Unify all heavens

Chapter 1 White ***

Chapter 1 Bai


Black clouds covered the moon, the north wind howled, and then a thunder suddenly sounded through the night sky.

In the main hall, an old man wearing a dark robe, a gloomy appearance, and a goatee was sitting on a tiger-skin lounge chair, his withered hands resting on the armrests, his eyes slightly squinting as he listened to a fair-faced man not far away in front of him. Youth report.

As the thunder sounded, the old man's hands trembled slightly, and he raised his cold eyes to look at the night sky, his eyes full of surprise.

My corpse palace is enveloped by a large formation, how can there be the sound of thunder?

After a long time, a cold light flashed in the old man's eyes, he shook his head gently, looked at the young man who was leaning over him, and said indifferently: "How is Ding Sanxiang's injury?"

The young man had no expression on his face, but shook his head slightly and said: "His face is blue, and his heart has been attacked by corpse poison. The senior brothers of the Medical Sect are treating him!"

The old man sneered when he heard this, and said with a serious face: "There is no need for treatment. Throw Ding Sanxiang directly into the Yin Pond. The dignified disciple of the inner palace will actually be injured by his own corpse. What else can such disciples do to treat him?"

The young man's body trembled and he bowed: "I will obey the elder's decree!"

The old man snorted coldly and sat up slowly, his triangular eyes full of indifference: "Where is that evil beast?"

The young man pursed his lips, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, and said in a trembling voice: "We haven't found it yet. But that white corpse has the mark of our corpse house on it. I believe it will be found soon!"


The old man cursed angrily.

The young man's body trembled, and he suddenly bent over and said in fear: "Elder, calm down!"

The old man stared at the young man with a pair of triangular eyes and said word by word: "I don't care about anything else, but! I want to hear good news before the sun comes up tomorrow. If not, you go and accompany Ding Sanxiang! Do you understand? ?”

The young man's throat twitched when he heard this, and he raised his hands with trembling arms and said, "Yes."

"Get down!"

On the other side, in a lush mountain forest, a humanoid monster with white eyes and two fangs, covered in black and smoking, lay motionless on the ground.

Looking at the night sky covered with black clouds, Li Qing was horrified. He asked himself how he could travel through time inexplicably after living for more than twenty years without doing anything wrong.

The computer exploded, there was thick fog, even if he was hit by a car, there was no sign at all. One second he was lying on the bed, and the next second the world changed drastically.

And he actually traveled through the body of a half-dead white corpse that had just been struck by lightning.

Li Qing felt a little upset when he thought of this. After all, he was also a young man who grew up watching Uncle Nine movies. He knew that Bai *** was the lowest among the zombie family.

It may also be due to the world. In Uncle Nine's movies, it is very easy to become a zombie. You only need to be lightly bitten by a zombie, and then in a few hours you will be invulnerable and kill everyone, waiting to be killed by Uncle Nine. Just eliminate it.

In this world, only those who are not afraid of the sun can be called zombies. Before that, they must first experience white hair, black hair, and then the black hair will recede and the skin will turn purple. As for this stage, if there are no accidents, it usually takes tens to hundreds of years.

Li Qing felt a little headache when he thought of this.

Not to mention dozens or hundreds of years, if he can survive tonight, it will be considered a mercy from God.

After all, from the countless fragments of memory of this white body, he could clearly see the strength of this corpse house. On weekdays, the disciples would step on the coffin and fly into the sky at every turn. And those elders all rely on escape light to travel.

It can be inferred from this that the level of this world is definitely not low.

And just such a group of awesome people may come to trouble him soon.

The reason is that this zombie suddenly became aggressive when it was being fed blood by its owner not long ago. It raised its arms and struck the owner's chest with its long and sharp nails, killing the owner's chest on the spot. Several bloody holes were inserted.

Judging from Li Qing's experience of watching zombie movies for more than ten years, if you are injured by a zombie like this, you are probably not far from death.

Just because a low-level zombie injured the original owner and still had the intelligence to escape, how could the Corpse House let him go, and he still had the mark of the Corpse House on his head.

With a stiff neck and some effort, Li Qing looked down at his body that was still smoking. Li Qing couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

I was also miserable. As soon as the white body's mind was struck by lightning and disappeared into smoke, he arrived. As a result, I still have the sequelae of numbness all over my body and almost being unable to move.

It wouldn't matter if the zombie was of a high level, it would still be able to fight. After all, zombies of a high level are said to be invulnerable to fire and water.

With this kind of physique, Duo can survive this period of weakness. However, what he passed through was a body that could almost be said to be extremely weak.

Based on fragmented memories, I learned that although Bai Dao was extremely powerful and ordinary swords could not hurt him at all, he was afraid of chickens, dogs, humans, fire, thunder, and sunlight. To put it simply, in this world, he is afraid of anything with strong yang energy. As soon as he encounters it, he will fall to his knees in an instant.

Even the low-level disciples in the Corpse Mansion had to smear corpse water on their bodies when they were refining Baidu to insulate themselves from the human aura. Otherwise, the Baifu would be killed by the human aura before they could get close.

Just thinking of these, Li Qing had given up hope for his future.

If the Corpse Mansion disciple who came to seek revenge on him had not wiped his body with corpse water to isolate his popularity, he would have been killed by his popularity before the other party could get close.


Time passed slowly, and the sequelae of Li Qing's body being struck by lightning gradually disappeared as time passed.

The moment Li Qing stood up with heavy breaths, his forehead suddenly became hot. Li Qing's expression immediately changed, and he secretly screamed something bad. He hurriedly controlled this unfamiliar body and jumped forward to escape.

He learned from the fragmented memory of this zombie that the Corpse Mansion used secret techniques to tattoo the word "corpse" on the forehead of each zombie, firstly for the convenience of control, and secondly for positioning.

At this time, his forehead was hot, and it was most likely someone from the Corpse Mansion who came to find him.

Perhaps due to the time travel, Li Qing found that although the surrounding night became pitch black due to the weather, his eyes could still see the scenery in front of him clearly.

Li Qing's heart moved. As far as he knew, low-level zombies were completely blind and deaf, relying on their sense of smell to identify everything around them.

Thinking of his own uniqueness, Li Qing's eyes flickered. It seemed that this white body still had secrets waiting to be discovered.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the sky, accompanied by several roars!

"You evil beast, where can you run away!!!"

"Wuna Bai Zhan, stop for me!!!"

Damn it! ! !

Li Qing's body trembled subconsciously when he heard the sound, and then he hurriedly increased the beating frequency.

The scenery on both sides flew past Li Qing's eyes in an instant. He listened to the sound of wind passing through his ears, and a bitter feeling emerged in his heart.

In the air, three figures squatted half-crouched on top of huge coffins. Even though the hurricane hurt their cheeks, the anger in their eyes did not weaken at all.

Staring at the strange and fast-beating figure below, the anger in the hearts of several people grew stronger and stronger.

If it hadn't been for this evil beast, they were sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing kung fu at the moment, how could they have suffered such a crime.

Among the three, a young man with a slower flying speed saw that the speed of his flying coffin was not even as fast as the beating speed of the evil beast below. His heart was filled with rage, and he drew a long sword from behind without thinking. , raised his hand and threw it forward hard, pinched the seal with the other hand, and let out a loud shout.


When the other two young people heard the word from the young man behind them, their expressions changed and they hurriedly wanted to intercept them. However, they did not expect that when they had this idea, they saw Feijian coming from behind at an extremely fast speed. The two people passed through each other fiercely, shooting towards the figure still jumping hard below.

When the two saw this, they could only slow down with pale faces and glared at the young man who sent out the flying sword.

You must know that before they set off, they had been warned many times that this white body was still of great use, they just needed to capture it, and don't do anything harsh.

If not, how could the two of them only fly in the coffin without using other means.

But now it's all over. Based on their understanding over the years, not to mention a white corpse that has just evolved successfully, not even Zi Zhan can resist their sword.

Thinking of this, the two looked at each other with flashing eyes, and then looked coldly at the junior brother who was catching up.

Li Qing, who was still trying to escape, didn't know what was happening in the sky and only wanted to speed up.


As a sound broke through the air, Li Qing's body was suddenly driven forward by a huge force.

Li Qing's expression changed, and his eyes instantly dimmed.

Supercontrolling his stiff neck, he looked down with difficulty, only to see a sword tip with flowing ink on his chest.

And his body around the tip of the sword was like paper exposed to high temperatures, billowing black smoke, and the strength in his body gradually disappeared.

Li Qing instantly became weak, and the scenery in front of him slowly became blurry.

At this moment, a flash of purple suddenly flashed across the blurry scenery ahead.

At this time, Li Qing seemed to have returned to his previous life when he was lying in bed with a high fever. At that time, his mind was just like now, confused and dizzy.

At this time, that purple color flashed before his eyes again.

But this time, Li Qing's eyes happened to catch him.

This is a palm-sized purple coffin with four seal characters engraved on it.

Li Qing's pale eyes blinked, and a strange feeling surged in his heart. This feeling seemed to be urging him. Subconsciously, Li Qing read these words slowly.

"Tiantian coffin, blessing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, time seemed to have stopped. Then the sky changed drastically. One second it was pitch black, and the next second there was lightning and thunder.

At the same time, the three figures in the sky looked at the changed sky, their faces instantly turned pale. Listening to the endless roar, the three people subconsciously looked at the figure in the distance who had a flying sword pierced through the chest and nailed him in the chest. The silhouette of a big tree.

I saw a rotating purple light door appearing around the white body, with thunder snakes dancing in the light door. Then the white body slowly floated into this strange light door along with the flying sand, rocks, flowers, plants and leaves around him that were sucked up by the strong suction force.

After the white *** disappeared, the scene in the sky also disappeared instantly.

Only the three people with dull eyes and bloodless faces were left standing in mid-air, speechless for a long time.

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