Unify all heavens

Chapter 106 Sanjiang Speech

According to tradition, since you have visited Sanjiang, let’s give a speech!

To be honest, I never thought that I would one day go to Sanjiang.

In fact, when he saw the short message in the background, the city owner was stunned for a long time, and then fell into a state of ecstasy.

After all, the city lord is a street writer.

I vaguely remember that I decided to become an author in 2008. I couldn't sleep the night I came up with this idea, so I went to an Internet cafe in the middle of the night and applied for a writer account at Qidian. And after thinking about it for more than a month, I finally wrote a book called "The Calamity of God". Well, at that time, this book was updated weekly, once a week.

Because I was in school at the time and couldn't type on a computer, I used a ballpoint pen to write down various settings and plots on pieces of white paper. Then it took me a week to finish the first chapter of 5,000 words. Because I was very introverted at the time, I didn’t dare to ask others to type for me, so I stayed in an Internet cafe for nearly 30 hours, surrounded by the smoky smell and rich feet. In the midst of the stench, I typed out 5,000 words in Pinyin one by one using the smart ABC input method with One Finger Zen, and then uploaded them.

During those more than 30 hours, I was in a state of excitement.

Then I wrote about 50,000 words in that book. In the end, my family felt that I was delaying my studies, so they ended the dream of City Lord novel and burned the tens of thousands of words of City Lord. Then I cried myself to bed.

From then on, I became more introverted. It was not until I went to work after graduation and watched my colleagues discussing the plot of "The Great Butler" that I continued to ignite my novel dream. I bought a notebook that night and started to continue writing. I thought about the plot while working during the day, and then went back to write it at night.

So, I was fired

Because the work is not serious.

At this point, the dream ended again.

It wasn't until the year before last that the city lord once again determined to write a book called "The Strongest Master in the End Times". Because of this book, the city lord had a falling out with his family. Then I moved out to live alone, and finally the book was signed.

It was also at that time that I learned that there was actually such an operation as signing a contract.

When the city owner returned home with the signed contract, he was scolded again. However, after being scolded for so many years, the city lord has become thick-skinned. Just pretend you didn’t hear it and go back to writing.

Then the book Eunuch.

Ever since I uploaded it, I have been called a eunuch by readers.

300,000 words are on the shelves, 1,800 are collected, and the average number is only about 60.

All the passion was extinguished by the readers' saliva, and then in March this year, I accidentally saw a player watching Uncle Ying's movie in an Internet cafe. That's how this book came about.

After uploading two chapters, a contract signing website manager came from the background.

Then Qinghu, the editor in charge, chatted with the city lord for a long time and asked me to change the beginning and title of the book.

This book was originally called "Zombie Saint", which was very frustrating.

This book broke many of the city lord's records and made the city lord even more uneasy. For this book, the city owner has already changed two jobs, and also left his third job some time ago. The purpose is to be able to write more every day.

To date, the collection of Zombie books has exceeded 13,000.

The more he collected, the more panicked the city owner became. He spent a lot of time every day reading all kinds of zombies, such as Zi Buyu, Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes, Classic of Mountains and Seas, and a series of other ancient books.

The purpose is to write this book well and make the protagonist look like a zombie.

Halfway through, I even stopped working for half a year to study the plot and rewrite the outline.

Recently, due to neurotic toothache, I read the chapters every day with white wine or salt water in my mouth. But even so, sometimes I can't concentrate at all because of the pain. Each chapter takes five minutes. Six hours or more to write. My mouth hurts every day, and sometimes tears come out of my eyes as I write.

Fortunately, all the hard work has been in vain, and I, the city lord, have gone to Sanjiang.

Now that I'm in Sanjiang, it will explode. However, because I already owe a lot of words before, I will start from tomorrow to Wednesday. During these three days, I will type all day long, and all the chapters I have written will be uploaded in the evening to pay off my debt. In these three days, I can write as many city lords as I can.

Two updates on Thursday.

It will be on the shelves on Friday, and then it will explode. Five updates are guaranteed. Based on the five updates, I can write as much as I can.

Well, in the second update today, the mayor is going to see his dentist.

I would like to bow my gratitude to the editor Qinghu Ju, Yuewen, and all readers who support this book.

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