Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 80: In fact, "From 0" is a realistic children's development game?

the next day

Zhou Fangwu woke up early.

He was supposed to get up and go to morning exercises, but he didn't leave immediately, instead he sat on the bed a little suffocatedly in a daze.

This morning he experienced the wake-up service from the pretty maid. Even though there was only Ram alone, he was very satisfied.

However, what happened next made him a little upset.

"Guest, it's not a good habit to stay in bed all the time, it's time for you to get up."

Although Lamu spoke respectfully, her expression was disgusted, as if Zhou Fangwu, who had delayed her tidying up the room, was a big villain.

"I say, Ram."

"What's the matter, guest who loves lazy beds."

"How is this going?"

Zhou Fangwu pointed to the neatly folded white clothes placed beside the bed, and asked, "Why did you prepare this dress for me?!"

Unfolding the white formal suit in front of him, it can be regarded as the best in the Earl's Mansion in terms of style, texture, and comfort.


Is this a knight suit? !


No matter how you look at it, this outfit is the formal dress of the Knights in "From Zero", right?

"Ah, is it possible that the guest's eyes are suddenly not working well, and he can't even see the knight uniform?"

Ram whipped Zhou Fangwu mercilessly with his venomous tongue, and said in a displeased tone: "Master Roswaal specially asked for this to be prepared for you. You should be grateful to Dade for accepting it."


Zhou Fangwu couldn't accept her drastic change of attitude.

Since Zhou Fangwu bluntly said at the dinner table yesterday that she was going to duel with Roswaal, and both of them came back with scars in the evening, her attitude towards Zhou Fangwu took a turn for the worse and became very unfriendly.

Although Ram has a vicious tongue by nature, she is even more vicious now than before!

Zhou Fangwu believes that, to a large extent, he caused Roswaal to be injured.

Really, it's too small.

Although he is also wrong.

But Zhou Fangwu still made the last struggle and asked: "I am not a knight conferred by the kingdom, will I be criticized for wearing a knight's formal attire? This is the best evidence to criticize Roswaal, and I will not leave it to be manipulated." Is it the handle?"


Ram, who had a heart for Roswaal, also tensed up after hearing this, but she still decided to obey the master's words.

"Rahm doesn't think people like Wu are qualified to be knights, but..."

With the usual venomous tongue, he said very loyally: "But this is Lord Roswaal's arrangement, and Ram just needs to follow the arrangement."


It seems that the persuasion was fruitless.

Damn it!

Was counted!

Roswaal, you plot against me!

At this time, Zhou Fangwu finally realized how deep the routine of the 400-year-old monster is!


During the [Friendly Discussion] between the two, Roswaal proposed to let him take up the position of knight guard that Emilia is currently vacant, and asked him to think about it.

On the surface, he admired his strength and hoped that he could assist Emilia.

But in fact, Zhou Fangwu suspected that Roswaal just followed the instructions of [Book of Wisdom (Youth Edition)] and wanted to keep him.

Natsuki Subaru is already Roswaal's servant, so there is no need to worry.

But I am different.

My request is to duel with Roswaal once.

After the goal is achieved, will you stay or choose to leave?

Roswaal must not be sure what his next move will be.


Keep yourself by your side by letting yourself be Emilia's guard!

It's just that he has been refusing before, indicating that he has no intention of being a knight of Emilia.

So Roswaal played a trick in the duel, deliberately burned all his clothes, and prepared a brand new knight suit for himself.

"What's the matter, guest, do you want Ram to help you get dressed?"

Ram picked up the knight uniform and shook it, and said to him again: "What a coquettish child, there is no way, Ram will help you get dressed. Come on!"

Hey, wait!

What's the matter with the tone of coaxing children?


Zhou Fangwu couldn't help sighing.

That fellow Roswaal threw the knight uniform over without hesitation.

The implication is that there are only two choices, either choose to wear it, or choose to run naked.

But as long as he puts it on, it will definitely become the result of him serving as Emilia's knight in the end.


Raising an [immature son] is already tiring enough, so why give yourself a [silly, white and sweet daughter]?

Is this asking me to play a real-life parenting game?

I'm only 20 years old!

I don't have a girlfriend yet!

Zhou Fangwu was extremely entangled.

"Guest, although not wearing clothes is a kind of performance art, it's better not to do it in the Earl's mansion, it will lower Lord Roswaal's external evaluation."

Seeing Zhou Fangwu's tangled state, Ram's mouth curled up into a secret smile, but there was a merciless poisonous tongue on his mouth, and at the same time he was still urging him.

"Also, Lord Emilia will have the eye of a needle."


"The president is the eye of the needle."

She repeated it twice.

I just don't know if she's talking about Emilia this time, or about herself.

"I know, I know, I wear it, can't I wear it?"

That's it, Zhou Fangwu had to put it on too.

【Roswaal, I must add two dark circle eye shadows to your clown makeup! 】

He secretly made up his mind in his heart that he must make Roswaal look good while getting ready to get up and change clothes.

But when he was about to change his clothes, he found that Ram was still standing here.

"Well... Ram, I'm going to change my clothes..."

"Ah, yes."

Ram replied coldly, but didn't make any move to go out.

As a last resort, Zhou Fangwu said again, "Well, I have to change my clothes."

"What's the matter, do you want Ram to help you change your clothes, yes."

Ram gestured to help him get dressed.

"That's not what it means!"

Zhou Fangwu said in a little embarrassment: "Someone is staring at me, I am very shy!"

"Ah, yes, please assume that Ram is not here."

Ram also saw Zhou Fangwu's hint that he wanted to leave~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but she was still unmoved.

He just closed his eyes slightly, pretending not to see.

I suspect you have an idea of ​​me, and have evidence!

never mind.

As a man, Zhou Fangwu wouldn't be too flustered with a woman watching beside him, it was just a little embarrassing.

Let her watch if she wants to.

No less meat.

Zhou Fangwu quickly took off his pajamas and prepared to change into the knight uniform.



Why does this seemingly simple and monotonous knight uniform have so many buttons inside? !

He couldn't button the complex and complicated clothes, and he was in a hurry until he was sweating profusely.

"Ha ha."

Ram's laughter was so small that it was almost inaudible, but Zhou Fangwu, who had super hearing, could still hear it.

A little embarrassing.

In the end, Ram stepped forward slowly and gently helped him tidy up.

It seems that her purpose from the beginning was to help Zhou Fangwu successfully change into the knight uniform.

Sorry Ram, misunderstood you.

After a while, the change of clothes is completed, and the whole person is completely new!

He has a handsome and stylish face, short black hair, and an unusually tailored knight uniform on his slender and tall body. A black Japanese knife hangs around his waist to form a perfect black and white match.

Highlight one word: handsome!

However, the armband that originally represented the kingdom on the left shoulder was removed, and instead the word [武] was sewn with golden silk thread.

This made Zhou Fangwu very satisfied!

He decides:

Just punch the word [武], and when you hit Roswaal later, it's better to be lighter.

Afterwards, the two left the bedroom together.

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