Zhou Fangwu was a little overwhelmed by the vigor of the endlessly thirsty loli.

I had no choice but to leave behind the clamor of [fight again another day], and ran out quickly to save myself from the disaster.

When I came out of Betty's forbidden library, the sky was getting dark, and the sun was about to set.

Twisting his sore waist, Zhou Fangwu walked to the kitchen.

It is possible that what she said before really angered Ram. She didn't prepare lunch for Zhou Fangwu, and she didn't even have Betty's.

That's going too far.

I wanted to complain to Ram and express my grievances to her, but seeing Ram pacing back and forth in the kitchen at this time, he looked very disturbed.

What could make the calm and indifferent Ram so restless?

Curiously, he stepped forward and asked, "Lam, what's the matter? He looked flustered, what happened?"

"...What, it's Wu?"

Ram was still excited when he heard the voice, but he sighed unhappily when he saw that it was Zhou Fangwu.

You really hurt my fragile heart like this.

"What's the matter, I feel even more upset after seeing me."

"Rem and the others haven't come back yet."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu's question, Ram said quickly, his tone full of worry.

"What, haven't you come back yet?!"

Zhou Fangwu also frowned, "Did something happen to delay the return journey?"

"I don't know." Ram shook his head.

"Don't worry, they may be walking back, even if Caiyue-kun is playful, but Rem won't."

Comforting Ram with an anxious face, he thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I'll go find it."

Ram also said: "I will go too."

"No, you can't go! Ram will stay in the mansion to keep watch."

Zhou Fangwu refused: "If Roswaal is not here, if you and I leave, what if someone takes advantage of the emptiness of the defense to make trouble? This is very likely to be someone else's secret plan, so we can't be unprepared."

Ram hesitated to speak.

She also knew that the high probability of Zhou Fangwu's analysis was true at this time, and she also agreed with what Zhou Fangwu said.

But she was still worried about Rem's safety.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

A short sentence brought her a great sense of peace of mind.

After hesitating for a while, he had no choice but to say:

"Be careful and have a good trip."

"Oh, leave it to me!"

Under Ram's concern, Zhou Fangwu turned around and ran faster.

She didn't see Zhou Fangwu's expression with his back turned to her at all.



When Zhou Fangwu ran to the village, he saw many people wandering around the border with the monster forest.

Holding a bright torch in his hand, it seems to be a beacon for people far away.

At the same time, his expression was anxious and full of worry, he wanted to go in but he didn't dare to trespass without authorization.

For them, rushing into the forest of monsters at night is no different from seeking their own death.

"Hey, what's the matter!"

Zhou Fangwu ran up and asked loudly: "What happened, why are you all gathered here?"

"I am the head of the village, may I ask if you are..."

A stooped old woman leaning on a cane stepped forward to ask.

"I'm a knight from the lord's house, and I'm here to find someone."

"Find someone?"

"Natsuki Subaru, Rem, and Emilia."

Zhou Fangwu said their names first, and then quickly described their appearance, "A black-haired boy in a housekeeper's uniform with fierce eyes; there is also a maid's uniform..."

"Ah, it's Subaru!"

Before he could finish speaking, a child shouted Natsuki Subaru's name first.

It seems that he gets along very well with the children, and the implementation of the plan is also very smooth.

"Oh, it's that little guy."

The village chief also frowned, and said in a deep voice: "He came out of the monster forest before, but he ran in again."

"Run in?"

"Well, it should be to save those two little girls."

"That's right..."

Zhou Fangwu nodded clearly, and said to the village chief: "I'll go in and look for them. If they come out first, let them wait here and don't go in again."

"Yes, I'm sorry to trouble you, Lord Knight."

"It's okay, it's our problem."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Fangwu turned around and ran into the monster forest.

"Enemy perception!"

Zhou Fangwu's skills were released the moment he entered the Warcraft Forest.

But the [Perception] skill consumes a lot of energy, and he can't use it all the time, so he has to use it again after a certain distance.

However, even so, he sensed that something was wrong.

Gradually entering the forest of monsters, Zhou Fangwu frowned slightly.


It's so quiet!

Not a sound at all!

Although the Warcraft forest at night is quiet, it doesn't mean that there are no sounds.

The sound of breathing, friction, and chirping of animals should be standard in the deep forest at night. But now, there was no other sound except the rustling of the trees in the breeze.

Pull out the Sun Wheel Knife and keep an eye on your surroundings.

Just as he was setting his posture, a black figure appeared from behind, and the concealed knife light went straight to his lower back!

But Zhou Fangwu, who used the [Perception] skill, didn't panic, the sun wheel knife in his hand was already waiting there.


The fire flared up and dissipated in an instant.

The attacker missed a hit and opened the distance again, and then quickly moved and tumbling around Zhou Fangwu in the dark forest. The speed was so fast that he could hardly see his figure, and the sound made during the jump was also inaudible.

Be strong!

Zhou Fangwu didn't speak, but silently turned on the [Design (Water)] to fight, and the solemn and dignified pattern appeared on his face again.

As if taking this as a signal, the sneak attacker appeared in front of him instantly and slashed at him.


After being stopped again, the attackers distanced themselves again.

But this time, he didn't give Zhou Fangwu a buffer time. Instead, he bullied him countless times, and every time he was blocked, he came to find an angle~www.wuxiamtl.com~ one knife after another.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

The dense impact sounded in the dark forest, like a brisk and cheerful percussion music.

It's just that the murderous intent hidden in it will lead to death if you are not careful, which makes most people unable to cooperate with their performance.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the impact sound is getting denser and denser, as if the song is gradually reaching a climax!


The raiders did not attack again.

Should have said 'Ding! ’ The sound turned into an empty swing without rhythm, and Zhou Fangwu frowned slightly because he didn’t catch up with the rhythm, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Facing the sneak attacker who appeared from behind using tricks, he should have slashed at him.

But he realized that there was no malicious attack, so he let the other party hug him.


A familiar, poppy-like sweet and fragrant smell poured into his nostrils; then the warm and smooth body pressed against his back, making his tight back even more straight.

This fatal allure will make people addicted if they are not careful.

"Ah, I thought you would cut it over."

A charming voice came to his ears, and the warm breath aroused the sensitive areas of the ears, making Zhou Fangwu shake his shoulders unconsciously.

But in this way, on the contrary, he was feeling the smoothness of clinging to his back.

"Hmm~ good or bad."

There was another whimpering sound that made people think about it.

What a leprechaun!

Zhou Fangwu secretly thought, and sighed.

Then he took away the jade hands that had been stroking her waist and abdomen, and turned around to look at the tall and slender woman who was always full of charm.

"Long time no see, Elsa."

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