that turn into zombies, and the word zombie is the collective name for these corpses after they have transformed into zombies.”

When he said this, Zhubi glanced at Li Qing and continued: "Just because the corpse is stimulated by magic after death and causes the transformation, it can be divided into walking corpses, walking corpses, wandering corpses, flying corpses, etc. Not to mention that corpses stimulated by earth energy turn into lying corpses, corpses stimulated by yin energy turn into shadow corpses and zombies, corpses stimulated by yang energy turn into fake corpses, etc. There are so many types of zombies that it would take you a hundred years to I’ll never see you all!”

Listening to Zhubi's explanation, Li Qing was immediately stunned.

Seeing Li Qing's appearance, Zhubi added: "There are five ancestors of Yin corpses and zombies. The corpse with a broken body is Xingtian, and the corpse of Ya (ya) Yu (yu) is Ya (ya) Yu (yu). , According to the corpse - Zhubi, Prince Ye's corpse - Wang Hai, Xia Geng's corpse - Xia Geng!"

The moment Zhu Bi finished speaking, Li Qing nodded immediately.

The livid look on Zhubi's face slowly faded when he saw this, and then he said: "The longer you live, the clearer you will become about these things. Now let's talk about another thing!"

When Li Qing heard this, he looked at Zhu Bi and heard Zhu Bi say: "I came here for two reasons. Originally, I planned to inform you that the three Purple Coffin inheritors are targeting you."

After saying this, he glanced at Li Qing playfully and chuckled: "I didn't expect you to be lucky, and I happened to save your life. As for your second thing, I am planning to make a deal with you!"

After hearing Zhu Bi's words, Li Qing was suddenly stunned: "Deal?"

"Yes, deal!"

Zhubi narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice as he said, "I need you to do something for me in the future. If you agree, I will teach you a physical technique in advance!"

"Physical skills?"

Li Qing's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately remembered what Yin Jiuyou said to him before.

"A little jumper who has never even practiced taijutsu?"

So when he heard this word, Li Qing became curious.

Although he was curious, he did not agree immediately. Instead, he looked at Zhubi and asked, "Why did you choose me? The other three Purple Coffin inheritors should be much better than me!"

Zhubi pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and then suddenly chuckled: "Because you are more pleasing to the eye than them!"

After Li Qing heard this, he took a deep look at Zhubi, then nodded and said, "Okay! What do I need to do for you?"

Zhubi chuckled and said: "We will wait until you are stronger to discuss this matter. After all, let alone help me do this now, you just don't have the strength to get close to Yin Jiuyou!"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows and asked, "What kind of strength is Yin Jiuyou?"

Zhubi glanced at him with a half-smile and said, "I can only tell you that Yin Jiuyou became Feizheng three hundred years ago!"

Li Qing was shocked when he heard this, was Fei Zong three hundred years ago?

Just when he was shocked, he heard Zhubi say: "You don't have to panic. After all, as long as you don't come to this blood pillar, he won't be able to locate your location."

Li Qing fell silent upon hearing this, and what Zhu Bi meant was that Yin Jiuyou could already locate him.

No wonder Yin Jiuyou was so arrogant before.

Li Qing sighed in his heart. If he had the level of Yin Jiuyou, he might be even more arrogant than Yin Jiuyou.

After seeing Li Qing's silent look, Zhubi chuckled and said, "No need to be sad. If you learn a stronger physical skill, it is not impossible for the weak to defeat the strong." When he said this, Zhubi's eyes tightened. He stared at Li Qing closely, and then said with a serious face: "Boy, I have four physical techniques: Yin Ming Body, Five Elements Body, Corpse God Body, and Nine Nether Body. You can choose one to inherit!"

The moment he finished speaking, Li Qing suddenly grinned and said, "Senior, please recommend one for me!"

Zhubi's face was startled when he heard this, and then he laughed heartily and said: "Hahahaha, interesting and interesting, in this case I will teach you this corpse god body!"

After laughing, he said: "This corpse god body was created by the five of us corpse ancestors. After practicing, it is extraordinary, and it matches the residual art you learned! But this physical technique requires Start practicing as a corpse! Can you let go of your corpse energy?"

Li Qing's eyes flashed when he heard this, and then he nodded vigorously.

Seeing this, Zhubi chuckled and said, "In that case, just take two steps forward and lie down!"

The moment he finished speaking, Li Qing took two steps forward, then hesitated for a while, and finally lay down next to Zhubi with a firm look.

When Zhubi saw this, he opened his mouth and sucked in fiercely.

Then he saw streams of black smoke pouring out of Li Qing's body, then floating quietly two meters above Li Qing, and began to condense.

As the corpse energy in his body gradually decreased, Li Qing's figure became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After he became thin to a certain extent, the skin on his body slowly turned into lavender, and then turned into deep purple within a few seconds, and Li Qing's cheeks also became ferocious.

In just a few minutes, Li Qing's state slowly degraded from jumping to a corpse of a young man with a fair face.

At this time, all the corpse energy in his body was condensed into a black gas-like sphere as big as a human head, and then floated two meters above his body.

At this moment, Zhubi suddenly made a sound of surprise.

"Boy, where is your original body?"

The moment he finished speaking, Li Qing, who had degenerated into a corpse, suddenly opened his eyes.

Just after Li Qing opened his eyes, he saw Zhu Bi frowning and saying word by word: "The art of resurrecting the soul through the corpse?"

After Zhubi said these five words, he slowly closed his eyes and said: "Cultivating this corpse god body requires your original corpse. Please wait a moment and let me find your corpse!"

Li Qing, who was lying on the ground, suddenly panicked when he heard Zhu Bi's words.

But don't let this person see his true origin!

After all, this person is known as the ancestor of corpses!

Just when Li Qing thought of this, Zhubi, who had his eyes closed, suddenly widened his eyes, then took a sharp breath and said in shock: "You actually come from other time and space?"

Li Qing: "."

First of all, I would like to thank book friend Wanshen Zhizu for the 100 starting coins, book friend Zhai Bu Yu Zhai for the 1100 starting coin, book friend 160908203450155 for the 200 starting coin, book friend 161101110753708 for the 100 starting coin, book friend 161101110753708 for the reward of 100 starting coins. LZwei tipped 1000 starting coins, book friends gradually started tipping 100 starting coins, book friends tipped Coke bottles on the streets with 100 starting coins, and this is the second update. I have been thinking about the end of this chapter for a long time. It has been changed like this. If you are not satisfied, I will change it back tomorrow. This ending does not affect the development of the subsequent plot.

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