Unify all heavens

Chapter 103: Worry at the sight of ghosts (Part 2)

Li Qing took a deep look at Wangcai, then turned around and jumped to the third floor.

Although he was only trapped by those half-corpse and half-demon for a few minutes, for the dragon slayer and the corpse demon, these few minutes were enough for a lot of things to happen.

I saw that the walls on the third floor were now covered with dense spider web-like cracks, and many rooms had collapsed.

Broken door panels and rubble with wall coverings were scattered in the long corridor.

At first glance, it looked like a disaster had occurred. There were few intact areas in the white corridor.




At this moment, there was a sound of hitting the wall at the corner at the end of the corridor.

The moment the voice sounded, Li Qing quickly jumped over.

For him, crossing the twenty-meter-long corridor was just a matter of seconds.

Almost immediately after the sound ended, Li Qing had jumped to the end of the corridor.

At the corner, I saw a dragon-slaying figure embedded in the wall in an awkward shape. The wall behind it had been dented by the impact, and was surrounded by spiderweb-like cracks.

After seeing Li Qing, Tu Long nodded slightly, and then turned his cold eyes to the figure surrounded by black smoke not far away.

Li Qing followed Tulong's gaze and saw the corpse demon covered in black smoke standing quietly more than ten meters ahead.

At this time, Tulong had struggled from the wall to stand on the ground. Then he twisted his neck and quickly rushed towards the corpse demon with his legs moving.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing followed the figure of the dragon slayer and quickly jumped towards the corpse demon.

But before he could get close to the corpse demon, Dragon Slayer was already standing in front of the corpse demon, and had already waved his arms to hit the corpse demon's head.

Just as he was about to hit the corpse demon's head with both arms of the dragon slayer, the corpse demon suddenly jumped back quickly to avoid the dragon slayer's attack, then jumped up fiercely and flew past the dragon slayer's head, heading towards the dragon slayer. Li Qing, who had not landed, came.

When Tulong raised his arms to intercept, he saw that the corpse demon was less than two meters away from Li Qing.

The Dragon Slayer's expression changed, and he quickly jumped up and approached the corpse demon.

Because the corpse demon was too fast, Li Qing saw a black shadow flashing in front of him one moment, and the next moment, the corpse demon was already in front of him.

When Li Qing reacted, he saw that the corpse monster's head had hit his chest.

Immediately afterwards, the impact force knocked Li Qing and flew backward.

The moment Li Qing was knocked backwards with his head, the corpse demon stayed in the air for a moment, then quickly raised its feet and kicked Li Qing in the chest, and it used this power to spin in the air instantly. He turned around and pounced on the dragon slayer who had already approached it.

Although he borrowed a force from Li Qing, this force was far inferior to the impact of Tu Long jumping up from the ground. Therefore, although the zombie demon pounced on the Dragon Slayer, the next moment it was hit by the Dragon Slayer and flew backwards.

The moment the zombie demon flew backwards, the right arm of the dragon slayer had already reached out to grab its shoulder. Then he quickly waved his other hand and stretched out two pale white fingers to fiercely dig into the corpse. In the demon's blood-red eyes.

Because there were long and sharp dark purple nails at the tips of the dragon-slaying fingers, the moment the fingers broke through the corpse demon's eyes, the nails on those two fingers rushed out directly from the back of the corpse demon's head.

At this time, there was only a "bang" sound, and Li Qing hit the depression where he had been before Tu Long, and like Tu Long, he also made a dent in the wall.

Li Qing jumped down from the wall with a gloomy face, then raised his eyes and looked forward, only to see Tulong just landing. And its left hand was clutching the corpse demon's head.

Seeing this scene, the gloomy look on Li Qing's face faded a bit, and then he suddenly opened his eyes and jumped towards Slaying the Dragon.

While he was still in the air, Li Qing raised his arms high, and then when he was about to land, his arms slammed down and hit the corpse demon's back angrily.

But this time, because the dragon slayer was holding on to the corpse demon's head, although the corpse demon struggled violently, it did not avoid Li Qing's arms.


The moment this voice sounded, the corpse demon's back was directly broken by Li Qing's arms.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse demon's spine and sternum were seen directly piercing through its chest, exposed to the air.

It wasn't until after this hit that Li Qing fell to the ground.

Because the spine and sternum had been smashed, the corpse demon was already paralyzed on the ground. Although his whole body was twitching and struggling to stand up again, he could not even lift his arms because he no longer had the support of his spine.

Only then did Dragon Slayer pull out his fingers from the corpse demon's eye sockets with black blood, and took out two broken eyeballs stained with black liquid.

Tu Long looked at the two eyeballs strung on his nails, and looked at Li Qing with twinkling eyes. He hesitated slightly and asked, "Master, what should I do with these two eyeballs?"

Li Qing looked at the eyeballs that were like black fish balls on Tulong's nails in astonishment, waved his hands in disgust and said, "You decide for yourself!"

The moment he finished speaking, he saw a hint of joy in Tulong's eyes, and then he ate the two eyeballs into his mouth without hesitation, just like eating skewers.



Only two weak sounds were heard from Tulong's mouth, and then it began to chew expressionlessly in front of Li Qing.

At this moment, a slight 'click' sound was heard from the corpse demon under his feet.

The moment he heard the sound, Li Qing suddenly lowered his head and looked at the corpse demon paralyzed on the ground.

At this sight, Li Qing's expression changed drastically, and even his eyes instantly narrowed.

I saw that the originally sunken back of the corpse demon was slowly swelling at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, part of the corpse energy exuding from the body suddenly disappeared, and as the corpse demon's back swelled, The corpse aura is also continuing to disappear.

After seeing this, Li Qing's face turned cold, and he raised his foot and kicked the corpse demon's gradually bulging back hard.

Just when his feet were about to touch the corpse monster's back, he saw the corpse monster's body lying on the ground suddenly sliding away from his feet at an extremely fast speed.


The moment the corpse demon's body slid away on the ground, Li Qing's feet stepped on the ground, cracking the white tiles on the ground instantly.

Li Qing raised his eyes and saw that the corpse demon's body was sliding towards the distance as if there was an invisible rope pulling rapidly.

At this time, Tulong just chewed up the two eyeballs in his mouth and swallowed them.

It glanced at the corpse demon that had slid more than 20 meters away, quickly raised its foot and stepped hard on the ground, and then used this force to quickly rise into the air and approach the corpse demon's body.

First of all, I would like to thank book friend Zhou Yunsheng for the reward of 100 starting coins, and book friend 20171002231440045 for the reward of 500 starting coins.

This is the first update. If the status is good, it will be updated every two hours. If the status is bad, the next chapter will be at 12 o'clock.

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